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Trade Musket

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Once a year professional and armature historians pilgrimage to Mississinewa 1812, the largest War of 1812 living history museum in the United States. Historians and reenactors portray individuals from the late 18th and early 19th centuries and share their Northwest Territory experiences. In the midst drum circles, battles, and artisans, two simple objects stood out as a tangible representation of the struggle for survival in the Northwest Territory and its inhabitance’s self-asserted identity: a trade musket and powder horn. The musket and powder horn were working replicas based on artifacts and the accounts of 18th century French fur traders. These objects were essential tools for economic advancement and survival in the Northwest Territory. …show more content…
1-3) is a common trade gun used the traders or the average Native American. Weapons designed for chiefs or to establish new trade areas were more complex and intricate. The barrel, hammer, and firing apparatus are all steel manufactured by gunsmiths in Europe. The pieces were designed to be durable and easy to take apart for maintenance on the frontier. The lock features a fleur-de-lis mark indicating its French origins. A large piece of flint was positioned in the gooseneck lock ready to ignite the gunpowder and send the lead ball down the smooth barrel. Even though the barrel was not rifled, the weapon was powerful and accurate. The 30 inch long barrel is manageable when firing among the trees of the Northwest Territory and easier to maintain than contemporary long rifles. During Mississinewa 1812, the historian demonstrated the speed and accuracy of this musket. Not only did the weapon preform without misfire, but also was accurate at over 100 yards. The ease of use and accuracy made muskets the weapon of choice in the Northwest …show more content…
Although rifled barreled firearms were more accurate at longer distances, they were longer making them difficult to maneuver and shoot in forested areas or from horseback. Trade muskets, on the other hand, were less than four feet long with smooth barrels. This made the musket easy to load and clean ensuring a more accurate weapon. The trade musket’s durability and maneuverability appealed not only to the fur traders but also their Native American partners. There are many accounts of Native Americans choosing muskets over rifles and ordering specific modifications that tailored the muskets for mounted hunting and combat. By the 18th century muskets, gunpowder, and ammunition were the primary currency in the fur trade. Forts and trading posts imported thousands of muskets and munitions to supply the increasing demand. The musket’s durability, accuracy, and maneuverability were tailored to the isolated, precarious life on the frontier and to the developing fur trade

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