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Shrimp Farming And Environmental Analysis

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Ecology as a field of science looks at ecosystems as a whole and the relationships between all components of that ecosystem biotic and abiotic, human and non-human, and ecologists seek to solve environmental problems, better manage ecosystems and our effects on them, and offer alternatives for destructive practices. Many times these alternatives allow humans to continue to benefit from certain behaviors while greatly decreasing their environmental impact, but sometimes these alternatives become just as destructive as the original practice. One example of this is shrimp farming. As an alternative to commercial fishing, shrimp farming reduces damage to ocean floors and seabeds, by-catch, and overharvesting, but because companies often over …show more content…
Almost 55 percent of shrimp now comes from shrimp farms usually located in developing countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Brazil, Ecuador, or Bangladesh, and as demand for shrimp continues to grow globally, environmental and anthropogenic impacts in these areas grow too (“Farmed Shrimp” 2016). After seeing first hand the vast and sometimes irreversible damage not only to surrounding ecosystems but also to the surrounding community of a shrimp farm in Costa Rica, I hope more people acknowledge shrimp farming as an ecological issue and hold shrimp companies to higher, cleaner …show more content…
Though many associations have published their own set of standards for clean farming, in the future, nations need to hold meetings of experts to review the various certifications already published and being used, analyze the benefits and consequences of each, and explore ways to harmonize them (Kourous 2006). To keep the momentum progressing, the public needs to pressure governments and companies to switch to semi-intensive practices. In addition, individuals can eat less shrimp, look for Marine Stewardship Council ecolabels that indicate certified clean farming methods when shopping or dining out, and seek out shrimp from more local farms (“Meals of Mass Destruction: Shrimp”

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