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Secret Trust

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A secret trust (ST) has been defined as a means of creating a trust without the beneficiary being publically identified, and in essence an equitable obligation is engrafted upon a gift in a will and communicated to the trustee within the testator's lifetime . A trusted confident will receive a gift under the will ostensibly for her own benefit but which is in fact to be held on trust . STs fall into two main categories: fully secret trusts(FST) and half secret trusts(HST). A FST is totally private whereas in a HST the secret trustee is named on the will. The statement made by Emma Challinor deeply opposes STs and the two main theories, fraud theory and dehors theory, which purport to justify them. With reference to case law and commentary, …show more content…
Romer J held that a gift did not lapse as the interest arose from the trust that was created before the death of the testator which suggests the trust is created at the moment is it communicated and agreed and thus not ambulatory but inter vivos. It is suggested that the decision of Re Gardner cannot be correct because the will could have been altered which would have revoked the ST which means that it is not fully constituted. Martin righty argues that there is no rational theory that can justify the case’s decision . Despite Re Gardner being good law, the general view remains that the ST is constituted at the moment of the testator's death and subsequently goes against the dehors theory that STs are inter …show more content…
Following Re Stead, if the trustees are joint tenants and one trustee agrees to act as trustee before the execution of the will then all are bound. If they agree after the will then only they are bound. With tenants in common, only those who agree to the trust before the testators death. Perrins has been particularly critical on the timing of acceptance under Re stead , arguing it should be based on the principle established in Huguenin v Baseley that 'no man should profit from the fraud of another' .On this argument, the second secret trustee should only be bound if the testator was in fact induced to leave property to him on the strength of the first secret trustees promise. It would be better to assess whether the bequest was actually induced by the promise in each individual case rather than applying general rules . It is unclear which case law should be adopted and for this reason a fundamental revision of the law in this area is necessary, perhaps to require acceptance to be made in writing could provide clarity and less

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