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Showing Acceptance: Unequal Distribution Of Family Values

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Saying please and showing gratitude is an action children preform in order to receive what they desire. At this point in life, no child understands why they say please or show gratitude, but they learned to say please obtain what they desire. These minuscule colloquies display an unequal distribution of power. Furthermore, a person being asked “please” has the power in the interaction, because they possess something desired by others. In addition, showing gratitude is recognition of power and showing thankfulness for their kindness. Saying please and showing gratitude serve a function in society. These actions are societal norms for asking for and receiving something and children that do not do these things are deviant to societal norms and are ill mannered. …show more content…
My mom tells me stories when me and my brother was around the age of one, my dad would throw balls at me and my brother. His mentality was if he threw balls at us at a young age, we wouldn’t be afraid of them when we go older. All my dad talks about is sports. He loves baseball, hockey and football. He made sure we played all of them and even made us play soccer, but he never watched soccer. Naturally me and my brother made friends and we would repeat whatever my dad was talking about that week, whether it be trades, big plays, or stupid call. My dad never watched soccer and neither did me or my brother. For some reason in senior year in high school I grew to love watching soccer beuase one of my close friends. To my dad this was deviant behavior, and when there were two big games on soccer was immdiatly

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