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Sex Trafficking


Submitted By modesty1
Words 801
Pages 4
Prostitution should be illegal because it is very dangerous for women. Prostitution can spread sexual transmitted diseases and is a bad influence on other women & young women. There are several women who still decide to choose and live this lifestyle. The only big picture that they see I guess is that there is a lot of money involved. Instead of looking at the real big picture they choose to go the easy but not safe route. If a prostitute is out and about looking to sell her body and soul she can easily be snatched up by a violent individual and never heard from again. Prostitution should not be allowed because there are several dangerous situations that it could put women in. A prostitute could be easily used for a sick pervert’s nasty fantasy. Not to mention that they can be raped or even robbed for everything that they worked so hard for. I could only imagine living the lifestyle of a prostitute and getting robbed for everything I ruined my mind, body and soul for. Prostitution should not be allowed because they are putting not only themselves in danger but also others. They could easily give and catch a disease. What’s even worse is catching or giving someone something that you can’t get rid of such as aids or HIV. A prostitute could risk getting pregnant by someone they don’t even know on the count of them sleeping with so many people. The prevalence of HIV infection among IDUs has reached up to 52%. Although the prevalence of HIV is still less than 5% among women selling sex, their sexual behaviors and practices place them at high risk of acquiring and spreading HIV and STIs (UNAIDS, 2008). The National Sexually Transmitted
Infections/Reproductive Tract Infections (STI/RTI) study of Pakistan revealed a high burden of STIs among female sexworkers (FSWs) (Family Health International
[FHI], 2004). A prostitute is a bad influence on women and young women. They could also risk putting their partner in great danger. If a prostitute is in a serious relationship they could risk passing something along to their partner. If they are killed or harmed in any way they could put their family under a lot of stress. They may even feel like it’s their fault. If you think about it, the way a person lives their life has a major effect on anyone who truly loves them. Another effect is having a young lady of the family get caught into the lifestyle of prostitution because of what they see. Even being forced into doing things that they may not want to do just by even heading that route and meeting the wrong people or person. The United Nations estimates that 79% of teenage girls trafficked globally every year and are forced into involuntary prostitution. (Sakulpitakphon et al. 2009) Adolescents are at risk when they display behaviors that could yield negative outcomes (Flisher 2007) Behaviors beginning in childhood adolescence may mediate the relationship between childhood maltreatment and involvement in prostitution. (Wilson, H.W. &Widom, C (2010)) Studies have found that individuals who engage in prostitution tend to report earlier ages of sexual initiation than comparison groups. (Potterat Rothenberg, Muth Darrow, & Phillips-Plummer, 1998; Van Brunschot & Brannigan, 2002).

Prostitution is not a good job for anyone, there are several negative results. You could catch a disease, pass a disease and even catch something that cannot be cured. Being a prostitute can cause you to even lose your life from someone’s sick fantasy. Even if it was a person’s last option, prostitution would highly not be recommended to anyone. People have to not only think for themselves, they have to know that what they do has an effect on not only on self, but also our youth. Certain people do not realize that the way we act has a major effect on the people around us. When really it’s all just common sense to be a positive not negative leader or influence. Prostitution may seem like an easy way to make money but at the same time is like selling your mind, body, and soul. Your mind, body, and soul are a terrible thing to waste. Prostitution is having no self-respect for yourself or the people around you that truly love you and care.


Flisher AJ (2007) Monitoring child and adolescent mental health risk, risk behavior and substance abuse.

Sakulpitakphon P, Crispin V, Naebklang M, Capaldi M and Madrinan C (2009) Their Protection Is In Our Hands:

Wilson H.W & Widom, C, (2010) The Role of Youth Problem Behaviors in the Path From child Abuse and Neglect to Prostitution

Khan, M Johansson, E, Zaman, S Unemo, M. Rahat, N. I & Lundborg, C. (2010) Poverty of Opportunity Forcing Women into Prostitution

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