...School vouchers can be described as financial funding given to students who elect not to attend public schools. Therefore the government would not be spending money educating that student in a public school. A school voucher is the allotment of money that the government would have used for that student to attend public school. This money is then given to the family of the student to help fund the education of that student. This money cannot be used for anything other than education. There are many sides to take and many opinions to be had. It is very clear that the prospect of school vouchers is an issue to be debated. Some people feel that if they are not using the government’s form of education then they should be paid for not using it, in order to help finance other forms of education. On the other side of the issue, some people feel that school vouchers would be used in many cases to subsidize religious schools. This becomes a hot topic due to the separation of church and state. In short, does money not being used by a student belong to that student, and can it be used for a private, and sometimes religious, school. There are only two logical options to solve this dilemma of school vouchers. The first is that the government provides school vouchers to students not enrolled in the public school system. The second is that the government does not provide school vouchers to students not enrolled in the public school system. There are many stipulation... ... middle of paper...
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...providing tuition vouchers to the poor parents to enable them to pull their kids out of the worst of the city schools and thereby putting them in the private schools. All these efforts are due to the promotion of education in the region. The case has been divided into five parts. In the first part, the evolution of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Plan has been described; in the second part, the research on the Milwaukee voucher plan compared with the purposes of the public education, whether the voucher plan should be supported or opposed. The third section presents the empirical estimates of the impact of competition from voucher schools or student inter-cohort achievement...
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...A supporter of these types of ideas would say that the individual being able to choose will lead to competition and innovation amongst schools, but this becomes problematic when you start to factor in the idea of school closures mid-year, and students that have to be shuttled around when institutions become insolvent. There are other arguments about the policy of vouchers from people such as myself who believe in the separation of church and state. They do not like the idea of public funds going to religious schools. Betsy has been quoted in saying her desire to reform is to, “..advance God’s kingdom,” and that education has “displaced” the church as the center of...
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...labor unions, religious groups and professional athletic associations. Many economists believe that the interest groups are motivated by two things political power and economic rent. In my opinion I believe that interest groups are formed from the people’s view of a major group representing an individual’s point of view of what’s right and what’s wrong; these organizations are made up of individuals who share the same interest and of individuals who wants to accomplish a political agenda, social agenda, or to celebrate a common heritage within the group. The history of interest groups and their roles in policy making stem back as far as President James Madison and the other framer’s of the Constitution when “they developed a constitutional system of republican government that takes organized interests as a given, and thus allows interests to weigh in on policy-making in various ways. In making the case for the Constitution's ratification, James Madison placed the problem of organized interests at the center of his theory of republican democracy. In "Federalist No. 10," he warns of the "mischief of factions" (i.e., organized interests) that could threaten individual or other groups' liberties. The remedy for the problem of factions lies not in trying to...
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...The Law and School Vouchers July 24, 2013 Grand Canyon University: EDA 555 The Law and School Vouchers School choice is a very controversial topic and aggressively disputed today. There are various types of choices which provide many educational opportunities. Can parents afford it? School vouchers are only one choice in this divisive topic. No matter which side of the issue regarding vouchers you agree with, people are very passionate about it. Texas has been trying for years to pass it in Congress; however, it has not passed. There are many pros and cons regarding this topic. First of all, there are many choices for parents today to provide educational opportunities for their children according Chen (2011). There are the public schools. These are schools which require no tuition and the students are zoned to that particular school in their district. Charter schools are another option. They are free, public schools established independently. They are not subject to the same state and federal requirements, but they are held to a high accountability. Parents can request this option. Magnet schools are also free, public schools. They have a specific focus such as science or art. In order to qualify to attend this school, the student may have to take a test and have satisfactory behavior. Another type of school is the virtual school. This is distance learning and learning at your own pace. It has strict government and district...
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...Brandon Olmos Cooper Comm 15 Refutation 9 October 2014 Vouchers in the School System The discussion of charter schools and vouchers is an unfolding debate that is currently being argued in places from small school board meetings to high official places of power such as the Supreme Court. Both charter schools and school voucher programs are, all together, referred to as “school choice” initiatives, in which they allow parents to choose educational facility or options for their children that are outside of the normal public school system. If granted, a school voucher program gives parents a certificate that is used to pay for the education at a school of their choice, rather than the public school to which they are assigned to by their designated...
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...2, 2008 School Choice – An Educational Custom Fit Imagine if only one size of pants were sold in stores and government regulations wouldn’t allow any other size to be made available to consumers. This may sound crazy but it’s much like what’s happening with the education of our nation’s children. As Americans we enjoy a wide range of personal choice, and thankfully it includes our ability to select the pants that fit us best. But think for a moment about traditional public education. For decades the public school system has offered a one size fits all approach to educating our nation’s children. As we approached the 21st century, the public school system began to show its age. More and more children began to fall behind in a rapidly changing environment marked by the introduction of personal computers and later the internet. Sensing a need for change, many people began to push for new educational models that would keep up with the times. This marked the beginning of the school choice movement. Both charter schools and school voucher programs are collectively referred to as “school choice” initiatives, in that they allow parents freedom to choose individualized education options for their children that are outside of the traditional “one size fits all’ public school system. A school voucher program provides parents with certificates that are used to pay for education at a school of their choice, rather than the public school to which they are assigned. Charter schools on the other...
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...affect the future. Programs such as choice schooling and No Child Left Behind will impact school funding. Rulings such as the Lemon Test and separation of church and state will impact decisions that can potentially result in litigation and court rulings dictating educational decisions. In his work regarding educational trends, Kenneth Stevenson (2010) stated, “a continuing recession, escalating political polarization, rising racial/ethnic tensions, a growing national debt, and a widening divide between the haves and the have nots portend a future fraught with unprecedented challenges to and clashes over the form and substance of public education in America” (p.1). Analysis of the Lemon Test The Lemon Test was created by Chief Justice Warren Berger as a result of the court case Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971) and is based on the principles stated in Everson v. Board of Education. The case of Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971) centered on Rhode Island’s Salary Supplement Act. This act approved a salary supplement of up to fifteen percent for teachers who taught secular subjects in private religious schools or non-public elementary schools. The courts determined that approximately twenty-five percent of Rhode Island’s students attended non-public schools. Furthermore, ninety-five percent of the parochial schools were Roman Catholic. Pennsylvania offered a similar program that reimbursed non-public schools for expenses related to...
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... Capella University ED 7822- The Funding of Educational Institutions Dr. Lee Monroe Both tax credit and voucher programs are school choice options for South Carolina. They are completely consistent with the South Carolina Constitution and relevant South Carolina state court decisions. In 1973, South Carolina amended its Blaine Amendment by eliminating the ban on “indirect” funding of private educational institutions. According to the authoritative “West Committee,” the change reflected the framers’ intent to allow public funds to be used to assist students who independently choose to attend private educational institutions, but to prohibit direct government subsidization of those institutions. From the school choice perspective, this change is important for two reasons. First, a voucher program represents precisely the type of funding the framers of the current version of its Blaine Amendment (Article XI, Section 4) wished to allow. Second, South Carolina Supreme Court cases like Hartness v. Patterson that reject the distinction between aid to students and aid to institutions are no longer valid, as they were premised on constitutional language that was later deleted in order to allow student benefit programs. In 2003 S.C. AG LEXIS 42 (2003)The South Carolina Attorney General concluded that using lottery funds to contract with private schools to provide education for low-income, educationally disadvantaged students complied with South Carolina’s Blaine Amendment...
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...is difficult to imagine an education system without it. Perhaps if the federal government determined where each family lives and offered no alternative to the local public school then we might approximate a choice-free system, but this type of thought experiment is absurdly detached from reality. The relevant question is not whether school choice is present in an area but which types of choice are available and their prevalence. The most widely available types of school choice relate to residential school choice and the availability of private schools. In terms of the former, families can sort them- selves into the communities that best satisfy their preferences (Tiebout, 1956). This sorting happens not only across cities and towns but also within them, as families choose to live within school zones linked to desirable neighborhood public schools. Private school choice is similar in some ways to residential school choice. For example, this type of choice typically requires some degree of expendable resources. For families to choose where to live, they must not be constrained by prohibitively high property values, rental prices, taxes, moving costs, or other costs associated with selecting an alternative location. For families to choose private schooling for their children, they typically must cover the tuition costs. The prevalence of residential school choice is difficult to quantify, though it is clear that finding suitable public schools is a common consideration in relocation...
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...at work. Do you want your money to go to fund private religious schools? Tax dollars should not fund religious education because it is a violation of the separation of church and state clause of the first amendment to the constitution. Lately we have seen proposals for vouchers. These vouchers are public money given to low income family so they may send their kids to private schools. Most of the schools who use this program are religious. In the Cleveland voucher program we see there were 3,761 children are enrolled and 96 percent of those children are attending religious schools. Also 82 percent of the participating schools were seReligious Education- Original Writing In my Religious Education lessons I have studied many different religons and managed to broaden my knowledge on different practices and life styles of people all over the world. Now my school term is ending I have been given the task to choose from different topics, I decided to choose the task of taking 3 religions and comparing their beliefes. I have chosen the religions Judaism, Islam and Rastafarianism. I am going to begin with Judaism- Judaism - Jews believe that actions are very important no matter how much you have studied about the Jewish religion and no matter how high your title may be, if your actions aren't pleasing to g-d, also known as Adonai in prayer (g-d will be explained later on).... [tags: Papers]ctarian. This voucher program was challenged in the 6th circuit court with the Simmons-Harris...
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...ACCT504 Acct Fin: Managerial Use, Analysis Senior Faculty: Anita Wibbert Keller Graduate Rajesh Mahbubani Week 5: Assignment Sunday, December 1, 2013 1. Inform the President of any new internal control requirements if the company decides to go public. (7 points) Instituting a system of internal checks and balances would be foremost in my recommendations to the company president since most internal control systems provide for independent internal verification; this principle involves the review of data prepared by employees. To obtain maximum benefit from independent internal verification: * Companies should verify records periodically or on a surprise basis. * An employee who is independent of the personnel responsible for the information should make the verification. The company should also look at incorporating a Voucher Control System. Most medium and large companies use vouchers as part of their internal control over cash disbursements. A voucher system is a network of approvals by authorized individuals, acting independently, to ensure that all disbursements by check are proper. When looking to hire new employees, it is vital that the company utilize the extensive resources on the web in providing for complete background investigations. A lot of wasted time and energy could be recouped using effective human resource controls. Effective web access controls could likewise prevent embarrassing behavior and lost company time on the part of current...
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...Benefits and Disadvantages Charter Schools May 12, 2010 Yvette Johnson Recent trends toward privatizing schools and relieving them of state requirements wrongly imply that schools should mirror the desires of parents and ignore the public's interest in having citizens educated for democracy. Rob Reich, who recently earned his doctorate in philosophy of education at Stanford, is writing a book on school vouchers, charter schools and home schooling. Reich stated his view that the nation is slipping too far into deregulated schooling. "The guiding idea behind privatization, whether it is vouchers, charter schools or home schooling, is that parents should be the sole decision-making agents about the kind of education their children receive. But this eviscerates the public or civic purposes of schooling." Public schooling itself is not the goal, he said, and public schools don't necessarily do better than private schools in educating children to meet the state's interests, which he defined as preparing children for both workforce and democratic participation. Those who joined in the discussion pushed Reich to specify the content of an education for democratic participation. "Some would say reading and writing is enough," he responded. "Personally, I would go a few steps further to say that students should learn to come into dialogue with others on a public stage." Voluntary national standards for civic education suggest "a combination of making...
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...Opportunities and Trends Opportunities Created by Macro Trends in Society 1. 2. Aging Western society 3. Focus on better healthcare and rising costs 4. Social Security – in what form will it continue to exist? 5. Increasing abortion 6. School voucher programs 7. Restrictive gun rights 8. Increased use of illegal/recreational drugs 9. Medical marijuana 10. Evaluation of teachers’ performance 11. Poor education in US public schools 12. Poor US high school graduation rate 13. Rising terrorism and focus on security 14. Drilling for oil, coal, etc. in USA 15. Space program – return to the moon and reach Mars 16. Increased costs for unions and inability to pay pension funds 17. Increased student loans 18. Increased college enrollment 19. Illegal immigration to the US 20. Increased use of birth control 21. Global warming 22. Increased focus on sustainability and recycling 23. Increased focus on preventive medical care and exercising 24. Children maturing earlier 25. Increased global connectivity through transportation, globalization, and the internet 26. Increase Identity theft 27. Rising gas prices 28. Increased virtual communications 29. Businesses focus on better logistics Opportunities Found by Living and Experiencing the Customer Problem 1. 2. Cars have blind spot 3. Water leaking in basement 4. Purse/wallet stolen 5. Ineffective and annoying...
Words: 290 - Pages: 2
...Abstract This research paper looks at some of the loopholes of the various Rental Housing Assistance programs offered by the government to help families that cannot afford to live to pay their rent. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) oversees the three major programs offered by the federal government, i.e. public housing, privately owned subsidized housing and housing choice voucher (section-8). This paper doesn't focus on one of them specifically, but rather on the efficiency of the overall programs. The loopholes and inefficiencies addressed in this paper relate to the eligibility requirement, the lack of coordination across the various programs, their portability, the lack of incentives, and their perception across the indutry. Keywords: HUD, government, Section 8, housing, assistance, rental Are Government Rental Housing Assistance Programs Fulfilling their Social Mandate? Government Rental Housing Assistance has three programs to help low income families with their housing: public housing, privately owned subsidized housing, and housing choice voucher programs, the latter popularly known as Section-8. These programs are the result of a long process that started a hundred and fifty years ago with the Civil Rights Act of 1866. However, while the Civil Rights Act of 1866 established the conceptual foundations for fair housing policies, the country was still left without mechanisms to unable a fair housing market. It is only in the 1960's...
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