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If We Are So Rich Why Aren T We Happy

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Happiness is commonly thought of as simply being in the current state of a positive mood. When people are asked if they are happy, they often respond according to what emotion they are feeling in the present moment. The option of re-interpreting the question in a way where happiness does not only mean “current positive mood” is frequently ignored and sometimes not even known to be an option. While positive emotion is a key element of happiness according to positive psychologist Martin Seligman’s book Flourish, thinking of happiness as the experience of being in a positive mood is only a small part of the true definition of happiness (Seligman 16-26). Before researching happiness in an academic manner, I was too previously a victim of repeating and spreading the same incomplete, incorrect definition of happiness. …show more content…
According to the research of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in the article “If We Are So Rich, Why Aren’t We Happy?”, there is actually a very weak correlation between “material and subjective well-being” (Csikszentmihalyi 822). After doing intensive research and completing multiple readings about happiness, I have come to a conclusion that happiness is a long-term state of being that is attained through an active approach toward everyday decision making while simultaneously is formed by aspects of life in which people have much less control over, such as their genetics and living conditions. Actively making new positive life choices, genetic factors, and the surroundings within one’s living environment all have an equally significant role in determining the quantity of happiness a person will experience and if that person will achieve

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