...The school board of Redeemer Community Christian School (RCCS) is a formally structured group that fulfills a particular need of the overall organization. It meets Shockley-Zalabak’s definition of a “directional group”, or one that “establishes policy and is generally responsible for both the oversight and the performance of the organization (2012, p. 187)”. The school board is co-located group of six individuals who set school policies, make financial decisions, and provide overall guidance about the direction and mission of the school. The school board has the final word of authority in all matters related to the running of the school. Communication within the Group Group communication roles tend to fall into three important classifications: task roles, maintenance roles, and self-centered roles (Shockley-Zalabak, 2012). The RCCS school board exhibits two of these: task roles that help them accomplish goals, and maintenance roles which facilitate social support among members. Fortunately, self-centered roles, which tend to exhibit negative behavior and slow down the work of the group, are not normally experienced within Redeemer’s school board. Specific communications within the school board primarily take place during their semi-monthly meetings. The group meets for 2-3 hours every other Tuesday evening to discuss the business of the school and make decisions. The school board members also communicate via phone or email between meetings to update...
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...MEMORANDUM To: Headmaster, Acting Board of directors and Members Of the Audit Committee From: Ronald Anson, Athletic Director Date: 3/15/2015 ------------------------------------------------- Subject: Self-Audit of Title IX in Athletic Program Broadwater Academy PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY The Headmaster and Board of Directors want to be proactive, they would like the athletic department to conduct a Title IX audit. This audit is to ensure the Broadwater Academy is in compliance with all Title IX criteria for athletics. SCOPE AND METHODOLGY To help understand why this audit is being conducted, it is necessary to have some history: “The original legislation, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C 1681 et seq., is a Federal statute that was signed into law by President Richard Nixon on June 23, 1972.” (NIAAA, 2011) “Title IX regulations provide that: No person shall on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, be treated differently from another person, or otherwise be discriminated against in any interscholastic, intercollegiate, club or intramural athletics offered by a recipient, and no recipient shall provide such athletics separately on such basis.” (Justice) Justice, T. U. (n.d.). http://www.justice.gov/crt/about/cor/coord/ixlegal.php. Retrieved from Title IX Legal manual: http://www.justice.gov/crt/about/cor/coord/ixlegal.php NIAAA. (2011). Leadership Training LTC 506 Legal Issues II;...
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...Warriors Don’t Cry: Notes, Summaries, and Other Information Key Facts full title · Warriors Don’t Cry: A Searing Memoir of the Battle to Integrate Little Rock’s Central High author · Melba Patillo Beals type of work · Memoir genre · Nonfiction, memoir, biography language · English time and place written · 1990s, The United States date of first publication · 1994 publisher · Pocket Books narrator · Melba Patillo Beals point of view · The book is the story of Melba’s teenage life, and the adult writer, Melba, is both the narrator and the protagonist. Melba tells the story from the first person point of view. tone · Restrained anger tense · Past setting (time) · Early 1950s setting (place) · Little Rock, Arkansas protagonist · Melba Patillo major conflicts · The attempt made by Melba and eight other African-American students to integrate into Little Rock High School rising action · The Supreme Court rules in Brown v. the Board of Education that separate schools are not equal; Melba volunteers to go to the all-white Central High School; Melba and eight other African-American students enter Central High. climax · Ernie becomes the first black student to graduate from Central High School. falling action · Unable to return for a second year at Central High School, Melba moves to California and lives with a white family; she becomes a journalist and reports on injustices around the world. themes · The shifting of power through...
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...Research Article Critique Braverman, Gail. (2003). “No Child Left Behind Act leaves no “wiggle room.” Michigan Association of School Boards Journal. Article Summary “No Child Left Behind leaves no “Wiggle Room,” by Gail Braverman was published in 2003 by the Michigan Association of School Board Journal. Within this article Braverman discusses how NCLB will asses schools and hold them accountable. He also gave tips to school boards and teachers on how to make sure they are meeting the standards set by this new piece of legislative. According to this special report the No Child Left Behind Act was signed into law in 2002 by president George W. Bush. The law states that schools will reach 100 percent proficiency for all students by 2013-2014....
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...was made during the first meeting was to develop a portfolio plan for General Motors. Having the project split into separate sections for submission helped to prioritize our work, especially in early phases of the project. On the other hand, this project schedule also caused some problems in the end since the team mainly focused on the next section due rather than subsequent parts of the project, which often came back to give us problems later. This could have been prevented by reallocating the load on resources more evenly throughout the duration of the project instead of adjusting the amount and style of work from week to week. From the very beginning of the project, the group jumped right into the discussion of the project, rather than determine team mechanics or organizational structure. For instance, we opted not to assign a team leader to the group because: 1) we felt that there was not really a need for one, and 2) we felt comfortable playing off each other teammate's strengths in order to divide and complete the project tasks. Communication, as in any project, was a very important aspect that was addressed early on during the forming stage. By explaining our availability for the remainder of the class session, we were able to plan and setup modes for communication, many of which would help provide a productive work setting without having to only work in person. The use on an online communication tool, such as a the Team A bulletin Board, was necessary to maintain...
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...Harvard Business School and also the coauthor of Capitalism at Risk: Rethinking the Role of Business and the author several other Harvard Business Review articles. The article, published by Harvard Business Review in 2014, includes 9 pages. Vol. 92, Issue 7/8. A committee dedicated solely to corporate responsibility or sustainability is a useful addition to many, if not most boards in at least five ways: as a source of knowledge and expertise, as a sounding board and constructive critic, as a driver of accountability, as a stimulus for innovation, and as resource for the full board. No more than 10% of U.S. public company boards have a committee such as Nike has. The committee has proven to be a successful addition for Nike. In this article it will be explained why the committee has been successful by looking at how the corporate responsibility committee has served each of these functions. The five ways are stated in the one-sentence summary. Conwell had set up the committee board at Nike using her knowledge and expertise. The committee board has been founded with a reason. Committee board has to address the risks and opportunities arising from problems such as climate change, water pollution, corruption and uneven access to wealth, health, and education. The board has various ways of achieving these goals. They try to create a source at which workers can speak freely, they give feedback, the answer questions, handle difficult situations, hold meetings, evaluate the company...
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...at the end of the assigned module/week. You will write a 2-paragraph summary for each section. Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 2. Daily To-Do List Below is a to-do list. Type in what tasks you need to do for tomorrow (assignments, work items, family/personal tasks, etc.). Prioritize your list with the most important to-do item on top. The box to the left of each task is there for you to check off tasks as you complete them. Type an “x” inside the box to indicate the task has been completed. x | | Tasks | x | | Me - Gym @ 7:45 a.m. | x | | Work – Check phone messages and e-mails | x | | Work – Complete weekly schedule for families on Sign Up Genius and send out. | x | | Work - Update pictures in lobby | x | | Work - Research fundraising (Brax) and write up a letter for financial aid players to send to friends and family. | x | | Work - Order cardstock | x | | Work - EZ blast Kelsey and Beth’s Bio’s | x | | Work - Tidy and organize the front before practices begin | x | | Work - Update general information brochure | x | | Home – prepare dinner and relax for 30 minutes | x | | Harleigh – Spend Time with and Play | x | | Harleigh – Bedtime/School – Read for BIBL 104 | x | | School – Complete reading for BIBL 104 class | x | | School – Complete discussion board assignment for BIBL 104 class | | Write your 2-paragraph summary here and answer the following: * What have you done well with the...
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...an American based company involved in the production of electronic components incorporated in personal computers, mostly used for business and engineering applications. The company has three plants at different locations in the U.S.A, which totals a current sale of about $265 million and has a market share of approximately 32%, making them the leader in the industry. Summary Mr. James M. Elliot, the CEO and Chairman of the Board at Bytes Products, Inc, noticed that the company was beginning to face a number of crises. The existing three plants run on a 3–shift working schedule of 24hours a day and 7 days a week using up all possible production hours. It has now come to the attention of Mr. Elliot that even if the three existing plans are running at its maximum production level, there is still a high product demand percentage that is not being met. The company’s overall supply is unable to meet the demands of its customers which can cause a negative impact on the company’s by not being able to maintain its current market share. Therefore, because of this dilemma Mr. Elliott has returned to the drawing board in search of a solution to this problem. Mr. Elliott then made the decision to construct another manufacturing plant to produce sufficient product to meet the demands of the customers. In order for this new manufacturing plant to be built and become fully operational this process would take three years. In addition, there has been an increase in competition in their sector...
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...Effective Meetings Contents Planning Your Meeting Parliamentary Procedure Agendas Minutes Committees Role of Chairperson Meeting Personalities Effective Meetings is an update of the original resource package produced through the efforts of Karen Jensen and the Recreation Resource Development Section of the Department of Fitness, Recreation and Sport, [1982]. Disclaimer All information is believed to be accurate and reliable. We will make changes, updates, and deletions as required and make every effort to ensure the accuracy and quality of the information provided. However, the Province of Manitoba and Recreation Connections Manitoba assume no responsibility for any errors and are not liable for damages of any kind resulting from the use of, or reliance on, the information contained herein. Table of Contents Reasons for Ineffective Meetings ..................................................................................................1 Checklist ..........................................................................................................................................2 Types of Meetings ..........................................................................................................................3 Parliamentary Procedure ...............................................................................................................4 Tips for an Effective Meeting ......................................................................................
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...had traveled the world and understood how people from different places lived and how in comparison he was very fortunate to have what he had. He was also well educated and was already in a successful career; however, he still wanted more. He was driven and passionate and knew that he wanted to create something new from the ground up and be in business for himself. So he too upon himself not only to go back to school to pursue his MBA in Entrepreneurialism, but to put his current professional career on hold so he go after it at the most respected school in the country for that program. Eager to learn beyond the classroom, Ajay took a four-month international management internship for a startup company in Germany. Here he was given the opportunity to sit on board meetings and started to build a relationship with the COO whom encouraged Ajay to take travel weekends. It was during one of these outings that Ajay saw an opportunity and made a decision to pursue this once he got back to the states. Once back in school Ajay’s opportunistic idea started to take shape during a meeting with fellow MBA student Walter Stock, his future partner, while they were discussing mobile applications and loyalty cards. The conversation started gravitating toward how mobile applications could be used to eliminate the hassle for people to carry all of those, thus identifying a solution to a need – as such, the vision was born. Know that they had a vision they began to develop a business model and started...
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...Notice of 2013 ANNuAl MeetiNg ANd Proxy stAteMeNt April 24, 2013 New orleans, louisiana Notice of 2013 ANNuAl MeetiNg of sHAreoWNers Time and Date: 10:00 a.m. central time, April 24, 2013 Location: ernest N. Morial convention center, 900 convention center Blvd., New orleans, lA 70130 March 13, 2013 Dear Shareowners: You are invited to attend General Electric Company’s 2013 Annual Meeting of Shareowners to be held at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, 900 Convention Center Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70130, on April 24, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. Central Time. Following a report on GE’s business operations, shareowners will vote: • to elect the directors named in the proxy statement for the coming year; • to approve our named executives’ compensation in an advisory vote; • to ratify the selection of our independent registered public accounting firm for 2013; and • on the shareowner proposals set forth on pages 44 through 49, if properly presented at the meeting. Shareowners also will transact any other business that may properly come before the meeting. You are eligible to vote if you were a shareowner of record at the close of business on February 25, 2013. Please ensure that your shares are represented at the meeting by promptly voting and submitting your proxy by telephone or the Internet, or by completing, signing, dating and returning your proxy form in the enclosed envelope. If you plan to attend the meeting, please follow the advance registration instructions under...
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...STRATEGIC PLAN I. Introduction by the Founder/Chairman and CEO of GTQF Trust II. Executive summary 1.0. Situation analysis 2.0. Strategic plan with –Vision, Mission statement and Statement of Core Values 3.0. GTQF Internal (SWOT) and External (PESTELD) Environment analysis. 4.0. Organization Back Ground 5.0. Strategic Goals and Objectives 6.0. Task and Budget 7.0. Implementation and Control Appendices A. Current member list B. Operational Activities C. List of Accomplishments D. Planning Principals E. GTQF contact details I. INTRODUCTION BY THE GTQF Founder/Chairman and CEO The GTQF strategic plan, 2015-2016 which follows is the result of hard work and many meetings, drafts by the Strategic planning committee, the input and guidance of myself. The process began in 2015 when the Strategic planning Committee formed (Lorato Chalimba, Ndifanji Namacha , MaryAnn Talemba, Reuben Ndovie, Kingsley Mtila, and myself) began to assess our Foundation environment. This committee then issued a report to the Board of Trustees soon after meeting updating the Board on goals and objectives to be accomplished and recommendations for action items needing to be completed. Three Board of Trustees representatives; thus, myself, Blessings Nkhata and Zondwayo Mafuleka were invited to participate, the Executive Committee was proposed by the Chairman to the Board of Trustees and it was introduced by the CEO to the Strategic planning Committee. I would like...
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...accordance with Title 42 U.S.C. Section 1414(d).” (NAEP Glossary) Each source I studied stressed the concept of “individualized” plans because each program is tailored to specifically meet the needs of that particular student through a series of assessments, meetings and medical diagnoses. Recognizing that the content of the IEP is legally binding, it’s important to ensure that what is included in the IEP safeguards the needs of the student and that the student needs are being met? So after Further research I discovered a site that put the definition of an IEP in easily understandable terms: [An IEP] is a legally binding document that spells out exactly what special education services your child will receive and why. So by doing the IEP not only would It will include the students classification, placement, services such as a one-on-one aide and therapies, academic and behavioral goals, a behavior plan if needed, percentage of time in regular education, and progress reports from teachers and therapists. What is and we see that these plans contain information about the child’s classification, such as autism, deaf-blindness, orthopedic impairment or mental retardation for example, which requires the special support while in school. (Peterson & Hittie, 2010, p. 17) We also see that the IEP gives a step-by-step plan for addressing behavior, as well as how the student will be supported in their academic progress. In essence, an IEP is literally a well-defined map to success for...
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...The Violet Bay School INTRODUCTION According to the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB), the objective of financial reporting is to assist a government entity in fulfilling its obligation to be publicly accountable and to enable users to assess accountability (GASB 2007; Government Accountability Office [GAO] 2007). Budgeting, a process whereby government administrators forecast expected revenues and identify planned expenditures, is an integral part of accountability, and the extent to which a governmental entity adheres to its budget is a major consideration when assessing accountability. In August 2005, Violet Bay1 taxpayers were informed that their school system had run a $7 million deficit after several previous assurances that the system was fiscally sound and would finish the year with a surplus. By November 2005, an external audit determined that the actual deficit was $12.1 million. Three months later, a special grand jury report was released describing the causes of the financial crisis and addressing the means to correct the situation. What went wrong? Place yourself in the role of an auditor or a consultant and identify the problems. As you do so, you will better appreciate the importance of internal control and will gain experience in identifying and assessing client risks. While this case involves a governmental entity—a school district—no prior coursework in governmental accounting is required to complete case requirements. PART I – THE BUDGET PROCESS The...
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...Various Types of News Structure 1. Straight News Story a. The summary lead answers the most important W’s depending on which of the W’s is the most prominent among them. b. The body consists of the elaboration of the W’s and the H. The Torres Goldies ripped the Laurel Greenies last week at the High School oval because of better team work, 65-60. (Lead) The Torres team was composed of Antonio Oropeza, captain; Rogelio Romero, forward; Seki Santos, and Dioscoro Reyes, guards.(Elaboration of the WHO) The game was held in the evening of Sept.10 in connection with the celebration of Barangay Day. The Greenies’ defeat was the first they suffered in the current invitational games. (Elaboration of the WHEN and WHO) The Goldies played smoothly. They did not shoot for the basket until they were near it. The cheering squads kept the players’ morale high.(Elaboration of the HOW) Although the final score was 65-60, there were times when the lead of the Goldies was as much as 10 points. (Further elaboration) B. News-Feature Story News-Feature should not be confused with the feature articles (features) which are sometimes called special features and printed in the features sections of the newspapers of in the magazines. Human interest and news-feature stories are classified as news since both are gathered and written daily by reporters as their regular assignments. Furthermore, both emphasize the elements of timeliness or immediacy which distinguishes news from other types of...
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