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Screen Time Research Paper

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There have been many complaints from parents about their children buzzing around on the internet and in some cases on the news. Many people turn to screen time and social media as the cause of the problem. As a teenager, it is easy to say that screen time and social media definitely affects our behaviour around people and towards ourselves. It affects children’s brains in a negative way leading to narcissism, laziness and antisocialness. All these factors have been proven through scientific research across the world. You’ll rethink the amount of online time you restrict your children to once you read about its harmful effects.

Today we are living in what you call the “me, me, me” generation meaning that people of this millennial are all about themselves. According to Joel Stein at Time Magazine, compared to 1982, “58% more college students scored higher on a narcissism scale in 2009...” only five years after facebook was founded and three years after the first iPhone was made. As stated on the scientific blog, ‘Psychology today,’ Doctor Lisa Firestone says studies over the years that make …show more content…
These disruptions cause tiredness throughout daily activities and result in the lack of motivation and ability to effectively cope with everyday life. As the majority of you know, your children would most likely spend a day scrolling through their phones or on their PC hence delaying daily chores or outings. This then furthers your child’s laziness as they become accustomed to it and becomes a habit. Laziness is an immense problem in itself. It not only means lying on the couch and defying every order given to you, it can also lead to life threatening problems such as obesity which can expand to heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. Not only that, but it could also lead to your child into becoming an introvert due to the lack of face-to-face

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