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Snow Days

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Every day of the week alarms go off at 6:00 in the morning, startling and aggravating teens. Unfortunately, this is not near the excited feels of waking up at 4:00 am to go on vacation. To make this point clear, a lot of students do not find attending to school as thrilling. In fact, many kids refer to it as prison. As always, jail is meant strictly for criminals and students are certainly not criminals. Why do so many students desire snow days and holidays? The answer is simple. School is distinctly not fun. The work, the stress, and the non-enjoyable activities are all factors of why students strongly dislike school. However, most of the teachers are not the issue of school because a lot of what angers students is not their liability. Teachers …show more content…
We are exhausted of school and 8 more torturous years are still to come. Everyday when a student rises from their pillow, a 100% eager attitude should be ready to start a new day, but instead kids dread another day in the same old forced environment. Go ahead, ask any student how they honestly feel about school… it will not be pleasant. Most adults and teachers argue that school is outstanding and exceptional. According to an article at, the author writes, “It might not seem like school is preparing you for life but it totally is. No, you might not need to know the exact calculations of pi (3.14) or the three types of rocks (sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous), or even that there are eight parts of speech (verb, noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection) but you are learning how to show up, work hard, and apply what you have learned.” Obviously, we have to learn the basics of all academic topics but beyond a certain mark what is the point? Why are we learning nonsense topics? We could potentially be bringing in enjoyable life skills that will actually alleviate our success in the future. And still, we will undergo the same results. Us students can be learning how to

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