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Personal Philosophy Of Leadership

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Leaders strive for the best in their organization and work hard to become successful. My leadership philosophy may be different from others, however, it may be effective as others. Leadership can be learned and practiced. I consider if you practice with ethics in mind then there will be no issues with your followers or organization. Leaders that practice unethically are often viewed in a negative perspective and often ruin their careers. Great leaders are hard workers and assist in improving the organization. Some are natural leaders, however, it has been stated leaders are made.
My view of leadership consists of different types of leadership styles. It has been disclosed that leaders who possess the charismatic personality have the most effect …show more content…
I was a bank teller and I had to promote products to produce sales by conversing with each customer. I was required to put myself out there and I was so uncomfortable since I wasn’t much of a talker. Eventually, I became a top teller and was offered the lead teller position, however, I declined. I had so many reasons to quit that job, but I kept in mind that I didn’t want to be part of the turnover. The bank was known to have so much employee turnover and the community noticed. The customers often asked why an employee only lasts two months or so. I observed the bank manager’s leadership style and she had set high standards on job performance with no relationship with her employees. She’d demand what is expected but never did she acknowledge an employee’s performance. I realized, if I were to ever become a leader, I would not talk down to the employees and make them feel as if they did not matter. I have experienced a manager standing beside me as I completed a transaction and reprimand me in front of the customers. This definitely indicated she was into the business for herself, a narcissist. She only thought about her “numbers” and this brought so much negative attitudes in the workplace. The leaders are responsible of keeping you and organization safe. Leaders are to empower and provide confidence to you, especially, if you feel that the job is difficult. But I am glad there was a fellow employee who …show more content…
I consider this approach as one of the important approach in leadership. Tasks oriented consists of structuring, setting goals and standards, directing and coordinating activities, and explaining the rules and policies. Relations behavior involves coaching and mentoring, recognizing accomplishments, and expressing confidence. I view these behaviors as an important benefit to your followers. The leaders are to recognize where to utilize a specific task or when to coach a subordinate. “Situational leadership is easy to understand, intuitively sensible, and easily applied in variety of setting.” (Peter G. Northouse, 2013). I consider if the leader applies this in their behavior, you would certainly receive positive feedback from your follower. My view in regards to this approach is it helps the subordinates open and gain confidence in themselves or co-worker. With the subordinates confidence and trust it maintains the positive work environment where there will be less problems or situations with others. It has been shared the main focus of this style approach is to influence subordinates in their determinations to accomplish their

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