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Simulation And At-Will Relationship

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1. Please explain the crucial difference between a contractual relationship and an at-will relationship.
The crucial difference between a contractual relationship and an at- will is the time frame of the relationship. In a contractual relationship, one party enters into a contract with another. For example in terms of an employment relationship, an employer would extend an offer the employee and the employee would accept the offer and a contractual relationship would exist. In an employment relationship, an employee with a contractual relationship has more right, bargaining power and could potentially have a specified timeframe of employment. In at-will relationship, a contract exist but both parties have the right to terminate the relationship …show more content…
This is problematic because in most cases the employer will use the information obtained from the social media to make hiring decision, thus discriminate can occur without the applicant even knowing it. If the employer can check on applicant, and discrimination against them using the information provided in social media. It is unlikely that applicant would discover the discriminatory act, and would never have the chance to file a charge through the CHRO or EEOC. 7. Please briefly explain how much time a victim of unlawful discrimination (let us say under Title VII) has to file an administrative complaint with the EEOC. Be sure to explain if the length of the period depends on certain factors.

A victim has 180 days to file a charge under the EEOC if there is no state agency such as the CHRO. If there is a state agency, you should first file with them. The charge will remain there for 60 days and it will then be moved to the EEOC. If there is a work share agreement in the state that you live, so there is both a state and federal agency, you have 300 days to file with EEOC and the 60 day period of the charge in the state agency is waived.

8. Please explain if QPQ sexual harassment can be perpetrated by a co-worker. Please explain why or why …show more content…
This an agency relationship since the principal, Pizza Lover has asked Joseph, the agent to carry out an action to their benefit

Is/Are Agent(s) liable? Explain reasons for your response.

The agent, Joseph is liable in this situation as he is the person that committed the negligent act.

Is/Are Principal(s) liable? Explain reasons for your response.
The principal, Pizza Lovers, is not liable because once Joseph decided to stop at his mother’s house he was no longer within the scope of his employment. Although he was on the way to a home for a delivery, it was never the employer intent to have the Joseph stop at his mother’s home. Therefore, the employer derives no benefit from Joseph stopping at his mother’s home.

Assume that Pizza Lovers LLC is a limited liability company owned by two members (Tom and Jerry). Joseph pulls into customer’s driveway in a negligent manner and collides with customer’s wife who was bringing garbage to curb.

Who is the

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