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The Blood Of Olympus Analysis

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IR Essay on “The Blood of Olympus”
In “The Blood of Olympus” Rick Riordan uses friendship, sacrifices, and fate and free will to establish a humorous but serious tone. In “The Blood of Olympus”, we follow seven half-bloods—Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Percy, and Annabeth—on a quest to stop the resurrection of Gaea, the earth mother. And the book is big enough to contain more than seven half-bloods, as another plot follows Reyna and Nico trying to return the Athena Parthenos statue to Camp Half-Blood before an all-out war between the Greeks and the Romans goes into full swing. And they are going through all of this over a stupid prophecy (there's always a prophecy, isn't there?):
Seven half-bloods shall answer the call,
To storm or fire,

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