...Sciences and Nutrition, Laval University, Quebec, Canada Keywords Clothing, Consumer behaviour, Fashion, Image, Innovation, Marketing strategy Abstract Describes the results of a survey of 281 adult women in the state of Florida. We used the 15 adjective pairs of the Malhotra self-concept scale to measure their self-image. A valid and reliable self-report scale measured their fashion innovativeness, thus identifying those consumers most likely to buy new fashions after they first appear in the market. T-tests compared the mean scores on the self-image adjective pairs between 30 innovators and 251 later adopters. Pearson correlation analysis was also performed. The results of both analyses showed that the fashion innovators described themselves uniquely as more comfortable, pleasant, contemporary, formal, colorful, and vain than the later adopters. The results were quite consistent with an earlier published study of college students, lending confidence to this approach to profiling fashion innovators and suggesting that using self-image could be a fruitful way to appeal to these important consumers. Fashion innovativeness Introduction Fashion marketers, clothing theorists, and consumer psychologists all study fashion innovativeness in order to better understand the behavior of fashion innovators and the process of fashion diffusion. Fashion innovators, after all, comprise a unique and important segment of the clothing market....
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...Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility, also known as CSR, is a self-regulatory system whereby a company keep its business dealings in check with the laws and ethical standards of the society. The various aspects of CSR will be discussed using a case study concerning Hennes & Mauritz (H&M). It is a case of unethical waste discharge by their supplier that is harmful to the environment. The stakeholders that are affected, solutions to this problem and the ethics and values of this case will be further explained and evaluated. This case shows that despite the importance of CSR, there are companies that will choose to break their code of conduct in order to increase profitability. The Case As reported by Frauzel (2011), a Greenpeace representative, H&M is found to be linked to factories that discharged toxic chemicals into China’s rivers and that their line of kids clothing contains nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs) that break down into the toxic nonylphenol (NP), which is a hormone disruptor that affects reproduction and fertility. This chemical is said to be hazardous even in small amounts. Moreover, this chemical can cause adverse effects to the food chain if accumulated as it is not easily broken down. Source: Frauzel, T., (2011), Clothing and the global toxic cycle . This is a serious case of pollution as the waste was not treated carefully and released in its toxic form into the water bodies. The Stakeholders and their involvement Shareholders: ...
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...community than it benefits? In recent studies, by the National Center for Education Statistics, more than half of the schools in the United States supplemented the dress code in their education (“Should Schools Have Dress Codes?” 1). As a result, complaints, made by students and parents alike, are seen more commonly in the courts. Charles Haynes, a First Amendment Center scholar, anticipates these cases, will be won by the students and parents because, it is crucial for students to express themselves to prepare them for society (Haynes 1). The dress code negatively impacts students by stopping them from finding their identities and diverting attention from individuality,...
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...College of University of Phoenix COM 120 Effective Persuasive Writing Dr. Carla Lane February 21, 2007 Uniforms in Public Schools Think back to the age of adolescence, was there ever a comment made by other children on the way one dressed or did some teasing occur regarding the lack of current style? Was there an issue of being prejudged or stereotyped by others, including school faculty, based on the clothing one chose to wear? That was then, now remember how it felt. Times have changed and economic status plays such an important role in everyone’s lives, image how children of today feel. Social economics is a hard issue for adults to deal with and yet children are forced to deal with it on a daily basis in schools with their classmates, friends, and even their teachers. What solutions can be offered to change this bias for all children, regardless of age, race, and social status? One suggestion is to put school dress codes in place which would require school uniforms. School uniforms should be mandated in public schools because our children’s self esteem and education should not be determined by the clothes they wear. There is a nationwide campaign for the use of uniforms and the efforts are “gaining momentum”, states Susan Thomas (1994, p. 44). School systems are challenged with many issues, one being “ways to reduce competition over designer labels” (Thomas, 1994, p. 44). It is safe to say that both opponents and proponents of school uniforms agree...
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...Dress codes in schools should be enforced because they create an educational environment for students. However most students don’t obey dress code policies, even though some believe that dress codes are conducive to a wonderful and healthy learning environment.” Teenagers who took part in the Oxford Brooks University study said that dress codes acted as a leveler in social standing and reduced the risk of children being picked on for wearing “weird” clothes. Kids also admitted that they were less likely to misbehavior outside of school since their uniform instantly identified their school.” (Kingstone). Uniforms can benefit in many circumstances and can be very helpful to parents and students both. The schools have a set guideline of dress...
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...1 Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT Department of Business Administration Garment Industry Analysis in China Case Study on YiChang Richart Factory Limited Degree Thesis of 30 credit points Service Science LIU XIANG & XING ZHENZHEN Karlstads universitet 651 88 Karlstad Tfn 054-700 10 00 Fax 054-700 14 60 Information@kau.se www.kau.se Supervisor: Lars Haglund 1. ABSTRACT Purpose - In manufacturing industry, China is the most powerful all over the world. The garment industry is one of the most important parts in the market for manufacturing goods. And for the garment industry, China is the largest export country in the world. When we go shopping, we can see a lot of tags about ―made in China‖. Referring to China’s exporting capability in the garment industry, we want to find out why most of international clothing companies choose China as their manufacture market for their production basement. And whether the ―made in China‖ tagged in clothes is influencing consumer behavior or not. Moreover, the authors would like to provide some feasible suggestions on the management for the Chinese garment manufacturers, especially in the labor force problem. Methodology - This paper mainly takes the methodologies of literature review, both qualitative and quantitative analysis in case study, and questionnaire survey. The literatures reviewed here include company articles, academic papers, books, and website information. And in consumer...
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...at school uniforms and the potential benefits and problems associated with school uniforms along with legal issues and whether they are in fact truly effective. School uniforms serve a number of purposes. A good deal of research has been undertaken in regard to the use of the school uniform, and the net result has been the wider use of school uniforms in more recent years. Also to increase school safety, to encourage our students to experience a greater sense of school identity and belonging, to encourage an improvement in student behavior, to reduce school clothing costs, to encourage a high level of program participation and to improve and expand academic excellence. School uniforms range from the formal to the informal. Some schools that have implemented school uniforms have chosen what one usually thinks of in connection to Catholic schools: nice pants and white shirts for boys, jumpers and white shirts for girls. However, most public schools are turning to something more casual and more acceptable to parents and students: khakis or jeans and knit shirts of varying colors. The latter appear to be more affordable too because they can be used outside of school. Many school districts that have implemented school uniforms have provided some sort of financial assistance for families that cannot afford the extra expense. The use of school uniforms is a topic of hot debate among parents and school administrators. Some argue the benefits of school uniforms, while others believe...
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...CHAPTER 2 ECONOMISTS’ VIEW OF BEHAVIOR CHAPTER SUMMARY This chapter uses the cheating scandal at Merrill Lynch to illustrate how a manager’s view of behavior can affect decision making. It summarizes the economic view of behavior and contrasts it with other views. The chapter presents a graphical analysis of utility maximization and decision making under uncertainty. The concepts in this chapter are an important foundation for subsequent material in the book. CHAPTER OUTLINE ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR: AN OVERVIEW Economic Choice Marginal Analysis Managerial Application: Marginal Analysis of Customer Profitability Opportunity Costs Managerial Application: Opportunity Costs and V-8 Creativity of Individuals Managerial Application: Creative Gaming of the System GRAPHIC TOOLS Individual Objectives Indifference Curves Constraints Individual Choice Changes in Choice MOTIVATING HONESTY AT MERRILL LYNCH MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS Managerial Application: Medicare Creates Perverse Incentives for Doctors ALTERNATIVE MODELS OF BEHAVIOR Only-Money-Matters Model Happy-Is-Productive Model Managerial Application: Happy-Is-Productive versus Economic Explanations of the Hawthorne Experiments Good-Citizen Model Managerial Application: Culture and Behavior Product-of-the-Environment Model WHICH MODEL SHOULD MANAGERS USE? ...
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...REPORT Improved waste management of textiles Project 9 Environmentally improved recycling David Palm B1976 April 2011 This report approved 2011-04-20 Anna Jarnehammar Department Manager Organization Report Summary Project title IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd. Address P.O. Box 5302 SE-400 14 Göteborg Telephone Towards Sustainable Waste Management – Environmentally improved recycling Project sponsor Swedish Environmental Protection Agency +46 (0)31-725 62 00 Author David Palm Title and subtitle of the report Improved waste management of textiles Summary In Sweden, we consume 15kg of textiles per capita and year. Of this roughly 8kg are incinerated and 3kg are reused by charity organisations. The remaining 4kg either accumulates (e.g. in a closet or wardrobe) or are handled through other means of waste management (e.g. recycling centres). This way of waste management is not optimal from an environmental point of view. The textile waste flows are small by weight but large by environmental impact. The production of virgin textiles give rise to about 15 kg of carbon dioxide per kg textile and uses large amount of water; energy and chemicals and poses a risk both for the environment and human health. Policies and measures to reduce the consumption of virgin textile are needed. Hindrances for a more sustainable textile waste management are primarily economical: The environmental cost is not incorporated in the production...
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...ASoDL Consumer Behaviour ADL – 45 Assignment – A Five Analytical Questions Marks – 10 1. a) What is the interrelationship between the consumer behaviour discipline and the marketing concept? b) How can the study of consumer behaviour assist marketers in segmenting markets and positioning products? 2. Contrast the major characteristics of the following personality theories: a) Freudian theory, b) Jungian theory, c) Neo-Freudian theory, and d) Trait theory. In your answer, illustrate how each theory is applied to the understanding of consumer’s behaviour. 3. a) Discuss the differences between the absolute threshold and the differential threshold. b) What is consumer reality? 4. How is perceptual mapping used in consumer research? Why marketers are sometimes forced to reposition their product or services? Illustrate your answer with examples. 5. Distinguish between beliefs, values, and customs. Illustrate how the clothing a person wears at different times or for different occasions is influenced by customs. Assignment – B Three Analytical Questions Marks – 10 1 A marketer of health foods is attempting to segment its market on the basis of consumer self image. Describe the four types of consumer self-image and discuss which one(s) would be most effective for the stated purpose. 2 Which theory of learning (i.e., classical conditioning instrumental conditioning or cognitive learning) best explains the following consumption...
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...is constantly asked by researchers is “what are the individual factors influencing humans investing in animals as pets?” The pampered pet’s case study highlights that Australia alone spend a total of $4.62 billion annually on pet care products and on associated services. The journal article “Consumers and their Animal Companions” written by Elizabeth C. Hirshman states that the keeping of animals as pets has resulted from a human desire for companionship with other species. She suggests that humans socialise with animals mainly dogs or cats to form a sense of bond and companionship. She states that humans are willing to invest in their pets to gain the satisfaction of being in a closely bonded relationship. Such a theory is evident in the case study “Pampered Pets”, stating owners taking their pet pampering efforts so far to the point where they’ve allowed their pets or so called “buddy’s” to have free roaming rights such as sleeping on their bed or lazing on a couch. So why do we love having animals as companions rather than just pets and why do we spend a “heap” of money on them??? Consumer’s behaviour or choices can be based on individual factors and psychological factors, which is conveyed in the pampered pets phenomenon. Such factors influencing this phenomenon include, lifestyle, personality, beliefs and attitudes. The case study suggests that a number of explanations have been put forward to explain such a phenomenon including, “couples choosing to have children at...
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...Case study analysis on 23 Elyas Genno elyasgenno@cityuniversaty.edu mba 546: European Union Matthias Suthe 16.11.2014 Introduction The Maromekko is one of the biggest Finished textile company inthe European as well as Intenatanal market of clothing and interior decoration. With the over 500 millions clinets, whereas most is based in Europe clintes and grouping more than 20 million companies around the gloub. Under the operation of the company are production, desing and manufactures of: clothing of premium class brand bags accesories interrionr decoration Company is well known in Finland, primary location, and across the borders in EU states, as well as in the regions of US and Japan. Within the time Marimekko has become secong after China largest expoerte of textile goods. Moreover the states of EU is consedering in top of preferetable textile clouthing and good in the world economy. However, in earrly 2005 within an increase of the import from Far East has affected the this particular sector of the Europe and international economy. Heance cluser to second half of 2008 this affect become more notable for this sector and sloweded down the whole international economy growth in 2010. For the Finland region this affect has reached it top faster, in 2008. The significant damage were felt alredy in 2009, regarding the the droped of the profitability and amount of the deminish orders. Hence it has broed as well new increase of competition by entrering...
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...The role of self concept in understanding brand experience, brand attachment and brand loyalty in the consumption of premium clothing brands Londiwe Mkhize Student Number: 28531907 A research project submitted to the Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration. 10 November 2010 © University of Pretoria ABSTRACT The foremost argument of this research is that self concept is of fundamental influence in the choices consumers make when purchasing luxury clothing brands. The objective of this research was to determine the relationships between self concept and the experience, attachment and loyalty that consumers have towards brands. The research further sought to confirm the role that identity theory plays in brand consumption. Sixty-nine respondents were surveyed via an electronic tool to understand how they view the role that self concept plays in the experiences they encounter with clothing brands. Experts were also interviewed to gain deeper insights into brands and the importance that communication and branding strategies play in developing brands for consumption. Ttests and bivariate regression was performed in order to determine relationships amongst the constructs. The findings show that consumers place a relatively high importance on the brand experience and self concept constructs. Marketing and advertising companies have an enormous responsibility...
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...Introduction 1.1 Scope of the Study 1.2 Objectives of the Study 1.3 Organization of the Study 1.4 Limitations 2.0 Chapter 2 Introduction 2.1 Objectives 2.1.1 Understanding the importance of fashion industry Introduction 2.1.2 Examine the innovations of fashion communication Introduction 2.1.3 Evaluate the scope and challenges with fashion ethical issues Introduction 2.1.4 Study the future prospect of fashion marketing Introduction 3.0 Chapter 3 Introduction 3.1 Case study 4.0 Chapter 4 Conclusion 1.0 Chapter 1 Introduction Fashion is a general term for a trendy style, most commonly related to clothing, jewelry, shoes, accessories, make up, or furniture. Fashion is also something we deal with daily and changes constantly as time progresses. New fashion ideas can be influenced by music, movies, videos, books and other related (items and media connected to popular culture. Due to these changes and relationship with popular culture, fashion is a big business. The fashion industry is involved in the purchasing, selling and manufacturing of clothing. It solely focuses on generational fashion trends and to figure out consumer's liking in different segmentations. (pbs.org) The fashion industry is one of the major contributing sectors in the global economy; it had created various job opportunities for the people. Most noticeably, the industry has designed and manufactured clothing corresponding to trends...
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...1 HARLEY-DAVIDSON. THE LIFESTYLE HARLEY DAVIDSON: The Lifestyle 2 Synopsis In this case study we will analyze Harley-Davidson unique way of marketing. How they chose to invest the majority of their marketing budget back in their customers, to give the ultimate Harley experience and way of life. And how all of the above translate to exceptional brand loyalty and growing sales in traditional and new demographics. 3 The Lifestyle Harley-Davidson has positioned itself as a way of life, with an extremely loyal and growing customer base. Harley Davidson’s H.O.G (Harley Owners Group) has about one million members1, and it is being referred internally as the ‘Original Social Network’ 2 H.O.G. members enjoy benefits such as a magazine subscription (Hog Tales and Enthusiast), the H.O.G. Touring Handbook, a dedicated roadside assistance service, an insurance program that was designed specifically to their needs, a theft reward service, a travel center, and a “Fly & Ride” program allowing H.O.G members to rent Harley-Davidson bikes wherever they fly3. In addition, Harley-Davidson encourages their customers to customize their bikes and make it ‘their own’. They are community members who take pride in their creation and/or special connection to the community by personalizing their motorcycle and giving it their own personality. As a result (or as a cause), Harley’s customers, and H.O.G members are extremely engaged and are being brand advocates throughout the country and...
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