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Running Record Assessment

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For the assessment project, I choose to use a running record to assess the reading fluency and comprehension of my 5th-grade student, J.J. When I have observed J.J. in literature circles, she is engaged and seems to enjoy reading a book she has selected with her group. I also asked J.J. what she likes to read and she responded with various books; Clementine, Ramona, Mrs. Piggly Wiggly, Warrior, Bones, and Baby-Sitters Club. These fiction series of books have female protagonists that encounter real-world situations for readers similar in age. She is currently reading Hatchet for her literacy circle and enjoys the adventure and asks many questions about the relationship with the animals during discussions. I believe J.J. enjoys reading books that interest her, but seems unengaged and skims over curriculum assigned books or passages, including many non-fiction texts. …show more content…
out on the last 25 minutes of Arabic. While I do not prefer pulling student’s out of other learning experiences, my teacher said due to time constraints it is sometimes necessary. The testing environment was calm and quiet. My teacher, J.J., and I sat at the back table alone together in the classroom. I was also able to pull out my tablet and record our session together. For the running record, we used Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark assessment. This assessment uses leveled books to monitor and evaluate students’ reading behaviors and strategies. It provides beneficial information to teachers on what their students can do and what they are not doing

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