...randomly assigned because there were found after having responded to flyers. 2) The hypothesis in the study was that smokers who watched movies that contained smoking characters would smoke more than if the all characters were non-smoking. The second hypothesis was that people who did not show interest in the actual storyline of the movie would smoke more (Introduction, p.914). One research question would be “Does showing actual interest in the movie make smokers smoke more or less?”. The second question would be “Will smokers be more or less inclined to smoke after observing smoking or non-smoking characters in a movie?” (Introduction, p. 914). 3) The independent variable would be the smoking or non-smoking characters and the interest level of the smokers in the movie, their smoking patterns...
Words: 512 - Pages: 3
...Smoking is, by far, the greatest risk factor in developing Lung cancer. The question is: Why is it that healthy non-smokers get lung cancer? According to Cancer.org at least 16,000 to 24,000 Americans who have never smoked are diagnosed with lung cancer every year. People who claim they have never smoked, in reality actually have. They don’t smoke actively with a cigarette pressed against their lips. However, they are passive smokers, which means they breathe in the smoke that is exhaled by others. For example, a person dies from the tragic death of cancer that has never smoked but works in an environment with smoke-filled bars and restaurants. Another great example, a child who has been exposed to smoking for years later is diagnosed...
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...that ban smoking inside bars and other public places. Many businesses and schools have followed this anti-smoking movement and now restrict their employees and students to smoke only in specific areas around the office place and campus. Richland College’s current policy on smoking restricts smoking to certain areas around campus; however, there is movement towards banning smoking on campus altogether. Richland should not enforce a no-smoking policy, but should continue its current policy to equally consider both non-smoking and smoking students rights and concerns. It is indisputable that smoking tobacco is unhealthy for the human body. Studies have proven smoking can cause lung Cancer, Emphysema, and heart disease, among many other damaging health risks; however, whether a person smokes or not is entirely up to the decision of the individual. Although smoking may be damaging to a smoker’s health, it is that person’s decision, and no one else’s, to risk the health issues that may come along with smoking. Unfortunately, smoking does not only affect the health of smokers. Second-hand smoke, or smoke inhaled by passersby, is almost as damaging to a person’s health as the smoke inhaled by a smoker. It is important for non-smokers to not be forced to inhale the same toxins that smokers do. If smokers are allowed to decide whether to smoke or not then non-smokers should be allowed to do the same. Restricting smoking to specific areas around Richland campus permits smoking students...
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...` Public Smoking Bans Maria Robbins Ivy Tech Community College ENGL 111-JOF-Research Paper Cooper-3830 November 4, 2013 Abstract The smoking ban has caused smokers to adjust their smoking behavior. Public places have banned the smokers from smoking inside their businesses. The smoking ban has caused smokers to make choices. This has decreased their smoking and some have been able to quit completely. Still there are people who have smoked their whole life and have chosen not to stop smoking. Smokers do not have the freedom to smoke in public places that they once had. The public smoking ban has been the center of debates, because smokers feel it is their right to smoke when and where they want. The non-smokers want to be able to go out and enjoy a smoke-free environment. Public Smoking Bans Public smoking has been a right the smoker has had for years. Only in recent years has the public smoking ban law been put in affect. It took many years of debating over the fact if smoking in public should be ban. Smoking is an individual choice, and it is an activity that is absolutely legal. However, some states have passed laws to prohibit the activity in public and in workplaces. This legislation has been the focus of many debates in statehouses and city-county councils throughout the country. The smoking bans forces a smoker to not be welcome to smoke freely in public. For years the non-smoker had to deal with going out to...
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...can do more damage to your body then I was aware of. I felt like smoking should be completely banned in public places but after researching this assignment I changed my view. I changed and said it should be banned in some places rather then all public locations. The difficulties I encounter with this essay were over citing my sources. I had a hard time putting my own words into my paper with out thinking it was plagiarism. On the opposing view section of my paper I had over citied and going back to add my common knowledge in that section was difficult. I enjoyed learning new history and information on this assignment. I also enjoyed reading what the opposing side said about banning smoking in public places. I choose to write about this topic because it hits close to home. I have an aunt and an uncle who had passed away due to the effect of smoking. I have a husband who also smokes and the doctor constantly tells him he needs to quit. I always wondered why people would take on such a nasty habit that is not only killing them but the people around them. This assignment helped me realized that people are going to do what they want to do weather it’s health or not. Sincerely, According to tobaccotruth.com the office on Smoking and Health at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) counted 45.3 million American smokers. (Rodu) Smoking...
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...Smoking in the Workplace Business Research 351 September 30, 2013 University of Phoenix Smoking in the Workplace In the United States smokers were three times more than non-smokers. Smoking excessively can cause cancer, Respiratory and cardio vascular diseases. Cigarette smoking causes about 1 in 5 deaths in the United States more than 440,000 deaths every year including deaths from second hand smoke. The life expectancy for smokers is at least 10 years shorter than non-smokers however, if a person stops smoking by the age of forty he or she reduces the risks of dying from smoking related diseases about 90 percent according to the center of disease control and prevention (Smoking and Tobacco use, 2013). Problem formulation In a company manpower drives how the work gets done with a staff divided by smokers and nonsmokers. Smoking is an addiction that can be a very expensive to the employee and the employer. The issues that are affiliated with being a smoker is smokers have to be covered by non-smoking employees when taking a break or not showing up to work due to illnesses. Smokers can cause the employer to pay for the benefits for the employee to be treated for the workers illnesses due to smoking. According to the government smokers cost a company a significant amount of money in productivity as oppose to a non-smoker (Bunn, 2006). In 2007 studies show a loss of productivity due to deaths from smoking averaged 92 billion dollars due to the company (Spinney, 2007)...
Words: 577 - Pages: 3
...amongst ______ students to get their insights on smoking and also their personal experiences with it. We divided the questionnaire for smokers and non-smokers. We managed to get a total of 50 participants in which 60% were non-smokers and 40% were smokers. The questions regarding smoking facts were answered by both sides. Both smokers and non-smokers seem to have just a slight understanding on what smoking really does to the body and to those around them. Based on the findings, we recommend that students be exposed to the real dangers of smoking. We suggest exhibitions, competitions, talks or maybe even a health class. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS-----------------------------------------------------vi EXECUTIVE SUMMARY-------------------------------------------------------vii I. INTRODUCTION-------------------------------------------------------1 Background Statement of the Problem Purpose of the Study Scope II. RELATED LITERATURE-------------------------------------------- III. PROCEDURES--------------------------------------------------------- IV. FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS---------------------------------------- V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS----------------- REFERENCES LIST------------------------------------------------------------- APPENDIX—SURVEY INSTRUMENT------------------------------------ LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS TABLES 1. EFFECTS THAT ARE CAUSED BY SMOKING------------------------------- 2. MEDIA...
Words: 6513 - Pages: 27
...Cigarette Smoking The effects of cigarette smoking can be horrifying. Smoking is dangerous not only to those who smoke, but to non-smokers and unborn children as well. Cigarette smoking is also physically and socially harming. The large particles in cigarette smoke, commonly known as "tar", collect in the branching points of the lungs. The tar contains carcinogenic compounds that increase the risk of lung cancer. The small particles in cigarette smoke, including carcinogens, irritants, and corrosive chemicals, collect in the small air sacs in the lungs called cilia, and damage them. These air sacs are where the blood absorbs oxygen from the air. When the small particles from the cigarette smoke are absorbed into the blood stream and transported to other parts of the body, they include a variety of diseases. The smoke from a burning cigarette is a mixture of hot gasses and different sized particles that fills the air with over 4000 chemicals, including 43 carcinogens and over 400 other toxins (Glantz & Daynard, 1991). One of the gasses emitted by cigarettes is carbon monoxide, a colorless and odorless poison. By attaching to hemoglobin, the carbon monoxide lessens the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. There are many effects of cigarette smoking on the actual smoker. They include lung cancer and other cancers, cardiovascular malfunctions, strokes, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. Cigarette smoking may even lead to changes in the smoker’s appearance such as early wrinkling...
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...Paper 3-19-12 Why America Should Ban Smoking Tobacco has been around for more than four hundred years and is still very popular as of today. Millions of Americans smoke cigarettes, cigars, and other tobacco products on a daily basis that is harmful to the body. However, smoking has become one of the biggest controversies in today's society. This personal experience clearly shows that smoking needs to be banned. “Gail Routh worked as a flight attendant for nearly twenty-seven years. Routh was a nonsmoker all her life, but after working in contact with secondhand smoke on airplanes she contracted lung cancer. Gail Routh sued the tobacco industry for lung cancer and bronchitis that was linked to the expose to secondhand smoke (Hudson, 2004).” In 1964, the United States Surgeon General declared that smoking was bad for one's health and was related to lung cancer. Therefore, smoking should be banned in all public places to prevent contracting lung cancer from first or second hand smoke, enable those with lung conditions to be able to hold jobs in places that they would not be able to because of the smoke in the air, and help businesses keep their employees safer while generating more revenue, which in turn would save thousands of lives each year. Tobacco use kills nearly 470,000 Americans each year and is among one of the leading causes of preventable death. Smoking is also legal at the age eighteen in the United States; however, many non-smokers say that it should be restricted...
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...Smoking can be dangerous not only for the smoker, but also for those around the smoker. Secondhand smoke is the third leading cause of preventable death (after active smoking and alcohol), according to the Manitoba Medical Association. They also say that the smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, 50 of which are known to be cancer-related. Secondhand smoke has been linked to heart and respiratory disease; lung, breast, cervical, and nasal sinus cancers; strokes and miscarriages. In children, dangers include sudden infant death syndrome, fetal growth impairment, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma and middle-ear disease. People who smoke subject themselves to deadly diseases, as well as long- and short-term health problems. Non-smokers should not have to live with the consequences of smokers' actions. http://www.publishyourarticles.net/knowledge-hub/essay/an-essay-on-should-smoking-be-banned-in-public-places.html Many surveys, studies and scientific research has proved that smoking is injurious to health. Smoke is unhealthy and suffocating. It pollutes the environment. There are two types of smokers - active and passive. The person who smokes is active and other who are near to him and inhale the smoke are passive smokers. Both are equally affected by the ill effects of smoking. Smokers and non-smokers meet at many places like offices, buses, hotels, etc. So, considering the bad effects of smoking on individual's health, environment as well as individual rights, it should be banned...
Words: 2843 - Pages: 12
...Smoking takes a part in every smoker personality. There are some personality characteristics that you can find in every smoker, which affects people psychologically in their life. According to Becoña, Río, López, Piñeiro, and Martínez (2012), “Subjects with paranoid, narcissistic, antisocial, or borderline PDs (Personality Disorder) had a higher probability for being current smokers”. Some people think that smoking actually helps them to improve psychologically in their life, others see smoking as it might damage them by all means, is it really affecting people psychologically positively or negatively?, it’s believed that it actually affects people negatively from every aspect. Some People think that smoking actually helps them to calm down...
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...Do you agree or disagree that the government should ban smoking in public places? Since Los Angeles prohibited smoking in bars, clubs and restaurants in 2003 some European countries decided to follow the same idea three years later. It has been an attractive initiative from the American government, which helped “a global trend” (BBC 1). In 2007 new tougher restrictions appeared. The New York Mayor, Michael Bloomberg based on studies that showed that even smoking outside, a significant harmful effect can be felt by non-smoker people. Banning smoking in public places is a real benefit for all non-smoker people. In fact, Government chose to prevent passive smokers from hypothetical diseases. First of all, we will discuss about the main effects of cigarettes on smokers and non-smoker’s health. Then we will focus on the impact on the environment. Finally we will emphasize the reaction of non-smoker about this new law. Margaret Davidson published an article in “The American Legion” entitled “Smoke Free or Freedom to Smoke” and explains, “Smokers will, on average live 13 to 14 fewer years than nonsmokers”. She also states that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention “recognize cigarette smoking as the greatest preventable cause of death.” In fact, smokers, on average, live 13 to 14 fewer years than non-smokers, this first explanation shows that smoking is really noxious and has a real impact on our health. Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causes many diseases...
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...Many surveys, studies and scientific research has proved that smoking is injurious to health. Smoke is unhealthy and suffocating. It pollutes the environment. There are two types of smokers - active and passive. The person who smokes is active and other who are near to him and inhale the smoke are passive smokers. Both are equally affected by the ill effects of smoking. Smokers and non-smokers meet at many places like offices, buses, hotels, etc. So, considering the bad effects of smoking on individual's health, environment as well as individual rights, it should be banned in public places. A person who wants to smoke can do so by keeping himself in isolation. The smoking of cigarette is glamorized through advertisements. More and more young boys and girls are attracted by this. Even the 'statutory warning' on the cigarette packets does not stop them. The young generation think that those who smoke are smart, modern and intellectual. However, smoking is not a good habit. Those who smoke suffer from several health problems. A chain-smoker is the worst sufferer. Cigarette contains 4,000 types of chemicals out of which 43 are carcinogenic. The carbon monoxide concentration in the smoke is greater than 20,000 ppm. This is diluted to 400-500 during inhalation. It displaces oxygen from hemoglobin and the result is impairment of the central nervous system, cardiac and pulmonary diseases (related to lungs). These may eventually lead to heart attacks. Cigarette also contains ammonia...
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...Ban Smoking in America Americans waste billions of dollars each year on tobacco products. Other drugs that are harmful, such as crack or marijuana, are illegal in the United States. If certain harmful substances are illegal, then cigarettes should not be permitted either. Smoking cigarettes are a proven killer of millions worldwide annually, but is perfectly legal. Cigarettes have a large affect on society in the area of environmental problems it carries with it. Smoking obviously pollutes the air and it definitely causes a lot of litter. People who smoke usually throw their butts anywhere such as out a car window, in someone’s yard, or even in a stream. Litter from cigarette butts is such a big problem because they take 18 months to 10 years to biodegrade. According to the New Jersey-based American Littoral Society, experts say: Cigarette butts rank at the very top of litter problems -- not just for their ubiquity, but for their toxicity and non-biodegradable nature…An estimated 1.7 billion pounds of cigarette butts accumulate in lakes, oceans, on beaches and the rest of the planet annually. (Carlozo) Not only are the cigarette butts ugly to look at, they also adversely affect wildlife. Cigarette filters are made to trap the carcinogenic agents in the tobacco and when they are thrown on the ground, those substances make their way into aquatic ecosystems which could be a threat to the quality of water. Also, there have been cigarette butts found in the stomachs of fish and...
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...Smoke: The Risk and the Controversy In "The Moral Instinct," Steven Pinker, a professor of psychology at Harvard University, describes a new sixth sense. "The moral sense," he calls it. It's the way we, as human beings, determine what issues are moral or amoral. Take smoking, for instance. Years ago, it was widely considered to be a health issue. Many non-smokers didn't smoke because they worried about how cigarettes could affect their lungs and heart. When scientists determined that second-hand smoke was unhealthy too, smoking became a moral issue. Smoking is one of the most widespread bad habits all over the world. In its turn, tobacco industry is one of the most profitable businesses nowadays. Millions of people start smoking, and then decide they want to get rid of this habit, thus the health industry products for smokers who try to quit their habit are also quite attractive to invest in. Nowadays everyone knows smoking is hazardous for the health of the smoker, and of people who inhale cigarette smoke; it leads to lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases, influences on prenatal development, and causes many other unpleasant and dangerous effects. Hot dogs, baseball and cigarettes? How did smoking become an American tradition? The "History of Tobacco" article state, American Indians began using tobacco as early as 1 B.C for medicinal and religious purposes. In the early nineteenth century, tobacco became increasingly popular among the gold miners and cowboys (History of Tobacco)...
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