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Self Control Theory

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There has always been a debate whether alcohol is harmful for a person or beneficial if drank at moderation. Wine is said to be very beneficial for the health. Now drinking is all about self-control. Some people have no control over their actions. Gottfredson and Hirschi made the self-control theory, which sociologist use to explain how people have many differences when it comes to engaging in deviant behavior. Drinking technically is not deviant behavior in American culture, however binge drinking is frowned upon. It can lead to problems later on in a person’s life, say they became an alcoholic. “Self-Control and Adverse “Drinking” Consequences” talks about how drinking patterns differ from age, groups, and races. There are many groups whose …show more content…
They can’t control the urges they have and have no one to help them veer away from alcohol. But it is also hard for a convict to try and not commit a crime again. This also explains why people act and think how they do. Everyone does something because they were influenced in a way by someone or …show more content…
The lower the self-control of a person, the more likely they are to suffer from adverse consequences from alcohol abuse. There is no relationship between binge drinking and alcohol consequences among people who have high self-control. There were almost always negative consequences for the people who had lower self-control when it came to drinking alcohol. “Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990) argue that self-control is established in early childhood, and that efforts to instill self-control later in life are unlikely to be successful.” (Costello, 2014) This is true because for people with a family history of alcoholism, they are more likely to also partake in this type of behavior. This makes it hard for them to try and change their ways later on in their lives. This also affects the lives of the people around them, and all because of low self-control that makes them be more assertive that

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