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Snapchat Research Paper

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A.) Many of us may have the app Snapchat installed on our smartphone. Snapchat is a social media app that uses several useful features that can be used to communicate to another person who also has this app installed. Snapchat officially came out in September 2011, and it was originally called Picaboo, then they changed it later on to Snapchat. Snapchat was created by three Stanford University students; Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown.
B.) As of today, there are over 166 million active Snapchat users around the world. Majority of the population that uses this app are teenagers and young adults, between ages 12 to 35.
C.) Snapchat can be used to take pictures, add a filter to the pictures or video, as well as add stickers, emojis, and draw on the snaps and videos. There is a chat feature in Snapchat where you can just have messages between yourself and another friend, and also you can create group chats. Snapchat is a now-in-the-moment type of app, unlike Facebook or Twitter. Whenever someone sends a picture to a friend or group of friends, then the maximum seconds they can see it is for 10 seconds, well unless the owner of the picture sets the timer on 1 second or the infinity sign, so that the receiver of the picture can see …show more content…
Videos are only for 10 seconds; there is no control over that setting. One way the receiver can view the picture or video Snap is if they were to press and hold on

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