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Snowball Sampling Essay

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The research method I will use to conduct my research based on bestiality and its causes is snowball sampling.The fact is that this is the most appropriate and useful choice of sampling strategy when the population you are interested in studying is hidden or complicated to reach.There would not be a big sampling frame records or list of elements) available to utilize throughout my research because zoophiles is a population that is less willing to identify themselves as that and take part in a piece of research than many other social populations tend to.However, since snowball involves participants to recruit other participants, I will use this method of research to explore common characteristics, traits and othe social factors of the Zoophilic group. So these participants would help me to break drown some of the natural barriers that prevent such zoophiles from taking relevant part of my research.

My first step would be to recruit one or two units belong to the Zoophilic population that may be willing to identify themselves as zoophiles. So, I might find these …show more content…
I will adjust this survey original questions from 54 to just 15 questions .These questions would be reformulated and focus them more on online Zoophilic porno content only. So, I could avoid poor measurement by exploring the causes of practicing online Zoophilia from members of a variety of Zoophilic websites. By using the shorted OPS version it would become like in a stratified random sampling. Since I will be using information about the total population of zoophiles, my sampling process could be more efficient. Based on the OPS discussed above there were 11.4% bestiality( curious) 4.1 % bestiality ( heavy)Most inporant This survey might lead me to find out about the causes why some metal stable and professionals individuals prefer to have real sexual interaction with animals. So, I could support strongly the latest

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