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Science and Technology


Submitted By jaspyk
Words 778
Pages 4
Science and Technology
* Science and its impact on society * Scientific developments & effect on man; environment etc. * The Sciences VS the Humanities * Science & Religion Definitions: * Science - study of nature and the knowledge we gain through observations and experiments * Scientific discovery - finding out about something about the existing workings of nature that was not known before * Technology - application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes (e.g. antibiotics and their uses) * Invention - newly created product/process
Science today causes as many problems as it solves. * Horrible pervasions of science * E.g. Invention of poison gas (holocaust), war against Japan ended with the atomic bomb * Even when science is intended to benefit humans, unintended consequences could occur. * E.g. Rachel carson's silent spring (1963) awakened the world to the dangers of pollution * How science in the service of business can produce catastrophic results ; pesticides for farms -> Are we blinded by profit so much so we don't do not care about the environment? * *air pollution is the biggest cause of human deaths today
Science, money and value * Science is very much subservient to business interest today -> values of those who seek fame and fortune creep into science: profit often determines the direction of science, influencing the choice of problem investigated by scientists * needs and requirements of rich and middle-class are emphasised * celebrity problems are given more attention * E.g. Breast cancer is given attention because celebrities promote it; bowel cancer, though more common, is unglamorous and neglected * focus on finding a profitable cure that can be sold to customers (helping to prevent diseases or

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