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Smart Beta


Submitted By chineselau
Words 521
Pages 3
Thoughts on Smart Beta
Chao Liu
May 22 2014 The two articles in FT introduce the recent popular investment strategy: smart beta. Smart beta concept is growing popularity across the world because it has allegedly been providing investors risk-adjust excess return. Some consider smart beta approach as a strategy lies between traditional active management in which the fund managers actively pick stocks for their portfolios, and the passive management in which the investor simply replicate the market index. One way to create smart beta portfolios is to substitute the market cap weighting method with an alternative weighting, and the other more popular way is to track certain stocks or certain parts of the market using certain risk factors. These certain risk factors have been recognized to provide risk premium in academia. For example, we have learned in this semester that there are many return anomalies existed in past several decades such as small cap stock, value stock and momentum effect. Those factors are not new to investors, so investors can decide whether take these factors into consideration when forming their investment portfolios. The central questions to ask are: What sources of returns are accounted for smart beta strategies? Can smart beta strategies offer consistent higher risk-adjusted return over time? From the perspective of efficient market theory, any excess return over a market index is due to higher risk bearing. As we can learn from the two FT articles, the answer to the first question is debatable and unsolved. Supporters believe smart beta offers additional returns that are not result of bearing additional risk. On the contrary, critics believe smart beta has risk similar to active managers because smart beta involves stock selections. However, the trend of using smart beta strategies is building up as smart beta at least provides an

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...Beta-blockers xxxx Collin College HPRS 1310-WW1 April 15, 2012 The first beta-blocker drug approved by the FDA in 1967 was developed by Sir James Black, an accomplishment for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1988 (Stapleton, 1997). Sir Black took a different approach to the treatment of angina pectoris—instead of using drugs to increase the amount of oxygen delivered to the heart, Black sought to find a drug that could reduce the amount of oxygen required by the heart. The drugs in this classification are subdivided into two categories: non-selective and selective (cardioselective). Major drugs in the non-selective beta-blocker category include carteolol, nadolol, penbutolol, pindolol, propranolol, sotalol, and timolol. Major drugs in the cardioselective category include acebutolol, atenolol, betaxolol, esmolol, metroprolol, and nebivolol. Some others, including carvedilol and labetalol also have alpha-adrenergic blocking effects, but are outside the scope of this paper. (Vallerand, 2013; Turley, 2010) Beta-blockers are prescribed for the treatment of hypertension, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertrophic subaortic stenosis, prevention of myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, migraine headaches, and glaucoma. (Vallerand, 2013; Hodgson & Kizior, 2013) Beta-blockers work to compete with sympathetic neurotransmitters1 for beta1 and beta2 adrenergic receptor sites. Beta1 receptors are found in cardiac muscle, and beta2 receptors...

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