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Slide Two-Changes In Social Practices

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Globalization plays a major role in spreading knowledge, technology, culture and capital from country to country. With all of the technologies available, the one that seems to advance the fastest when sharing ideas and solution is the Internet by creating a vast global community. The following slides will touch social practices, interdisciplinary approaches, social change, global obesity, and national identity.

Slide 2-Changes in social practices Social practices have changed through various Internet forums such as U-Tube, blogs, and other social media. Being able to connect around the world is transforming our collective capacity to forge for the sustenance of our conception and our curiosities. Not too long ago, ways of communication were formed through socialize in person or by mail by sharing common thoughts and opinions. Shopping experiences were the same; the only way to shop was to travel distances to find that special item. Nowadays, libraries and archives that we had only dreamt of are now at our fingertips. The Internet brought with it the joyfulness and the bounty of limitless information that can be shared with friends and families domestically and worldwide. The extraordinary information available allows anyone to create new friends, voice an opinion and shop in the comforts of their home. Social connectedness has changed the ways in which the world became present to us and …show more content…
In this case, obesity, multiple fields of professionals around the world come together to solve worldwide issues and come up with a solution to battle the epidemic of obesity. This would include experts familiar with the disease including doctors, nutritionist, medical experts and foreign advisors etc. (Cerniglia,

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