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Group Programme Intervention Case Study

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In this intervention process there were a lot of things that I could have done differently that may or may not have had a better impact on the end result. The way I approached Kyle in asking him to be a part of this programme could have been done in a more conversation method. For example I asked Kyle directly will he do this programme in a more of a demand way rather than given him an option. This probably made him feel uncomfortable and maybe peer pressured into doing this programme. So in future intervention like this I should try a more of a softer approach sounding as if he has an option on whether he wants to do this programme. Probably the best method when in an approach like this is to start off with a conversation …show more content…
Hygiene is a sensitive topic for some people, which I could have hurt his feelings in this process by singling him out. Carrying out a group programme could stand to be a better learning method. It also provides the opportunity of social inclusion occurring and reduces the chance of him feeling isolated. This was a factor in Kyle becoming addicted to alcohol, depressed and ending up homeless. (N. E. S. F. (2007)
Having a group programme also allows for the process of social learning theory to occur. Social learning theory is a view that people can learn through a process of observing people interacting. If Kyle hears other people mentioning their hygiene routines while observing the value of importance it has on their well-being it may allow for Kyle to think more on correcting his hygiene. Bandura, A. (1977)
I also would change some of the material I used to convey the message to Kyle as I had a lot of notes printed off with very few visual aids and in the end it was the diagram of how to wash your hands that was the most instrumental part of learning for Kyle. This is because it was a visual aid diagram and it made it easier for him to grasp the concept of having good hygiene skills helps improve his self-esteem and contributes towards his basic independent living

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