...of Business and Economics Department of Accounting and Finance EXAM CODES: AFF/AFW2401 TITLE OF PAPER: COMMERCIAL BANKING AND FINANCE EXAM DURATION: 3 hours READING TIME: 10 minutes THIS PAPER IS FOR STUDENTS STUDYING AT: (office use only - tick where applicable) Berwick Clayton Peninsula Distance Education Open Learning Caulfield Gippsland Sunway Hong Kong Other (specify) During an exam, you must not have in your possession, a book, notes, paper, calculator, pencil case, mobile phone or any other material/item which has not been authorised for the exam or specifically permitted as noted below. Any material or item on your desk, chair or person will be deemed to be in your possession. You are reminded that possession of unauthorised materials in an exam is a disciplinable offence under Monash Statute 4.1. AUTHORISED MATERIALS CALCULATORS YES NO (Permitted calculators: Citizen SRT-135, Casio FX82MS scientific calculator, the Casio FX82AU scientific calculator, and Sharp EL-735 financial calculator, or calculators with an 'approved for use' Faculty label) OPEN BOOK YES NO SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED ITEMS YES NO if yes, items permitted are: This paper consists of six (6) questions and one (1) formula sheet printed on a total of eighteen (18) pages. Answer Question 1 in the scriptbook provided. Answer all other questions in the space provided on the question paper. Students must answer ALL questions. This exam is worth a total of 70 marks. PLEASE CHECK...
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...ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL (ZIMSEC) ADVANCED LEVEL SYLLABUS BUSINESS STUDIES 9198 EXAMINATION SYLLABUS FOR 2008-2012 2 BUSINESS STUDIES ZGCE Advanced Level 9198 CONTENTS Introduction Syllabus Aims Assessment Objectives Scheme of Assessment Curriculum Content Notes for Guidance Resource List PAGE 2 2 2 3 3 10 25 3 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The aim of this syllabus is to enable Centres to develop Business Studies courses that are suitable for Advanced Level candidates. The syllabus contains largely the same body of curriculum content as the Management of Business Advanced Level syllabus (9368) and AICE Business Studies syllabus (0128) which previously were examined by UCLES. Although no previous study of the subject is assumed by the syllabus, it would be recommended that students should have done 'O' Level Business Studies 1.2 1.3 2 SYLLABUS AIMS The syllabus is intended to lead to courses that will encourage students to: 2.1 2.2 Understand and appreciate the nature and scope of business and its role in society; Develop critical understanding of organisations, the markets they serve and the process of adding value. This should involve consideration of the internal workings and management of organisations and, in particular, the process of decision making in a dynamic environment; Be aware of the economic, environmental, ethical, governmental, legal, social, technological etc issues associated with business activity; Develop skills in:...
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...Finance 3101: Financial Management Syllabus (Spring 2013) Section: 101 Time/Room: TR 12:30 P.M. – 1:50 P.M. / 208 Ambler Learning Ctr. Course Coordinator: Dr. Howard Keen (“DRK”) Course Instructor: James Dooley Office Hours: By Appointment E-mail Address: jsdooley@verizon.net Office Telephone: 215-498-0157 Prerequisites |Economics 1101 (C051) and 1102 (C052); Accounting 2102 (0002) or 2521. Statistics 2101 (C021) or 2103. Any exception to the foregoing prerequisites can | |only be approved by the Department Chair. | | | | | | | |Course Description | | | | | This course provides a survey of the financial problems associated with the life cycle of a business firm. Topics include: financial analysis and planning, capital budgeting, cost of capital, and the sources and uses of business funds. While the emphasis is on decision making within a corporate environment, the tools taught in this course are just as relevant to other forms of business organization and to personal financial management. Course Objectives ...
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...Gutierrez says “yes it’s stressful because of some students, but it’s not as stressful as it used to be when he was in school finance.” Mr. Juan Gutierrez is someone, who has made so many accomplishments in his life. One of the questions I had asked him about his accomplishments of his whole career was about his race. “Being a Latino have you made an impact in Texas? He answered “I think I have, in terms of being a surgical tech, I made a difference because when some patients who would come in to the operating only spoke Spanish I spoke for them,” and then I asked if he made an impact in teaching. He said “I feel more rewarded because you do make an impact on students, whether it’s a bunch a students or just one student you still make an impact and that’s pretty great.” I believe that Juan Gutierrez did make a very big impact in his career, from going into the military, to becoming a Technical Surgeon, working at school finance, and becoming a teacher, he, in my eyes, has made a really big impact to Texas. Another question I had asked him was “do you think you are treated differently being Latino?” He answered “To be honest with you, maybe they did but they did it without me knowing...
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...BRAINTEASERS AND GUESSTIMATES Vault Guide to Finance Interviews Brainteasers and Guesstimates Stress Tests Perhaps even more so than tough finance questions, brainteasers and guesstimates can unnerve the most icy-veined, well-prepared finance candidate. Even if you know the relationships between inflation, bond prices and interest rates like the back of a dollar bill, all your studying may not help you when your interviewer asks you how many ping pong balls fit in a 747. That is partly their purpose. Investment bankers and other finance professionals need to be able to work well under pressure, so many interviewers believe that throwing a brainteaser or guesstimate at a candidate is a good way to test an applicant’s battle-worthiness. But these questions serve another purpose, too – interviewers want you to showcase your ability to analyze a situation, and to form conclusions about this situation. It is not necessarily important that you come up with a correct answer, just that you display strong analytical ability Acing Guesstimates We’ll start by discussing guesstimates, for which candidates are asked to come up with a figure, usually the size of a market or the number of objects in an area. Although guesstimates are more commonly given in interviews for consulting positions, they do pop up in finance interviews as well. Practicing guesstimates is a good way to begin preparing for stress questions in finance interviews, as they force candidates to think aloud – precisely...
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...1 - The U.S. Export – Import Bank and the Three Gorges Dam (A) Case – HBS No. 900017 – 10 pages. Covers Introductory Public-Private Finance Issues, Expropriation, Property Rights and Environmental Concerns – Executive Summary Required Study Questions: 1. What is the role of Export Credit Agencies (“ECA’s”) in international Project Finance and how are they competing actors on the world finance stage? Should EXIM continue – going forward from May 2015 – see hand-out article. What is the role of the U.S. Export-Import Bank (“EXIM”) with respect to the Three Gorges Dam Project? 2. What are the motivations of Congressmen Hastert and Manzullo – do your agree that their priorities are in the right place? 3. What are the motives of Caterpillar, Voith Hydro and Rotec and why do they need to have the U.S. Export – Import Bank participate with them in this transaction? Should EXIM favor one firm over another – explain your thinking. How big is Caterpillar’s international business today (2011) – you may wish to look at Caterpillar’s 10K and the detail on international business. 4. What are the environmental concerns with the Three Gorges Dam and who has the right to say what the environmental standards should be – China or the United States? 5. Consider the difference in roles between Export Credit Agency support and the International Finance Corporation (“IFC”). Also consider how these roles can be complementary. See www.exim.gov and www.ifc.org 6. Put yourself in the position...
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...Example Case to 3NF Tables Purpose The COIS20025 textbook and assignments have numerous exercises that require you to take a given case and generate a data design for the case. The data design will typically consist of an ERD, 3NF table designs including keys (obviously) and sample data. The purpose of this document is to give an example of how to do this. It walks you through the process of completing this task. Preparation This document draws on some existing resources including: • A PDF document titled "Developing Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs)" • Powerpoint slides and accompanying MP3 audio of a lecture explaining normalisation. Both these documents are available from the Assignment 2, Part A Resources page. For T2, 2006 the URL for this page is http://webfuse.cqu.edu.au/Courses/2006/T2/COIS20025/Assessment/Item_2/Part_A_Resources/ It is important that you become familiar with these resources before going any further. The Case This document will use the same case as used in the "Developing Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs)" document. It is included below. A company has several departments. Each department has a supervisor and at least one employee. Employees must be assigned to at least one, but possibly more departments. At least one employee is assigned to a project, but an employee may be on vacation and not assigned to any projects. The important data fields are the names of the departments, projects, supervisors and employees...
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...programme :To provide students with a fundamental understanding of financial management principles and exposure towards analysis and application of finance principles.This course aims to enable students to: 1. Introduce with the various aspects of financial management. 2. Develop essential skills in making financial decisions. 3. Apply the appropriate techniques in making decisions. | 4. | Total Student Learning Time (SLT) | Total Face to Face | Total | 5. | | L | T | P | O | A | B/O | IL | | L = LectureT = TutorialP = Practical(Lab)O= Others A= AssessmentB/O=Blended /Online learningIL= Independent learning | 28 | 14 | | | 4 | 14 | 60 | 6. | Credit Value: 3 credits | 7. | Prerequisite (if any): Nil | 8. | Learning outcomes:On completion of the course, students will be able to: 1. Identify the goal of a firm and the role of a financial manager. 2. Analyze the financial performance of a company 3. Apply the concept of time value of money 4. Calculate the expected rate of return. 5. Perform capital budgeting analysis 6. Apply skills and technique in financial decisions. | 9. | Synopsis: This course focuses on the basic business finance theory both quantitative and qualitative with some simple application. Topics addressed in this course will include the mathematics of finance, time value of money, valuation concepts, capital budgeting, working capital management, the financial market, capital market, and the banking...
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...purpose of study, objectives of the study, research questions and significance of the study, methodology, limitation and organization of the study. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Micro finance is defined as financial service for poor and low income clients. In practice the term is often used more narrowly to refer to loans and other services from providers that identify themselves as micro finance institutions. The introduction of micro finance is a welcome relief to development of various women organization and agencies in Ghana. One of the social problems that affect socioeconomic development of women in Ghana is how to acquire capital to finance their businesses. In Ghana, women have been discriminated against with regards to access to credit. As a result, women’s economic roles are isolated and unimportant which have subsequent economic and social impact on the country. It is important that women’s economic should be realized. Increasing women’s access to micro finance institutions have initiated a series of economic development and have increased the well-being of women and their families. An area of interest that led to this study is the introduction of micro finance initiative by the government of Ghana during the Kuffour Administration and the arrival of several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and subsequent change in lifestyle of women in Ghana. Over the years the government of Ghana has been introducing micro finance schemes to assist in reducing poverty levels of...
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...Corporate finance Suppose you decide to start a firm to make tennis balls. To do this, you hire managers to buy raw materials, and you assemble a workforce that will produce and sell finished tennis balls. In the language of finance, you make an investment in assets such as inventory, machinery, land, and labor. The amount of cash you invest in assets must be matched by an equal amount of cash raised by financing. When you begin to sell tennis balls, your firm will generate cash. This is the basis of value creation. The purpose of the firm is to create value for you, the owner. The firm must generate more cash flow than it uses. The value is reflected in the framework of the simple balance-sheet model of the firm. The Balance-Sheet Model of the Firm Suppose we take a financial snapshot of the firm and its activities at a single point in time. The assets of the firm are on the left-hand side of the balance sheet. These assets can be thought of as current and fixed. Fixed assets are those that will last a long time, such as buildings. Some fixed assets are tangible, such as machinery and equipment. Other fixed assets are intangible, such as patents, trademarks, and the quality of management. The other category of assets, current assets, comprises those that have short lives, such as inventory. The tennis balls that your firm has made but has not yet sold are part of its inventory. Unless you have overproduced, they will leave the firm shortly. Before a company...
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... | | | | | |FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE (FBF) | Teaching Plan | |Unit Code & |UBEQ1123 QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES II | | |Unit Title: | | | |Course of Study: |Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) Accounting | | | |Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) | | | |Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) Banking and Finance | | | |Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) Entrepreneurship | | | |Bachelor of Economics...
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...Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, Seventh Edition I. Value 3. How to Calculate Present Values © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2003 CHAPTER THREE H O W T O C A L C U L A T E PRESENT VALUES 32 Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, Seventh Edition I. Value 3. How to Calculate Present Values © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2003 IN CHAPTER 2 we learned how to work out the value of an asset that produces cash exactly one year from now. But we did not explain how to value assets that produce cash two years from now or in several future years. That is the first task for this chapter. We will then have a look at some shortcut methods for calculating present values and at some specialized present value formulas. In particular we will show how to value an investment that makes a steady stream of payments forever (a perpetuity) and one that produces a steady stream for a limited period (an annuity). We will also look at investments that produce a steadily growing stream of payments. The term interest rate sounds straightforward enough, but we will see that it can be defined in various ways. We will first explain the distinction between compound interest and simple interest. Then we will discuss the difference between the nominal interest rate and the real interest rate. This difference arises because the purchasing power of interest income is reduced by inflation. By then you will deserve some payoff for the mental investment you have made...
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... ST LOUIS, MO • GEORGE HERBERT WALKER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS & T ECHNOLOGY • BUSINESS DEPARTMENT BASIC FINANCE FOR MANAGERS BUSN5200 SU 2015 Section 07 3 Credits 06/01/2015 to 07/31/2015 Modified 05/20/2015 MEETING TIMES Thursday, 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM, Westport Campus CONTACT INFORMATION Mike Boland Email: michaelboland57@webster.edu (mailto:michaelboland57@webster.edu) Phone: 6362363636 DESCRIPTION Managers and human resources management professionals must be able to understand financial information contained in financial statements and reports. Line managers must be able to understand financial information contained in financial statements and reports in order to evaluate their unit's financial performance, to communicate clearly with other managers, and to apply financial information when making decisions. Human resources management professionals must understand financial statements and principles if they are to effectively assist line managers and be strategic partners with other business functions. This course will focus on the interpretation and use of basic financial information by nonfinancial managers, not on the production of financial statements and reports. (FINC 5000 cannot be substituted for BUSN 5200.) Requisites None OBJECTIVES OUTCOMES Outcome Expectation Students have a basic familiarity with the field of finance and an understanding of the financial goal of a business, and they have an appreciation for the ethical considerations inherent in financial ...
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...Accounting & Finance Department Plan Human Resources Department Plan Melanie Hanson Patrick Blessinger Bus3011 Spring 2014 Table of Contents 3. Executive Summary 4. Human Resources Description 4. Accounting and Finance Description 4. Human Resources Purpose Statement 4. Accounting and Finance Purpose Statement 5. Human Resources Goals and Activities 5. Accounting and Finance Goals and Activities 5. Management Goals and Activities 6. Human Resources Organizational Structure 6. Accounting and Finance Organizational Structure 6. Management Organizational Structure 7. Human Resources Interview 7. Accounting and Finance Interview 7. Management Interview 8. Human Resources Performance Standards 8. Accounting and Finance Performance Standards 8. Management Performance Standards 9. Conclusion 10. Accounting and Finance Organizational Chart 11. Human Resources Organizational Chart 12. Accounting and Finance Strategic Alignment Worksheet 15. Human Resources Strategic Alignment Worksheet Executive Summary The Atha Corporation is a company based on strong ethical standards and beliefs. In order to ensure these beliefs are enforced we have taken measures to revamp our company for the better. With the extra funds we have received from a partner, we will be able to expand our company to double the previous year’s sales. To do this we will need to make drastic changes in all departments, especially in Human Resources and Accounting and Finance. These changes...
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...Value…………………………………………………......5 Challenges…………………………………………………………………………...6 Summation…………………………………………………………………………..8 References…………………………………………………………………………...9 Abstract Time value of money operations are the backbone of financial decisions in business. The basics of their operation lie in interest calculations that can be used to determine the value of money five years ago, today and even well into the future. These calculations can be tricky and are weighed with outside challenges that can affect them positively and negatively and give a good framework of when, where and how money should be invested and capital allocated. Time Value of Money It is generally stated that money today is worth more than the money of tomorrow. This simple statement of finance is the basis for understanding the time value of money and how it relates to opportunity costs, sunk costs, present and future values and discount rates. (Wilson, 2010). There are many factors which affect money, but predominantly inflation, risk, and opportunity loss are the factors which affect the time value of money and are the influences which directly affect a manager’s ability to understand and use financial information relating to present and future values to make sound decisions. Future Value (Fv) and Present Value (Pv) In economics, the time value of money is a concept that illustrates the difference in the value of a certain dollar sum over time and how it varies both positively and negatively. In simpler terms...
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