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Sms Construction Case

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This is construction defect case wherein Defendant SMS Construction, LLC (“SMS Construction” or “Defendant”) is attempting disclaim its duties and obligations as general contractor. SMS has not offered any evidence regarding damages or third-party subcontractors and/or Plaintiff James Bannie (“Plaintiff” or “Bannie”) causing or contributing to the damage at the Property. The Court must exclude all testimony and opinion from Defendant regarding damages. The Court must also exclude damage from Mr. Geoffrey Jillson of Guy Engineering because his testimony will be based on hearsay which is inadmissible independently and he does not qualify as an expert to testify about damages. Moreover, the jury would benefit from viewing the Property …show more content…
SMS Construction signed a contract and agreed to provide general contracting services to Mr. Bannie. Adams Supp. Aff., Ex. 3. The contract plainly states that Defendant “agrees to general contracting of new construction home from start to finish.” Mr. Bannie states that Scott Soika, owner of SMS Construction, LLC, represented to him that he was capable of doing “it all”—including general contracting. Bannie D. 28:9-12. The nature of their familial ties are irrelevant. Soika also signed the Contractor’s Acknowledgment and Consent forms which …show more content…
It has long been established by the Minnesota Supreme Court that “the opinions of other witnesses do not constitute a legitimate element of the basis of the opinion of an expert witness.” Crozier v. Minneapolis St. Ry. Co., 106 Minn. 77, 79, 118 N.W. 256, 257 (1908). While it is true that Minn. R. of Evid. 703 states that expert witnesses may base their opinions on hearsay--which would be the basis of Mr. Jillson’s testimony--it must be reliable. Defendant must also show “good cause” that “the underlying data is particularly trustworthy.” See Minn. R. Evid. 703. Where Defendant is found to have shown good cause that the underlying basis of Mr. Jillson’s opinons are “reliabile” and “trustworthy” the court may admit the [expert] data * * * for the limited purpose of showing the basis for the expert's opinion.” Sherman v. Marden, 525 N.W.2d 550, 552 (Minn. Ct. App. 1994) citing Minn. R. of Evid.

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