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Cheesecake Experiment

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Once upon a time in a land far far away there was a scientist with the name Dr. Dre that was taking his daughter to a birthday party at Snoopers. He was in the ball pit and thought it would make a great place for a lab. The ball pit then became his lab. He has always wanted to do this one experiment but he it involved animals that lived in different climates so he knew he wouldn’t be able to do the experiment...but he found the ball pit and it contained all of the climates he needed for each animal. The experiment was to see if you could take hair or fur from different animals if it would be able to make cheesecake. He wanted to use a flamingo, mermaid, dog, alligator, rhino, and and a dinosaur. The mermaid, alligator, flamingo and rhino would …show more content…
The next day when he comes back to Snoopers and sees this weird creature in front of him eating all of the pizza rolls. BOOM!! The creature then dropped all of the pizza rolls. At first he would mad that he was eating all of the pizza rolls but then he noticed how the weird but interesting creature had a little bit of each of his animals. While the creature was eating, all of the other animals were afraid and all hiding in the …show more content…
When he approached the animals he jumped and landed on the ground and the whole earth shook. And they all surrounded the creature and sniffed it and then suddenly accepted the creature as one of their own because technically it was one of them...all of them. He kinda let the cat out of the bag right away because he was acting weird where usually you would want to act normal the first time you’re meeting someone The Flamermaidogilatorhinosoras was always hungry. It would always walk over to the fridge and look for pizza rolls (most likely because it was the first food it had) and if there were no more pizza rolls, the creature would freak out and throw all of the other items at the other animals so each morning Dr. Dre had to stop at the store and fill the fridge with pizza rolls so then everything would be

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