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Scavenger Hunt Research Paper

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Crunch. Crunch. And at that moment, my heart stopped. A buck stepped out of a cedar thicket about twenty yards to my left. All my time and preparation climaxed at this moment; all I needed to do was shoot. Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to shoot a big buck. When I was three, I told my family to act as if they were deer, and I would pretend to shoot them. They would have to fall over dead with their tongues hanging out, and I would sneak up to them, hold their head up by their hair pretending as if I had killed them, and look into the camera, proudly exclaiming “Now that’s a big buck!” Watching the many hunting shows with my dad and his good friend G.W., I had learned very early on how to practice my hunting skills.
As a hunter, a reliable …show more content…
Originally, I had been hunting in a spot that my dad had located on the northwest side of my lease, but when I noticed a continuous flow of deer trotting through the trees across the clearing, I decided to move my stand. My dad questioned my decision, but I felt that I had enough reason to change because the area had plenty signs of deer movement. I set up a trail camera, and viewed the pictures several times. In the snap shots, I saw a allusive ten point buck and multiple doe. This buck, an old, swollen necked, and swayed backed brute of a deer, we named Bruce. He trotted through this area a few times, so I knew that he was nearby. He was a nice sized buck, and I hoped to see him; I knew that I had to be in the right place at the right time to take a …show more content…
Following the blood trail, I was very nervous. Eventually, dad spotted the deer from afar, but I could not see it. I frantically asked “where, where?” We walked up behind him and poked the buck in the back to make sure he was dead; my nervousness was overcome with pure excitement. I proudly took pictures with my ten point buck. Unknowingly, my dad had spotted that buck five hundred yards away from me earlier in the day and texted me saying that a good buck was headed my way, but I never got the text. It was luck that drove the deer towards me, and it was even luckier that he stopped five yards from my tree. I dragged the hundred and twenty-pound deer out of the woods and loaded him up in the back of the truck. When all my hard work was finished, and we were about to go back to our camp, my dad gave me a hug. Though this does not sound too important to most, it was that point in my day that I was most proud of myself. I knew that he was proud of me. Saying “Good job, bud,” he gave me a feeling of pride because I had done everything on my

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