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St. Augustine Of Hippo Research Paper

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St. Augustine of Hippo, commonly referred to as the great doctor of the church, was born in the town of Thagaste, North Africa, in the year 354, and died in the year 430. Born as Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis, St. Augustine lived a long life that was filled with countless stories and lessons. His early life, which he describes as “corrupt,” was surrounded with satisfying unruly desires and conflicting world views. His “quest for love,” began when he was young, but progressively reshaped as he grew older. After his conversion to Christianity, he set out to write a spiritual autobiography that displayed both prayers and events to recollect his life in his book, Confessions. St. Augustine’s journey from a sinner to a wisely religious man is just one on the many reasons that he is so well known today. …show more content…
Augustine's journey begins before he was ever conceived. A large part of his life was shaped by his parents, his mother, St. Monica, and his father, Patricius Aurelius. The woman who gave birth to St. Augustine was also a saint. St. Monica was a gentle, Christian woman and she always had been. She was born into times where all Christians had to live in secrecy, yet was able to always keep her Christian values. She married Patricius when she was twenty two, yet Patricius was near forty. St. Augustine's father was not so much as religious as her. He was often known for breaking his marriage vows and for being a pagan. Patricius was often abusive to Monica even though she had such a gentle heart. This did not stop Monica however, because she never gave up her kindness. She was eventually able to convert him to Christianity shortly before his early death. At the point of his death, St. Augustine has been

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