...As previously mentioned, the point of this essay is to bring together multiple topics, under the umbrella of self-deception, in an attempt to construct a plausible understanding of this subject. Through the use of three subtopics – motivations, forms, and advantages/disadvantages – readers are able to grasp the concept of self-deception with clarity. Within the subtopic of motivation, I explain that there are two forms of motivation toward how and why people will engage in self-deception; there must be an intent and a desire to deceive oneself and more often than not this is done through combination rather than as separate processes. I also outlined the unique observation, brought forth by Nelkin (2002), that argues the possibility of bias...
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...In the fifth chapter I examine in detail conceptual and evolutionary issues of self-deception. The main target of critical assessment will be Trivers’ scientific theory of self-deception. According to this theory self-deception evolved to enhance other-deception. When self-deception is understood in terms of interpersonal deception, as in Trivers’ evolutionary model, two paradoxes emerge. One is dynamic and it concerns the process of self-deception, for in the case of self-deception deceiver and deceived are indistinguishable. Hence, it seems impossible for a person to consciously, intentionally and successfully be self-deceived. The other is so called static paradox and it concerns the impossible mental state of self-deceived individual, simultaneously having contradictory beliefs. Although it might appear that self-deception ensures egoistic efficiency, that doesn’t have to be the case. Some studies demonstrate that it could evolve to support strategies which incorporate short-term sacrifices to achieve long-term benefits by suspending or concealing the impulses for deception and aggression. These findings contradict Trivers’ self-deception as function of deception hypothesis. Accordingly, deficiency of self-deception is in line with findings on violence inhibition mechanism dysfunction in psychopaths. It also accords well with impulsive, deceiving, and risk prone behavior find in population...
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...Theft is a complex crime requiring the assessment of five separate components before a conviction can be obtained. In 1968, the Theft Act 1968 was passed. This Act was a new code that swept away the pervious law in the Larceny Act 1916 creating a new range of offences which were framed to avoid the technicality and complexity of the old law. In 1978, the Theft Act 1978 was passed to replace s16 (2)(a) of the Theft Act 1968 which had proved highly unsatisfactory. The Theft Act 1978 also contains other provisions to fill some gaps left by the previous Act. The Theft Acts 1968 and 1978 created a range of offences that contains the common element that the proscribed consequence is brought about as a result of the accused’s dishonest deception....
Words: 1977 - Pages: 8
...Carolyn Strauss COMM 126 Professor Bryant 09 December 2014 U had me @ LOL(-: A Literature Review on Deception in Online Dating The influx of new information and communication technologies that characterize the 21st century Digital Age have saturated almost all aspects of human communication and interaction. Varying from everyday technologies that facilitate interpersonal communication, such as text-messaging and email, to more complex technologies that support organizational interactions, like online classrooms and corporate webinars, computer-mediated communication has become increasingly prevalent in personal and professional lives alike. These technological advancements have fostered a virtual community that enables individuals...
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...interesting topic to discuss. It is a common wrong act that everybody does quite often in their lives regardless of good lies or bad lies. I’ve never spent times to think deeply about lying until I joined Business Ethics of my MBA program. What I remember most about lying from when I was a child is that lying is not always bad and if your lies do not leave bad consequences, and it does not harm anyone, then it is fine. Recently, I have done some research on articles about lies, and it changes my perception about lying. I found an interesting blog about “Categories of Lies - White Lies, Grey Lies, and Black Lies”, Truth Lies Deception and Coverups Blogger 2015 (TLDCB). So what is the definition of a lie? According to BBC – Ethic Guide, “lying is a form of deception, but not all forms of deception are lies.” I agree with this definition, not all forms of deception are lies, and all lies are not the same. To me, sometimes lying is appropriate and necessary in some circumstances. However, to have a better judgment of information receiving every day, we should constantly be concerned with all of our communication. The article I’ve read about categories of lies clearly defines “the major distinguishing factors between the major categories of lies are intent, consequence, and public acceptability”. I reckon those are undeniably correct. Before going to details of the analysis, from the article, we will look at the classification system of lying. There are two types of lies: lies of commission...
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...government was watching. Investors continue to buy in frenzy at high prices, even paying over the listed prices for properties. Then came the market went bust and investors were stuck with nearly worthless pieces of properties. Had the investors even consider one or two worse case scenarios, their net worth could have been preserved, instead we saw how thousands of properties started going into foreclosure. This was a hard lesson to learn but today the lending rules have changed thanks to a revamp of the lending practices. By thinking critically and creatively the government has tighten the screws on a much-unsupervised system. Define free will, truth, knowledge, and opinion. Explain how we use them to form thoughts. Free will: The moderate definition of free will is when people have choices when it comes to decisions like whether to attend a party or finish doing assignments. Another example is getting up to go to work, although it may look compulsive, it really is a choice you make every day. Truth: “Truth is what so is about something, the reality of the matter, as distinguished...
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...Is cheating always wrong? People have been debating this question for decades. The dictionary definition of cheating is; an act of deception, fraud, trickery, imposture or imposition. Some say that there are times when it is acceptable, for example, in a case where someone's life or safety is threatened. Others may say that no matter the case, cheating is always wrong, no questions asked, such as in the case of cheating on a test. In multiple mythology stories, combat or survival tactics may be mistaken for cheating. It is all a matter of perspective. Cheating is not wrong when pertaining to issues of safety or survival, but in an exam setting it would be, therefore cheating is not always wrong. One example where cheating would not be wrong, is when someone’s life or safety is at stake. If someone had been kidnapped or taken and held against their will in some manner, this person may use deception or trickery to escape. For example, sneaking out at night or while the person is away. That’s not cheating; it’s just doing what is necessary in the situation at hand to protect someone's well-being. In this sense it is practically self-defense, not cheating in any way. Doing so protects the person...
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...Truthtelling Truthtelling relates to the press' obligation to print the truth under all conditions. Challenges facing the press' obligation to tell the truth: ▪ Newspapers must live within the larger ambiguities about truth. ▪ Budget constraints, deadlines, reader expectations, editorial conventions, and self-serving sources complicate truthtelling. Journalism is often referred to as “history in a hurry’’ and providing a precise, representative account can rarely occur under such conditions. ▪ Journalistic gatekeepers must choose from unceasing news generated by emerging information technologies. “Truth” in news reporting must be enlarged beyond a simple facts-only definition. Both newsgathering and newswriting processes must be considered. Opposite of truthtelling is deception, that is, deliberate intention to mislead (see Sissela Bok's book, “Lying”). Deception is newswriting is rare, but deception in newsgathering is a persistent temptation, because it often facilitates the process of securing information. There are five cases that demonstrate the dimensions of the truthtelling issue in journalism and media ethics: 1. Al Jazeera: This case examines the Arab news network, Al Jazeera, an independent news organization based in Qatar. Does Al Jazeera slant its news against the West? Many Western journalists and governments are not convinced that Al Jazeera is neutral or un-biased in its reporting. In a region where state owned media dominates the...
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...Social Psychology and the Self Cynthia Durham Social Psychology/400 University of Phoenix “Social psychology is a science that studies the influences of our situations, with special attention to how we view and affect one another. More precisely, it is the scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another. Social psychology lies at psychology’s boundary with sociology. Compared with sociology (the study of people in groups of societies), social psychology focuses more on individuals and uses more experimentation. Compared with personality psychology, social psychology focuses less on individuals and uses more experimentation. Compared with personality psychology, social psychology focuses less on individuals’ differences and more on how individuals, in general, view and affect one another Sociology is the study of people in society. Social psychology is all about your life, beliefs, attitudes, and relationships. (Myers, D. 2010)” “The discipline of Social psychology is that it uses scientific methods that an individual can understand and explain how the thought, behavior and feelings are influenced by the actual, imagines or implied presence of other beings. Social psychology extends a wide range of social topics, including but not limited to social groups, social perception and social interaction are also vital to understanding social behavior. Social psychology is also closely related to three other discipline; sociology, personality...
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...Honest Deception---Regulating Placebo Treatment to Address Painkiller Abuse in the United States Introduction When highschooler Eric Schulz arrived home on an average day, he did not expect to discover his father lying dead on the floor. The cause was morphine overdose. Like many others, Lee Russell Schulz, former father and husband, became addicted to painkillers after losing his job (Mintz). Decades of survey data published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration show that painkiller addiction rates among the unemployed are three times as high as among those with stable careers (“Table 1.22A”). Addressing this issue is especially urgent now. While the number of people diagnosed with opioid addiction from 2010 to 2016...
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...system and keeps our brains constantly at work to weed out the information that is correct from the information that is false. Advertisements, our parents, our children, friends, and siblings, those who we have more intimate relationships with, and even ourselves, deceive us, just as we are deceitful to them. There are many degrees to lying, varying from little white lies, to blatant deception and perjury. The motives and desired outcomes of those who lie vary greatly from person to person, as well as the degree to which they lie. Most people would agree that there are times when it is acceptable to tell white lies or even a bigger lie for the greater good, if the truth is not something of importance. I will discuss several facets of deception. To start, I will describe several types of lies and give definitions and examples of them. Then, I will talk about some facts about the frequency at which we are deceptive on an average day, and situations in which we generally increase or decrease how deceptive we are. Next, I will discuss why lies are prevalent in relationships, and how deception creates friction in the workplace. After that, I will talk about how we deceive ourselves, and why, what motivates us to lie and then I will give some arguments about the possibility of detecting when someone is lying and if you can distinguish their lies from the truth. Lastly, I will discuss several disorders that may cause one to lie, whether it is purposefully or not, and how that...
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...Naturally, whenever I would come to her with a problem, concern, or a question wondering what I should do, she would always tell me a well made up lie and run with it like the truth. Prior to the lecture I thought the meaning or definition of “Honesty” was like truth, not lying or doing the opposite thing you have told someone that you will do. I like many other people, believed honesty was just another word for truth. If people knew the true meaning and lived the true meaning of honesty there would be a lot less corruption in the government and community. The definition from Dr. Robinsons PowerPoint (Robinson, PowerPoint Honesty, 2014) is far from what a lot of people though. Dr. Robinson states “It is wrong to take the property of others without their consent, or to get any advantage from them by deception to concealment, or any false contrivance (plan or scheme). He who does this, or attempts to do it, or even desires to do it, is not honest.” This is hard for a lot of people to except for the reasoning of even thinking to do something can mean a individual is not honest. My definition change after hearing Dr. Robinsons lecture. I, for so many years was told a lie about the definition of truth as so many others were told the same lie as my self and still believe it....
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...workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large” (Baker, 2015). I do not agree with this statement under the stakeholder theory, I will explain the reason relate to the stakeholder theory. Explain this statement In this statement, “There is one and only one social responsibility of the business to increase the profit” In this sentence, we can see that the only social responsibility is to make the profit, whenever do the untrue things for personal gain. For example, to stolen competitor’s product to make the product. “The rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud”. These rules is about side-constraints of the business, the company need to follow the rules, and they not be deception or fraud to become the free competition. Analysis of this statement By definition, stakeholder are the individual or groups that have an interest in the organization and are affected by its action. Actually, A corporation have can have legal, but also moral responsibility. “If the business wants to be sustained over time, must maximize its profit but do so in a manner that meets the needs of the stakeholder that allow it to remain viable” (John, 2013). When the needs changes, the business have the responsibility to change their rules. The rule of games are important, they create the side-constraints that business must act within. In fact, these side constraints are the rule that business must follow when they...
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...duty with making a legal profit for the firm. They see no need to be ethical in any further sense, and therefore no need for any background beyond business and law. A third group of managers grant that ethical duty goes further than what is required by law. But they still insist that there is no point in studying ethics. Character is formed in childhood, not while reading a college text or sitting in class. These arguments are confused and mistaken on several levels. To see why, it is best to start with the question raised by the first one: why should business people be ethical? Why Should One Be Ethical? There is already something odd about this question. It is like asking, “Why are bachelors unmarried?” They are unmarried by definition. If they were married, they would not be bachelors. It is the same with ethics. To say that one should do something is another way of saying it is ethical. If it is not ethical, then one should not do it. Perhaps when business people ask why they should be ethical, they have a different question in mind: what is the motivation for being good? Is their something in it for them? It is perfectly all right to ask if there is a reward for being good, but this has nothing to do with whether one should be good. It makes no sense to try convince people that they should be good by...
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...of Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffet said, “In looking for people to hire, look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don't have the first, the other two will kill you” (Anderson, 2012). Integrity is primarily defined as having a strict devotion to principled values (Dictionary.com, n.d.). This definition is abstract in nature. It is true for many situations, but other uses of the word are common. “Integrity” can also be interpreted differently based off of who is doing the interpreting or the specific situation to which the word is applied. For example, some differentiate “integrity” from acting morally, while others treat the two as one in the same (Cox, La Caze, Levine, 2013). It is important to establish these differences in definition in order to comprehend what is being stated or written. Thesis: Integrity is described as remaining whole in mind and body, upholding...
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