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Singer Solution To World Poverty

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Unfortunately, I am not able to agree fully with both Hardin and Singer’s moral basis; my independent thought was not fully convinced by either writer. Therefore, I will attempt to rationalize my questionable judgement by comparing both writers’ flaws, as well as addressing their fair points.
Singer’s Solution to World Poverty

Hypothetical Scenario
“The Singer Solution to World Poverty” consists primarily of hypothetical situations, two to be exact. The first is based on a Brazilian film, Central Station, which involves Dora a retired schoolteacher who is given the opportunity to pocket $1,000 simply by completing the task of delivering a 9 year old boy to the address given. Dora completes the task and receives the money which she quickly …show more content…
I realize although he does not forthright use the precise language such as “owe, obligated,” etc., he does with very subtle language imply this. Singer states “whatever money you’re spending on luxuries, not necessities should be given away”, a controversial demanding statement who implies one is morally wrong for not donating to charity. In reality, one person giving to charity does not automatically make one “morally distinguished”; it’s a series of actions (morale) outside the generous charity. I do affirm that everyone should pursue a special interest whether it’s in the form of philanthropy or activism, a special kind of interest that can lead to a beneficent moral lifestyle. A beneficent person is not obligated to contribute money and time to aid famine. For example, one deserves to ask whether the contribution will reach the poor. After all if one is unsure of the effectiveness of his contribution, or how the money will be spent, then are they not justified in giving? If the money were to be partially consumed by corrupt individuals within the charity would this in fact altar the outcome of the “happiness of the child?” Singer claims that it does not alter the moral argument because the money donated was in fact enough to make a difference. Moral contribution is expressed a number or ways such as effort on reducing …show more content…
I don’t include my happiness due to complete selfish reasons, but on the reasoning that Singer provides exhaustive solutions failing to realize his demands are naively invested in simply “money and time”… My accusation is that the charity Singer describes helps the recipient with their problem, but doesn’t do much to help with the causes of the problem. Charities will attempt to remedy the symptoms, but not causes. It is certainly true that charities can soothe the problem or do “Band-Aid” work. However, relieving poverty entails a gradual political, cultural and social change, with many collaborators to be navigated. Charity can often miss the point, by mending the problem through the fundamental injustices that are embedded into the structure and ethics of the society. As if charity, from my viewpoint can be interpreted as actually accepting the injustice, while trying mollify the consequences of the injustice. For example, Dr. Neil Levy affirms charity can be self-defeating if it allows a country to escape

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