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Propaganda In Watergate Scandal

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Knowledge is the framework of maintaining a functioning democratic political policy. In other words, when the idea of building a country that relies on the opinions and votes of the people it is crucial that all aspects of the government are put on display for the citizens to understand, evaluate and analyze in order to form their own conclusions on the issue at hand. In a sense, it is required that the media shed light on political issues in an unbiased perspective to raise the awareness and consciousness of the people. However, it is also a crucial aspect to reveal information that is unbiased. To define the term bias, we are referring specifically to propaganda. Many of the American consumers do not recognize that they are consuming propaganda …show more content…
If we trace the timeline of the case it took a year before the public was authorized or given any information on the issue. On May 18, 1973, the Senate Watergate Committee began its public hearings on the scandal. The committee’s hearings were nationally televised. This was a turning point in the trails case because the public was able to provide their own opinions on the issue. When the Cox and Senate Watergate investigators requested for “Nixon tapes” tapes, which had taped conversations and calls in the office, showed how the democratic institution works. The tapes were believed to contain critical evidence of a cover-up of Nixon’s involvement in the break-in. Being that the United States is democratic, and all information should be available to the public, it was crucial for Nixon to turn in the tapes. However, his refusal to do so has led to his resignation in office. Cleary the tapes were kept in secret because it perhaps did not have the best interest of the general public. In instances like these, the public has a right to know what is going in terms of the political aspects of a nation so that those representing the country reflect the desires of the

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