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Selection of Information Systems


Submitted By ip1979
Words 363
Pages 2
I currently work in a hospital utilizing a mix of electronic and paper documentation. Our medication administration system is electronic, but our nursing assessment is documented on a paper flowsheet. Vital signs and intake/output are documented via paper, as well.

Based on our current workflow, our unit would need a system that allowed all nursing data and information (e.g. assessment, vital signs, intake/output, medications administered, etc.) to be documented in one system. That system would need to meet all federal and regulatory requirements (Hebda & Czar, 2013, p.141). Ideally, this system would be multidisciplinary, allowing all members of the healthcare team to document in one place. The system should be capable of handling order entry as well as data entry. It should also have the ability to view the patient’s health record including labs, radiology results, etc. Due to the size of the unit and the availability of resources, the staff would want the ability to document at the bedside, whether by portable computer or handheld devices.

As part of the committee selecting the new system, I would initially survey current staff from different departments for their “needs” assessments. From there, I would compile and prioritize a “Needs vs. Wants” list (Hebda & Czar, 2013, p. 158). As a committee, we would review all suggestions collected and determine what type of system would best meet both the facilities’ and the staff needs.

Once the needs assessment is complete and requirements for the system are clearly identified, the committee (or designated representative) would develop a letter to communicate those needs to and request more information from potential vendors. The facility would then request quotes from those vendors that were best able to meet its’ needs (Hebda & Czar, 2013, p. 164, 165). The new system would be chosen from the system information

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