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Silver Effects On Antibacterium

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Pages 4
Silver (Ag) has always been recognised as a valuable resource ever since its discovery around 5000BC. Silver's medicinal properties were first recorded in 400BC by Hippocrates. Despite uncovering this, he was unable to determine why it was effective, or what it did.
When a pathogen mutates and renders an antibiotic useless, it is difficult to know what to turn to next. This is why colloidal silver is so valuable in the medical industry. Silver is an effect antibacterial remedy for both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.
This differentiates it from other heavy metals such as mercury (Hg) or lead (Pb) which chemically bond inside the body and accumulates, which can damage the metabolism.


Silver (Ag) can only be consumed …show more content…
This research is important because as Collins said, "Resistance (to antibiotics) is growing, while the number of new antibiotics in development is dropping" (Owens, 2013). The team discovered that silver attacks bacteria in two main ways. First, silver makes the cell membrane go from impermeable or semipermeable to permeable. This means larger molecules, ions and also antibiotics can get through the membrane and overwhelm the bacteria's resistance mechanisms. An example of this are Gram-negative bacteria which have a protective out coating which makes the cell impermeable to larger molecules. But when disrupted with silver, large antibiotic molecules such as vancomycin can enter the cell (Obesity, Fitness and Wellness Week, 2013). Not only does silver allow antibacterial to enter the cell, making the bacteria more permeable can destroy the cell by itself. The cell starts to rupture and tear, and two tears might join together to form a bigger one so the cell rapidly loses all of its contents. The second way silver fights against bacteria is by interfering with the cell's metabolism. When the metabolism is distorted, the cell overproduces a reactive oxygen compound. In large quantities, these compounds are toxic to the …show more content…
One of these is caused by biofilms which are slimy microbe layers that cover catheters and prosthetic joints. Biofilms cause materials to stick to each inside the body. Silver breaks up the biofilm as well as the connection. Silver also stops bacteria from lying dormant during an antibiotic treatment then resurfacing once the treatment is over. This prevents the need for several return trips to the

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