...COMMUNICATION DEVICES USERS’ STATISFACTION LEVEL A Research Developed in Fulfilling the Course Completion of Managerial Data Analysis by Daniel Vincent Hadikrisno December 2011 . STATEMENT BY THE AUTHOR I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and, to the best of my knowledge, contains no material previously published or written by another person. Jakarta, 18th of December 2011 ( Daniel Vincent Hadikrisno ) ABSTRACTION The main purpose of this research is to study the behavior of mobile communication device customers; what affects their decision in deciding to purchase and use a particular mobile communication device over the other. This is done by analyzing their statisfaction level towards their current mobile communication device based on factors that the writer have determined beforehand. The data are gathered using questionnaires that are distributed to young adults and adults who are currently using at least one of the three most popular mobile communication devices in Jakarta: Blackbery, iPhone, and Android. The data are then gathered and transformed into three different regression model, where test of significances can be taken towards them. The result is that the three mobile communication devices are each fulfilling a different specific need of the customers. These differences are actually their competitive advantage over their direct competitors. Therefore, should a new product would like to be released, make sure that it fulfills a specific...
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...DATA ANALYSIS TAKE-HOME EXAM Introduction This report provides an insight into the investment behavior of 50 couples. Using different statistical methods and observing the trend followed by the effect of various independent variables on a single independent variable , a conclusion will be reached. The following are the main tools used for analysis of investment behavior of 50 couples who are selected from a sample size of 194 couples. 1. Descriptive statistics 2.Histograms 3.Pivot tables 4.Multiple Regression In this model , a scrutiny of the above statistical data will give the tendency to invest in retirement plans and the type of couples who invest and take advantage of the attractive investments in order to avail tax exemption. This report also elaborates on how the different independent variables - Number of children, Salary, Mortgage and Debt- have an effect on the dependent variable, i.e. the percentage of salary invested. Consequently the below tasks will be fulfilled. Step 1-Extracting a sample of 50 couples Step 2-Constructing histograms and point estimates with given confidence intervals Step 3-Inference from pivot tables to explain the preferences of different couples on investments based on independent variables Step 4-Performing multivariate regression and conducting significance tests on beta coefficients R^2 and F-tests and hence establish a correlation of different variables and ensuing effect on investments made. Dataset We have a sample...
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...Linear Regression deals with the numerical measures to express the relationship between two variables. Relationships between variables can either be strong or weak or even direct or inverse. A few examples may be the amount McDonald’s spends on advertising per month and the amount of total sales in a month. Additionally the amount of study time one puts toward this statistics in comparison to the grades they receive may be analyzed using the regression method. The formal definition of Regression Analysis is the equation that allows one to estimate the value of one variable based on the value of another. Key objectives in performing a regression analysis include estimating the dependent variable Y based on a selected value of the independent variable X. To explain, Nike could possibly measurer how much they spend on celebrity endorsements and the affect it has on sales in a month. When measuring, the amount spent celebrity endorsements would be the independent X variable. Without the X variable, Y would be impossible to estimate. The general from of the regression equation is Y hat "=a + bX" where Y hat is the estimated value of the estimated value of the Y variable for a selected X value. a represents the Y-Intercept, therefore, it is the estimated value of Y when X=0. Furthermore, b is the slope of the line or the average change in Y hat for each change of one unit in the independent variable X. Finally, X is any value of the independent variable that is selected. Regression...
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...MKT 424 EXAM 3 REVIEW GUIDE CHAPTER 18 Characterizing Relationships Between Variables • 1. Presence: whether any systematic relationship exists between two variables of interest • 2. Direction: whether the relationship is positive or negative • 3. Strength of Association: how strong/consistent the relationship is (strong, moderate, weak) o Relationships should be assessed in this order How to Analyze Relationships 1. Choose variables to analyze 2. Determine if the variables are interval/ratio or nominal/ordinal 3. Use the correct relationship analysis a. For two interval/ratio variables – use correlation b. For two nominal/ordinal variables – use cross-tabs 4. Does a relationship exist? 5. If relationship exists, determine the direction a. Monotonic will be increasing/decreasing b. Nonmonotonic will be looking for a pattern 6. Assess the strength of relationship a. With correlation – size of coefficient denotes the strength b. With cross-tabs – the pattern is assessed Cross-Tabulations and Chi Square • Cross-tabulations o Consists of rows and columns defined by the categories classifying each variable. Used for nonmonotonic relationships o Sometimes referred to as an “r x c” table (rows x columns) ▪ Crosstabulation cell – intersection of a row and a column o Interested in inner cells to determine relationship before statistically...
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...Exploring the prospects for U.S-China trade With the significant development of economy, China has already exceeded Japan, becoming the second largest economic entity in the world. From 1949 to the present, China's economy grew annually from 4 to 10 percent. There is no doubt that the export contributes a lot to China’s GDP; meanwhile, United States just replaced the European Union, turning into China’s largest trade partner last year. It is obvious that China and U.S. are closely connected in the modern economy. Since U.S. and China are inextricably linked, I would like to analyze the trade between U.S. and China in this paper, and find out what are influencing the value of trade between the two countries. First of all, there are some economic concepts that need to be explained. China has a favourable balance of trade, which means nowadays China exports more than imports; however, U.S. has run a trade deficit every year for more than thirty years, which means U.S. imports more. The import and export are always connected with the exchange rate. For instance, if you are exporting and your local currency becomes strong then your products become more expensive for your buyers. If you are importing and your local currency becomes weak then the products you are importing become more expensive. As we can see, China is exporting more to the U.S., so I would assume that one of the reason why U.S. would import more from China may be the exchange rate of China’s currency Yuan is slumping;...
Words: 2007 - Pages: 9
...Purpose of study This journal is focusing about the relationship of investor protection and the risk choices in corporate investment. It also examines the factor that influence the risk choices are either due to the insider or the manager explicit ownership and compensation structure or through private benefit. From this journal, my review is about the positive relationship between investor and risk choices in order to influence more investment to help the corporation in manufacturing sector to survive from different level of risk and sustain a good firm’s growth rate in future. Motivation of study According to the “law and finance” approach by La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer and Vishny (1998 and 2000), they stated that the role of investor protection is really important to ensure for a good development of the country. Referring to the World Bank ranking, the top ten countries that have good investor protection are a part of OECD countries that have good political and economic condition and the most surprisingly Malaysia is one of the countries that only as an emerging country. From this, we clearly know the important of investor protection in order to help the country itself to survive in a longer time. Besides that, the corporations have to know how to raise external capital and grow without need to increase the risk. Nowadays, many corporations unable to survive without making a good risk choices plus do not make much in order to protect their investor. Problem statement...
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...The terms "statistical analysis" and "data analysis" can be said to mean the same thing -- the study of how we describe, combine, and make inferences based on numbers. A lot of people are scared of numbers (quantiphobia), but data analysis with statistics has got less to do with numbers, and more to do with rules for arranging them. It even lets you create some of those rules yourself, so instead of looking at it like a lot of memorization, it's best to see it as an extension of the research mentality, something researchers do anyway (i.e., play with or crunch numbers). Once you realize that YOU have complete and total power over how you want to arrange numbers, your fear of them will disappear. It helps, of course, if you know some basic algebra and arithmetic, at a level where you might be comfortable solving the following equation There are three (3) general areas that make up the field of statistics: descriptive statistics, relational statistics, and inferential statistics. 1. Descriptive statistics fall into one of two categories: measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) or measures of dispersion (standard deviation and variance). Their purpose is to explore hunches that may have come up during the course of the research process, but most people compute them to look at the normality of their numbers. Examples include descriptive analysis of sex, age, race, social class, and so forth. 2. Relationalstatistics fall into one of three categories: univariate,...
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...What Sells Game Tickets? A Quantitative Analysis of The 1980 Oakland A’s Home Game Day Brian Hunter, M.A. Director of General Education A&B Educational Services, LLC www.abeducationalservices.com brian@abeducationalservices.com In 1980, the Oakland A’s came in second place in the Western Division with 83 wins, 79 losses, and 14 games behind the first place Kansas City Royals. Steward Roddey, the general manager, has requested that an analysis be done to examine all the possible factors that could influence home game ticket sales and to gather information on pitcher Mark Nobel to use in negotiations with Mr. Nobel’s agent. Mr. Roddey gathered data (Exhibit 1) on what he believes would fully account for what factors contributed to the sale of home tickets between April and September of 1980. He is interested in how these variables interacted statistically for each game played: Day of the Week (game was played), Team Performance (Rank and Games Behind), Weather (stadium was open-air), Double Headers (6 in all), Starting Times (day or night), Starting Pitcher (especially Mark Nobel), Opponent (13 teams including the Yankees), Televised Home Games, and Game Promotions. Mr. Roddey believes this is an exhaustive list and would like a report on the findings to use for his future business decisions regarding his management of the Oakland A’s and his salary negotiations with pitcher Mark Nobel’s agent. In addressing Mr. Roddey’s ideas about factors that contribute...
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...point average. A personal variable that might be inversely related to freshman grade point average is number of times arrested during high school. 15.71 p/a/m The least-squares equation is NetIncome = 0.21 + 0.0999*TotRev. For each additional $billion of total revenue, the equation would estimate an increase of $0.0999 billion in the company’s net income. Note that the p-value is not very impressive, 0.174, and the slope of the population regression equation could very easily be 0, at least based on this sample of years. For a year in which total revenues are $18 billion, the equation would estimate net income as $2.009 billion. The Minitab printout is shown below. Regression Analysis: NetIncome versus TotRev The regression equation is NetIncome = 0.21 + 0.0999 TotRev Predictor Coef SE Coef T P Constant 0.211 1.041 0.20 0.846 TotRev 0.09990 0.06475 1.54 0.174 S = 0.482407 R-Sq = 28.4% R-Sq(adj) = 16.5% Analysis of Variance Source DF SS MS F P Regression 1 0.5539 0.5539 2.38 0.174 Residual Error 6 1.3963 0.2327 Total 7 1.9502 Predicted Values for New Observations New Obs Fit SE Fit 95% CI 95% PI 1 2.009 0.220...
Words: 9902 - Pages: 40
...FACTORS THAT AFFECT PEOPLE TO HAVE MORE THAN ONE CREDIT CARDS Abstract Credit card is only form of payment card that offers a revolving line of credit in addition to its function as a means of electronic payment. Currently, the number of credit cards in circulation in Indonesia is growing rapidly until it reached 14.7 million cards in 2011. This becomes higher since most of the credit card customers holding more than one card. As the number of credit cards in circulation rises, the problems also rise. Problems of credit card customers were diverse, ranging from billing to the difficulty when they want to stop being a customer. Although having many credits card increasing the probability problem, people still tend to have many. From those idea, author decide to do a research on what is actually affect people to have more than one credit card and avoiding the potential problem caused by that. The research methodology that authors use is the quantitative method by collecting through surveys to 106 respondents in Jakarta and Bandung. By the research method above, authors find that factors that actually influence people to have more than one credit card are promotion program that bank offered, lifestyle, the easiness to not bring cash, and the easiness to use the credit cards. While factor that significantly affect the amount of credit card owned by people is only the easiness to use factor. By knowing these factors, banks as the “credit card seller” can make some innovative...
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...COMPREHENSIVE EXAM QUESTIONS IN RESEARCH METHODS(1) 1. PHILOSOPHY, LOGIC AND ETHICS OF SCIENCE A) General A1. A2. A3. Starbuck has suggested that "the properties shared by all organizations ought to be uninteresting TH and unimportant." He also notes that "although statements about averages bother very few, they ought to bother many" (Journal of Management Studies, vol. 30(6), 1993). Do you agree with these statements? If so, why, and what are the implications of your beliefs for research methods in strategic management and organization science? If not, why not, and what are the implications of your beliefs for research methods in those areas? Lay out the components of the Runkel and McGrath (1972) Research Cycle and the Martin (1982) Garbage Can Model of the research process. What are the aims of either approach? What assumptions does each approach make? What basic themes does each approach emphasize? What kinds of constraints on the process of doing research does each approach highlight? How are the two approaches alike and different in other ways? What are the likely pitfalls of viewing the research process from only one of these two viewpoints? Define (and discuss important features or issues concerning) the following constructs of Philosophy and Logic of Science. (Define any four terms). 1. Null hypothesis 3. Paradigm 4. Independent variable 5. Operational definition 6. Nomological network 8. The fallacy of affirming the consequent 9. Theory 2....
Words: 21963 - Pages: 88
...corruption slows down the long-term growth of an economy through a wide range of negative post-effects. It hampers economic growth, disproportionately burdens the poor and undermines the effectiveness of any investment and aid. Some theoretical studies suggest that corruption may counteract government failure and promote economic growth in the short run, however in recent years this studies aren`t anymore valid given the clear message from the negative effects on society and the economic system. In this paper we will analyze and present: First, we will describe and list a number of causes and consequences of corruption, derived from recent international studies from worldwide organizations trying to fight corruption. Second, we will introduce a regression model that can help explain the negative relationship between corruption (Corruption Perception Index or CPI1) and economic growth by looking closely over metrics like the government effectiveness2 in percentiles and GDP per worker conclude. 3 in a huge sample of countries. In the last chapter we will 1 CPI - Official metric, which aims to track corruption levels in 258 countries around the world, trough a multifunctional methodology, available at the Transparency international...
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...The Inaugural Coase Lecture An Introduction to Regression Analysis Alan O. Sykes* Regression analysis is a statistical tool for the investigation of relationships between variables. Usually, the investigator seeks to ascertain the causal effect of one variable upon another—the effect of a price increase upon demand, for example, or the effect of changes in the money supply upon the inflation rate. To explore such issues, the investigator assembles data on the underlying variables of interest and employs regression to estimate the quantitative effect of the causal variables upon the variable that they influence. The investigator also typically assesses the “statistical significance” of the estimated relationships, that is, the degree of confidence that the true relationship is close to the estimated relationship. Regression techniques have long been central to the field of economic statistics (“econometrics”). Increasingly, they have become important to lawyers and legal policy makers as well. Regression has been offered as evidence of liability under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of , as evidence of racial bias in death penalty litigation, as evidence of damages in contract actions, as evidence of violations under the Voting Rights Act, and as evidence of damages in antitrust litigation, among other things. In this lecture, I will provide an overview of the most basic techniques of regression analysis—how they work, what they assume, Professor of Law, University of Chicago...
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...Term Project The Effects Geographic Location and Age Have on A Credit Score Nicholas Rogers EC315 10 March 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE STATEMENT AND MODEL………………………………………………………..3 DEFINITION OF VARIABLES…………………………………………………………………3 DATA DESCRIPTION…………………………………………………………………………..5 PRESENTATION AND INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS………………………………….7 WORKS CITED…………………………………………………………………………………10 DATA SOURCES……………………………………………………………………………….10 REGRESSION ANALYSIS AND CORRELATION MATRIX……………………attachment 1 PURPOSE STATEMENT AND MODEL With the current state of the economy and job market in the United States, many individuals are shocked to hear that credit scores are becoming even more important now than before not only when it comes to making purchases or financial decisions, but also in other aspects of their everyday life. According to Forbes.com staffer, Heather Struck, in A Bad Credit Score Affects A Lot More Than Credit, ones FICO score can affect their ability to get a job, their insurance rates, and even how their personal relationships work out (2011). Some people have differing opinions on what can hurt or help a credit score. To keep from going into each of those possible outcomes, I am just going to pay attention to geographic location and age of the person seeking credit. The purpose of this project is to see what, if any, effect where a person lives and his age will have on his credit...
Words: 1957 - Pages: 8
...to do is controlled by a button somewhere on the panel. Once you get familiar with the layout of the panel, the actual work should be quite an enjoyable process. Several good menu-interface statistical software are available. Among them, Minitab and SPSS are the most widely used ones. This report serves as an introduction to these two software packages. For each of them, the software’s specialties, advantages, and suitability will be discussed. Some important functionalities, their implementations, and programming in the two software will be introduced. This report also includes ‘helpful resources’, which I personally found very helpful in learning and using the two software. 1. Minitab History Minitab was originally developed by Barbara F. Ryan, Thomas A. Ryan, Jr., and Brian L. Joiner at Pennsylvania State University in 1972. Nowadays, it is a commercial product distributed by the Minitab Inc. The latest version of this software is Minitab15, which was released in 2008 (1). This report is based on this latest version. Specialties and advantages Comparing to other statistical...
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