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Should Public Schools Have Dress Code?

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“More than half of public schools enforce some sort of dress code”
We have dress code because of our freedom of speech. Schools started to put a dress code for the students to follow in 1969. The U.S. Supreme Court dealt a case with students that expressed themselves to disrupt the learning of others.Although students have a right to express themselves, schools should have a dress code because it helps students safety, personal image, and future outlook.
Everyone knows that the way people dress describes something about them. However, Author Jill L. Ferguson wrote on Huffpost “Your style and the clothes you choose reflect and affect your mood, health and overall confidence”. This shows that no matter what you choose to wear people would describe you of what you are wearing and how you look. This is important because if you decide to not dress appropriately it could say something about the kind of person you are. As a matter of fact the article How Clothing Choices Affect and Reflect Your Self-Image states that whatever you choose to wear ask yourself what will people around me think about my appearance.If you choose to wear …show more content…
Loose clothing, long hair, dangle jewelry, and sandals may be dangerous according to the Environmental Health, Safety, and Risk Management department of Texas State.The result of an inappropriate dress code can lead to an unimaginable problems for example getting your hair caught, tripping over , and exposing yourself. Exposing yourself is the worst problem anyone can ever think of. You can lose your reputation and self dignity.Journalist Larry Wilder, Ed.D. mentioned that many educators believe that it can also promote higher educational levels on individuals. In addition, uniforms can also prevent things related to gang activity, thefts, and criminal activities. Academical schools would reinforce children's safety and protected against peer pressure.Dress code allows for a safer

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