...Social Development Research on: Intimate Relationship Development: During the Transition to Adulthood: Differences by Social Class PSY/201 October 22, 2011 Shawna Harlin-Clifton I chose the article “Intimate Relationship Development: During the Transition to Adulthood: Differences by Social Class” because I have believed there was a difference in intimate relationships when it came to different social classes. This article had various data graphs that informed me of the percentages of teen relationship experiences, teen sexual experiences as well as the percentage of early cohabitation and marriage by family income. It was very interesting to see that in adolescence, class differences shape intimate relationships such as in holding hands, kissing on the mouth or telling someone you loved her. While class differences in relationship experience are not that different, there are vast differences in sexual experiences. Concerning sexual experiences those with higher incomes are least likely to have had sexual experiences and that was the particular trend amongst the males. Class differences are also evident in early marriage and cohabitation rates. According the Study of Adolescent Health Data, collected in 2001, approximately 28 percent of youth who had lower income have cohabited by the age of 20 compared to 15 percent of higher income youth. This is also true concerning marriage. Youth in the lower income category are more likely to arrive at marriage...
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...NIV) As amazing as this may seem, even though Adam had a close and intimate relationship with God, God knew that Adam needed other types of intimacy; the kind of intimacy another human being can only offer. Not saying that God is not enough or sufficient to fill and satisfy any heart, but God has placed within our hearts the need of intimacy with other human beings. This report will focused on four aspects of intimacy, which include emotional, spiritual, intellectual and sexual intimacy. The report will define each area of intimacy, give examples and practical advice on how to train marital intimacy skills. It is designed to help couples understand the basic needs of their spouse and the different ways they may contribute to their partner’s fulfillment and satisfaction in marriage. MARITAL INTIMACY SKILLS 3 Defining and Training Marital Intimacy Skills Emotional intimacy refers to the emotional closeness two people are able to feel or develop over certain time period. It is the place where a couple is able to share and be transparent about their feelings and emotions. Sadly many couples do not experience this type of intimacy, this lack of intimacy is clearly seen our society today. The Americans for Divorce Reform estimates that “It is estimated that 40% of all marriages have ended in divorce as of 2008” (Wikipedia, 2011) But what can we do to change this? What can we do to experience emotional intimacy with the people we love the most, especially our spouse...
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...than 1 million children each year experience their parents’ separation. Divorce or separation is a critical event happening to about 54% of young families; however nobody really is prepared for the difficulties that follow. Parental separation has been reported in the literature as being associated with a wide range of adverse effects on children’s wellbeing, both as a short-term consequence of the transition and in the form of more enduring effects that persist into adulthood. Both parental marital status and the parent-adolescent relationship have been found to be related to adolescent well-being (Forehand, Middleton, & Long, 1987; Buchanan, Maccoby, & Dombusch 1991). There is a wide diversity of outcomes among both groups of children from divorced and intact families, and the adjustment of children following divorce depends on a wide range of other factors. Pryor and Rodgers (2001) show that the risk of poor social adjustment is twice as great for children whose parents are separated or divorced (Amato, 2000; Simons, Lin, Gordon, Conger, and Lorenz, 1999; Emery, 1999; Kelly, 2000; Hetherington and Kelly, 2002). Among other things, children from divorced families 2 PAGE UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS showed increased problems in social and close relationships (Hetherington 1997), were two to three times more likely to associate with antisocial peers (Amato and Keith, 1991), engaged in earlier commencement of sexual activity, including being twice...
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...The Facts on Domestic, Dating and Sexual Violence Domestic, dating and sexual violence are costly and pervasive problems in this country, causing victims, as well as witnesses and bystanders, in every community to suffer incalculable pain and loss. In addition to the lives taken and injuries suffered, partner violence shatters the sense of well-being that allows people to thrive. It also can cause health problems that last a lifetime, and diminish children’s prospects in school and in life. The United States has made progress in the last few decades in addressing this violence, resulting in welcome declines1 – but there is more work to do to implement the strategies that hold the most promise. These include teaching the next generation that violence is wrong, training more health care providers to assess patients for abuse, implementing workplace prevention and victim support programs, and making services available to all victims including immigrants and children who witness violence. Prevalence of Violence in the United States On average more than three women a day are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends in the United States. In 2005, 1,181 women were murdered by an intimate partner.2 In 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published data collected in 2005 that finds that women experience two million injuries from intimate partner violence each year.3 Nearly one in four women in the United States reports experiencing violence by a current or former...
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...Domestic Violence amongst African American Women Domestic violence occurs in an estimated 4 million intimate relationships each year in the United States. Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in which a person uses coercion, deception, harassment, humiliation, manipulation, and/or force to establish or maintain power and control over his or her intimate partner. Economic, emotional, psychological, physical, sexual, and verbal tactics are used by perpetrators to control and obtain power over their partners. Domestic violence crosses ethnic, racial, age, national origin, sexual orientation, religious, and socioeconomic lines. The majority of victims of domestic violence in heterosexual relationships are women. One out of every three adult women experiences at least one physical assault by an intimate partner during adulthood. African Americans experience domestic violence at a high rate in comparison to their numerical representation in the population. Although domestic and sexual violence occurs in all socioeconomic classes, socioeconomic disadvantages do increase the risk of the incidence of violent crimes. In intimate partner violence cases of spousal assault, power balance is an important risk factor. Among domestic violence cases, husbands who have (or feel that they have) less power than their wives are more physically abusive toward them, because of the perceived lack of power in other areas of their lives. Although there are different sociological theories...
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...of Sex: A Guide to Sexual Fulfillment A Student’s Critique Jeffery T. Treadaway Liberty University Abstract It will be the intent and purpose of this dialog to five the student’s perspective and interpretation of the textbook: The Gift of Sex: A Guideline to Sexual Fulfillment (Penner & Penner, 2003). Discussed will be the topics of sexuality as a gift from God and what the Bible says about sexuality and the role of sex within the marriage. The topic of the physical dimensions will also be explored to include our bodies and discovering and sharing of our body, as well as, how our bodies work and the sexual responses. We will also discuss the experience of our sexuality and methods to explore and meet our and our partner’s sexual needs and desires. An exploration of the topic of sexual dysfunction will also be addressed and the methods of dealing with these issues. Lastly we will discuss the methods by which one may enhance their sexual experience to make it more meaningful and pleasurable. One’s sexuality and desire for intimacy is a gift from God and it is to be treated as such in accordance with God’s guidelines and laws. The Bible tells us in Genesis 1 27-28: “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number”. (Holy Bible, NIV, 2003). The textbook: The Gift of Sex: A Guideline to Sexual Fulfillment states that...
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...intimacy as “an intimate quality or state: such as emotional warmth and closeness; sexual relations; or something that is very personal and private” (Webster, 1993). Lori Gordon (2004) in her article Intimacy: The Art of Relationship writes that intimacy should involve emotional and physical closeness. When most people think about intimacy they probably think about sex but intimacy is a much deeper connection than sex. Intimacy is more of an emotional and spiritual connection as well as a physical connection. From the moment we are born we seek for a connection, a feeling of warmth from another individual “positive bonding is important from the cradle to the grave” (Balswick & Balswick, 2008). Intimacy whether sexual or non-sexual is established through a sense of “knowing” another individual, this happens through means of honest and deep communication. Christians seek a deeper connection with God through communication, they seek to feel intimate with God, to be known by their Heavenly Father; Psalms 139:23 says “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts” there is deep desire in us to be known and sought even from the One who created us. Friendships are an intimate relationship; friendships were individuals feel comfortable to talk about their inner feelings and thoughts without the fear of being judged or without guilt and shame. According to Balswick and Balswick (2008) shame is the main barrier to a true intimate relationship. In the sexual context, a...
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...maintain satisfying relationships by learning to share intimacy without feeling worried or inhibited, question old values without losing your identity. You may go through many changes as you move from childhood into physical maturity. The sudden and rapid physical changes that you go through make you very self- conscious, sensitive and worried about your own body changes. You may make painful comparisons about yourselves with your peers. Sometimes you may tend to pull away from your parents in search for your own identity, and your friends become more important, your peer group may become a safe haven, in which you can test new ideas. This group consists of non romantic friendships, often including “cliques,”gangs, or clubs. Members of the group often act alike, have secret codes or rituals and participate in the same activities. And as you move into mid-adolescence ages 14 to 16 years old and beyond, you may start to have romantic relationships. Through romantic friendships, dating and experimenting, you learn to express and receive intimate or sexual advances. As adolescence you should know your duties and responsibilities towards yourself, your family and to the society. To yourself you should be In mid- to late adolescence, young people often feel the need to establish their sexual identity by becoming comfortable with their body and sexual feelings. Through romantic friendships, dating, and experimenting, adolescents learn to express and receive intimate or sexual advances. Young...
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...The AcademyHomeAbout The AcademyAcademy's MissionMembershipAdministrationBoard of Scientific and Professional AdvisorsCode of Ethical & Professional StandardsCertification ProgramsDiplomate, American Academy of Experts in Traumatic StressCertifications in Traumatic Stress SpecialtiesCertifications in Crisis Management SpecialtiesSpecialtiesCertified Crisis ChaplainCertification in Acute Traumatic Stress ManagementFellowshipCredentialsPublicationsNEW BOOK: It's OK Not To Be OK ... Right NowA Practical Guide for Crisis Response in Our SchoolsA Practical Guide for University Crisis ResponseComprehensive Acute Traumatic Stress ManagementSurviving and Thriving: Living Through a Traumatic ExperienceImmediately Download: Living Through a Traumatic ExperiencePurchase PublicationsThe Traumatic Stress LibraryAdoption and Traumatic Stress ColumnMembership InformationBenefits of MembershipRequest a Membership Information PacketJoin the Academy On-LineJoin Today On-Line & Receive a 35% Membership Fee DiscountRenew Membership On-LineNominate a Colleague for Membership with the AcademyOnline TrainingContact UsE-MailPhoneAddressProfessional RegistriesInternational Registry of the Center and the AcademyDirectory of Experts WitnessesInternational Premier Speakers BureauTraumaline1Email this PageMembers OnlyInternational Registry About the Academy Membership Benefits of Membership Diplomate and Fellowship Status Specialty Certification Programs Join the Academy Request...
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...and neglect increases the likelihood of repressed social information processing, lower performance in school, and relationship problems in children. Child maltreatment or abuse is physical, sexual, or psychological mistreatment occurring to children under 18 years of age. Child maltreatment is a serious and pervasive health care problem in the US., with increasing costs to the individual and to society. Maltreatment is neglect of a child by a parent or caregiver., negligent treatment and the exploitation of children that results in actual or potential harm to a child’s health, survival, development or dignity. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) website, consequences of child maltreatment include impaired lifelong physical and mental health. Lifelong consequences as results of child abuse/maltreatment are delayed motoric activity & social development. Difficulty relating to others, there is low trust, low self-esteem, fears, and phobias. Often times some victims exhibit shame which is the desire to hide the damaged self from others, due to childhood sexual abuse. If a child is being exposed to an abusive environment it could be considered maltreatment due to failure to provide the child with a safe and loving environment. Abuse can happen within families, like spousal abuse or...
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...Intimate partner violence is a global issue. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is not only restricted to North America, it occurs worldwide. In some countries, IPV is not seen as criminal and is not punishable by law. In these countries, men have legal possessions of their wives and can do with them what they please. In other countries, IPV is taken very seriously and is regarded as one of the most traumatizing events that could take place in an individual’s life. This topic is a very sensitive matter and is subject to high scrutiny. Accordingly, the laws surrounding intimate partner violence have been subject to change many times over the course of the past century. After all, it was not until 1983, that men could no longer rape their wives...
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...Patricia Dudley Domestic Violence Domestic Violence amongst African American Women Domestic violence occurs in an estimated 4 million intimate relationships each year in the United States. Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in which a person uses coercion, deception, harassment, humiliation, manipulation, and/or force to establish or maintain power and control over his or her intimate partner. Economic, emotional, psychological, physical, sexual, and verbal tactics are used by perpetrators to control and obtain power over their partners. Domestic violence crosses ethnic, racial, age, national origin, sexual orientation, religious, and socioeconomic lines. The majority of victims of domestic violence in heterosexual relationships are women. One out of every three adult women experiences at least one physical assault by an intimate partner during adulthood. African Americans experience domestic violence at a high rate in comparison to their numerical representation in the population. Although domestic and sexual violence occurs in all socioeconomic classes, socioeconomic disadvantages do increase the risk of the incidence of violent crimes. In intimate partner violence cases of spousal assault, power balance is an important risk factor. Among domestic violence cases, husbands who have (or feel that they have) less power than their wives are more physically abusive toward them, because of the perceived lack of power in other areas of their lives. Although...
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...The issue of social development in adulthood has much important information that stems from the transition of adolescence to adulthood. In the article, Intimate Relationship Development During the Transition to Adulthood: Differences by Social Class by Ann Meier and Gina Allen, social development in adulthood has many variables of determining factors such as age, sex, race, financial position, sexual orientation, and militant experience. In a study taken by the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, research was conducted to see who in the last 18 months had a special romantic relationship. After receiving the data it was noted that lower income families have children that produce the majority of unintentional pregnancies. Upper class children tend to wait until later in life. This data shows that lower income families develop or participate in early sexual behavior at a younger age than upper income families. Even though lower income families have sexual encounters at earlier ages the data also shows that they marry at younger ages as well. This is a main cause for the high divorce rate. These two situations are primarily due to lack of education and resources from a family of poverty. Marriage patterns also follow the parents’ example. For instance, children from higher educated and income families follow the traditional marriage example. This means that they marry first then become parents. And the opposite follows for children with “less-than” backgrounds of their...
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...Week 4 Assignment 2.1 Chazminne Harrison Professor George McGeehan English Composition 11/04/2014 According to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS) in 2010 one in 4 women (22.3%) have been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner, while 1 in 7 men (14.0%) have experienced the same physical violence (CDC, 2010). Now, in 2014, one can only imagine how much the numbers have increased. It was also reported by the Safe Horizon group that most domestic violence incidents are not reported to the police. The dangers of being a woman or a man in a relationship filled with domestic violence goes further than just physical damage, but emotional too. Here at Safe Haven, we have a number of medical and financial resources that we offer to the men and women that come to us searching for refuge. We have doctors, both medicinal and psychiatric, on duty as well as job outreach programs that are always looking for new employees; we always have shelters that men, women and families are welcomed to use while they are being rehabilitated. What is domestic violence? Domestic Violence is one person’s use of emotional, physical, economical, and or sexual violence or the threat of violence to get control and keep control of their intimate partner. Domestic Violence comes in many forms which often may include one if not all types of abuse. First there is the most common form of abuse which is Physical Abuse which includes slapping, kicking and or...
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...in men and women pertaining to sexual behavior and desire. “Sexual desire is the subjective experience of being interested in sexual objects or activities or wishing to engage in sexual activities (Regan & Berscheid, 1999).” Although men and women have very different ideas of sex and sexual behaviors, many stereotypes have been created to associate the way that men and women are affected by the ideas of sex. Scientific evidence would suggest that some of these stereotypes are in fact true, however many others are false. When examining said stereotypes it is important to realize that differences between a man and woman’s sexual desire pertain to many factors. Men and women vary based on sexual desire due to biology, age, and culture. To start is it important to determine the factors that pertain to male and female arousal. There is a wide variety of differences in what men and women desire. For example “Heterosexual men become aroused mostly by women’s bodies, and homosexual men are aroused mostly by men’s bodies. Heterosexual women, however, are likely to be aroused by visual depictions of either sex, especially if sexual activity is taking place, though lesbians tend to be aroused mostly by erotic images of women (Chivers, Seto, & Blanchard, 2007).” Throughout a lifetime, women tend to be more elastic when considering sexual activity, whereas males tend to have a fixed impression. “Many more men than women develop paraphilias (sexual arousal in response to atypical...
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