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Transnational Feminism In America

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Transnational feminism examines issues regarding women from a global perspective while also considering how they intersect with our lived experiences in the United States. The transnational feminist movement involves global activism; working together to understand the role of gender, race, class, and sexuality as it relates to resisting structures of patriarchal and capitalist power. Jamaican women like Amy Ashwood and Amy Jacque Garvey have historically led the charge on feminist activism in Jamaica and the Afro-Caribbean. From their writings in the Negro World newspaper to the speeches by Ashwood throughout the United States, their work highlights the significance of transnational histories of feminism. Black feminism as a movement could …show more content…
The national data showed that although most types of crime were on the decrease, violence against and toward women did not reflect similar patterns. Both national and community data indicate that there are serious problems related to violence in Jamaica and the physical abuse of women. With limited education and underemployment, these women are vulnerable. Many women of this country are dependent on a male for financial support, which often times is not always forthcoming. “While female acts of aggression against men are not unusual, women are more likely to be the victims of male violent behaviour” (Henry-Lee, Bailey, and Branche). There are several health outcomes that these women experience as they mitigate on a daily basis toxic inter-gender …show more content…
It’s about broadening feminist considerations to be more diverse and inclusive. The variations of different types of women shift the lens of feminism with each combination of identities and require a keen approach to each variable with great consideration. Intersectional feminism is important in addressing the first and second waves of the feminist movement. In the first wave, the primary focus was a woman’s right to vote. The second wave expanded its focus to women’s social issues related to domestic violence issues, their reproductive rights and their rights within the workplace inclusive of public service specifically politics. These waves lacked intersectionality as they didn’t consider some of the other challenges that possibly impacted those issues like feminism taking place beyond simply national initiatives. Transnational feminism as exemplified is the inclusion and consideration of other cultures and feminist activism globally. The feminist movement, inclusive of the tiny island of Jamaica, is strongest when it incorporates one voice, one

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