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Submitted By dschroe1
Words 1427
Pages 6
A Worn Path—Eudora Welty
Repeated Words: negro – black - colored, cane, talk (to self), old, dress, walk, head – lips - face (motions), nature- items – motions (animated) Granny - Grandma, The Surrender [within her lifetime] – December – nickel – pennies – charity – Christmas – Santa – (Temporal Setting), Nachez – Old Nachez Trace (Spacial Setting), Grandson

An old person walking with the aid of a cane and talking to herself along the way is the basic theme of this story. There are many other side aspects of the journey, each with their own nuances, but the main concept can be made with those four symbols.
“…there was an old Negro woman … coming along the path …” (Welty, Eudora, A Worn Path in The Story and Its Writer, 1360). “She was very old and small and she walked slowly …” (Welty, Eudora, A Worn Path in The Story and Its Writer, 1360). “She carried a thin, small cane made from an umbrella …” (Welty, Eudora, A Worn Path in The Story and Its Writer, 1360). “Her eyes were blue with age. Her skin had a pattern all its own of numberless branching wrinkles …” (Welty, Eudora, A Worn Path in The Story and Its Writer, 1360). “Under her small, black-freckled hand her cane, limber as a buggy whip, would switch at the brush as if to rouse up any hiding things” (Welty, Eudora, A Worn Path in The Story and Its Writer, 1360). “On she went” (Welty, Eudora, A Worn Path in The Story and Its Writer, 1360). “’Seem like there is chains about my feet, time I get this far’, she said, in the voice of argument old people use with themselves. ‘Something always take a hold of me on this hill—pleads I should stay.’ After she got to the top she turned and gave a full, severe look behind her where she had come. ‘Up through pines,’ she said at length. ‘Now down through oaks’” (Welty, Eudora, A Worn Path in The Story and Its Writer, 1360).
‘”I in the thorny bush,’ she

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