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Smokeless Tobacco Research Paper

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Recent studies have concluded smokeless tobacco is a safer alternative than smoking. Smokeless tobacco does not give off harmful effects to the environment or other people. Cigarette smoke can harm others since second hand smoke has been linked to lung disease. Smokeless tobacco should be used more than cigarettes, because it is less harmful than other tobacco products. Smoking harms a lot of people including children and adults, as well animals. By switching to smokeless tobacco products lives can save lives. Smokeless tobacco should be used more than cigarettes and other products.
There are medical consequences of smoking and in the early stages of cancer it is hard to detect. Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body (CDC). …show more content…
As said in the last paragraph lung cancer, coronary disease, or damaged organs of the body cannot be detected until the body starts feeling symptoms then it could be too late. Smokeless tobacco products are less lethal than cigarettes (ACS). On average smokeless tobacco kills less people a year (ASC). Smokeless tobacco has its risks to but a lot of these diseases can be easily detected as it can be seen in the mirror, but the lungs cannot be looked at in the mirror. So what are the health risks of using smokeless tobacco? Here are just a few mouth, tongue, cheek, gum, and throat cancer (ASC). These symptoms can be easily detected by looking in the mirror or having a dentist look more …show more content…
But that is false in some areas. Smokeless tobacco can be harmful to a new born. But just how dangerous can it be? Well when using smokeless tobacco is being absorbed through the cheek, gums or lip it is not going to the lungs affecting the baby. When smoke is being inhaled while pregnant it affects the mouth and the organs along with the fetus. A smoker inhales a lot more harmful wastes than a smokeless tobacco user (CDC). The most affected body part would be the fertilization for the egg as nicotine affects the sperm in the male body and raises the blood pressure (CDC). Smokeless tobacco can decrease the amount of air the baby gets by more than twice than a mother that is tobacco

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