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Seaworld Research Paper

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Dolphins in shows and aquariums always seem to be filled with joy and have happy smiling faces. However, just because that is it looks on the outside, does not mean it is even close to the truth. Huge corporations like Sea World are extremely guilty of harming their marine life by forcing them into captivity. Even studies have been shown that orca whales' life expectancies are significantly shorter than they are in the wild. The animals are fed, given medical care and attention, so what is the problem with all of this? Why are these animals in danger?
Ric O'Barry was a dolphin trainer for 10 years; he was on a popular 1960's television show "Flipper." He worked with these dolphins every single day, and one day, one of the main dolphins on the show was noticeably depressed. Cathy, the dolphin, swam into his arms, took a breath and not a single more. This was an eye opener to me especially because I never thought that being in captivity could have that much of a negative emotional effect on them. She sank to the bottom and ever since her suicide, Ric O'Barry dedicated …show more content…
The part the they do not show is the cove, where thousands and thousands of dolphins are slaughtered each year. The area where the majority of this happens is part of a national park that is entirely closed off. There are trespassing and warning signs, along with men who hide in the bushes with weapons in case anyone tries to get in. Throughout the crew's journey, Japanese government officials were suspicious. They questioned them and kept a close eye on them and even followed them at some point. It shocks me how cautious the Japanese government has to be because of the inhumane things they allow to go on. One night, they all geared up with night vision camera and equipment and snuck into the area by the cove. They had recorders disguised as rocks and they managed to get footage from the

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