How to Change A Car Battery
Step 1: Make Sure Your Battery Needs To Be Changed * Check the battery terminals. They may be top posts or side posts (depending on the model of your car).
The following is an example of corroded battery posts. Corrosion is due to heat and acid leaking through the battery.
You WILL want to use a pair of gloves for this or say goodbye to your smooth hands.
* If your terminals and battery posts look clean and undamaged then you are in luck. You do not have to change your battery and you get to save money!
Step 2: Remove Your Car Battery * First, you will need the proper tools. This includes a socket wrench with a 10mm or 8mm socket. Again, it all depends on your battery terminal size. You will also need gloves and safety glasses. ALWAYS WORK SAFELY!
If you’ve never seen tools before, this is a socket wrench with a socket attached to it.
* Second, you will place the socket wrench on the battery terminal screw and begin to remove. Remember, “lefty loosy and righty tighty.”
Step 3: Place in the New Battery
When installing, make sure the positive battery post (+) is installed with the red terminal and the negative battery post (-) is installed with the black terminal.
If you mix these up, this will cause serious electrical damage to your car and a battery is the least of your problems.
* You want to make sure that you install the proper battery that your car needs. Check with your owner’s manual or even Google can be your best friend in this case. * Use a wire brush to clean out your battery terminals; if dirty they can cause your new battery to fail. * Get your socket wrench and tighten the battery terminals properly. You do not want your car turning off while riding through a freeway.
Step 4: Turn the Car On * Finally, you want to turn your car on and make sure that it has been installed correctly. If the car turns on it’s a good sign. * Let your car idle for at least five minutes in order to restore energy. * Now you are done!