...CUSTOMER JOURNAL OF BEHAVIOUR The influences of social e-shopping in enhancing young women’s online shopping behaviour Charles Dennis, Brunel University, UK* Alesia Morgan, UltraSoft Technologies Ltd., UK Len Tiu Wright, Business School, De Montfort University, UK Chanaka Jayawardhena, Loughborough University Business School, UK Abstract The background to this paper is that shoppers, particularly women, are motivated by a variety of different reasons, including socialising and enjoyment. Despite the growth of Internet retailing (e-retailing), these social needs are largely unmet in e-shopping. In the high street, women do most of the shopping but online shopping (e-shopping) tends to be dominated by male shoppers. At the same time, social networking is growing fast and is especially popular amongst young females. The purpose of this paper is to draw on prior research about why people shop in order to explore the concept of social e-shopping, based on combining e-shopping with social networking. We propose that shoppers, particularly young females, will prefer social e-shopping to traditional e-shopping. We carried out a qualitative study for our propositions with a comparison experiment, semistructured questionnaire and focus group, to compare a traditional e-shopping website with a social e-shopping one. The findings reveal that young women prefer social e-shopping sites. Both utilitarian and hedonic young adult female shoppers found social e-shopping enjoyable and...
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...Outline one or more explanations of media influence on pro-social behaviour and discuss research support Pro social behaviour is when the acts are intended to benefit others. This is usually seen in fundraising campaigns whereas anti social behaviour is usually seen on the news. The social learning theory explains this by learning through media as indirect reinforcement; the media portrays pro-social behaviour as if you see people helping charities then you become aroused to do the same. Hearold in 1987 completed a meta analysis of over 1000 studies seeing the effect of TV on behaviour. Overall he found pro-social to be more effective than anti-social in effecting people. This study is recognised due to the large amount of studies it used so can be generalised to a lot of different places around the world. However, making a conclusion from this many studies is difficult to operate. Another explanation of the media influence is exposure to the pro-social messages. Children watching TV are exposed to a large number of pro-social acts. An early content analysis of US broadcasting found that on average there were 11 altruistic acts and 6 sympathetic behaviours per programming (Skrafkin 1075). However these acts are frequently appeared in the context of anti-social behaviour. From this we can conclude that studies continue to demonstrate pro-social content on TV is clearly as evident as anti-social behaviour. Howard and Roberts 2002 studied toddlers from the age of 14 months watching...
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...and Practice in Psychology (Criminal Behaviour) “Criminal behaviour runs in families”. Discuss this statement in light of the nature-nurture debate and considering recent and relevant literature. For a number of years the dilemma of whether criminal behaviour is inherent in families or is triggered by various external factors in an individual’s environment has influenced and inspired an abundance of both criminological and psychological research. Many replicable studies have been conducted in an attempt to establish the core source of deviant and/or criminal actions , and whether such actions are to be attributed to genetics, or to one’s environment , nature or nurture. This paper shall seek to establish, where possible , the route to criminal behaviour and evaluate potential factors that could influence an individual to become delinquent . Gottfredson & Hirschi (1990) set forth a general theory of crime that identified low self-control as the main causal factor. Their theory also proposed the notion that parents play the decisive role in either nurturing or thwarting the development of self-control – dependant on the parent’s ability to monitor and supervise a child’s behaviour and respond appropriately to anti-social behaviour. They claim that parents are the sole contributors to the cause of low self-control and therefore they reject potential genetic contributions in their theory . Their theory illustrates that criminal behaviour is simply caused by one’s parental socialization...
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...Social Influence: Key Terminology Agentic state a state of feeling controlled by an authority figure, and therefore lacking a sense of personal responsibility. Authoritarian personality identified by Adorno et al. as someone who is more likely to be obedient. These people tend to hold rigid beliefs, and to be hostile towards other groups and submissive to authority. Autokinetic effect - a visual illusion where a small spot of light in a darkened room appears to be moving when in fact it is stationary. Autonomous state - being aware of the consequences of our actions and therefore taking voluntary control of our behaviour. Buffers - aspects of situations that protect people from having to confront the results of their actions. Collectivistic cultures - cultures (such as many in the Far East) in which the emphasis is on group solidarity and interdependence. Commitment - an individual's involvement in, and motivation for, a given viewpoint. Compliance - conforming to the majority view in order to be liked, or to avoid ridicule or social exclusion. Compliance occurs more readily with public behaviour than private behaviour, and is based on power. Conformity - changes in behaviour and/or attitudes occurring in response Consistency - the extent to which the same opinions are expressed by all minority group members (interindividual consistency) and over time (intra-individual consistency). Conversion - the influence of the minority on the majority. This is likely to affect...
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...Social influence is the change in the way that an individual behave, think or comport themselves that occur when they relate or interact with another individual or groups of individuals (Rashotte, 2007, p.562). These changes may be deliberate or sometimes occur subconsciously and the individual in question may not be aware of them (Wood, 2000). There are various forms of social influence among which the most important and widely recognised ones are conformity and obedience. They are concepts that put into perspective how individuals’ behaviours are affected or influenced in a group or social circumstances. This essay looks to explore compliance and obedience in detail. It may seem sometimes these two concepts might be slightly similar in how they affect behaviour in such situations; however they are not to be confused for each other. This essay aims to clarify such perception and distinctively point out the similarities and differences between these two concepts by exploring how they come about and factors that influence them using relevant research evidence. Conformity can be defined as the inclination by individuals to modify their attitudes or manner of behaving to suit that of the social standards. It simply means to succumb to pressures of the society (Crutchfield, 1955) However, it does not necessarily mean that their opinion or perception has changed; it simply means that they have changed their behaviour just for the purpose of being considered acceptable by the society...
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...Social norms theory: this theory aims to understand the environment and interpersonal influences (such as peers) in order to change behaviour, which can be more effective than a focus on the individual to change behaviour. The social norm theory suggests our behaviour is influenced by the misperception of how people think. Ideal conditions for social norms marketing: the target market thinks “everyone is doing it” when in fact they are in the minority. The target market then engages in the desirable/undesirable behaviour using the justification “everyone is doing it” Misperception: it feeds itself and grows – if the norm is people are being safe, make the ‘norm’ more visible. Examples: Safe sex In reality people are being safe using condoms but people think that no one is using them. Drink driving: people believe its safer to not drink drive and not everyone drinks excessively – exception to the rule that if you make that more visible, people feel like they belong. The misperception is not reality – it’s appropriate to bring out the norm when the behaviour change (safe change) is the norm. The main idea is to make it more visible. HEALTH BELIEF MODEL: The health belie model is a psychological model that attempts to explain and predict health behaviours. This is done by focusing on the attitudes and beliefs of individuals. Example Example of using health belief model – safe sex & HIV – what’s going to assist in likely behaviour change? Perceived susceptibility:...
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...Consumer Behaviour – MKT 510 Consumer Behaviour – MKT 510 Vishal Saraiya - 11509973 Assessment 1: - Case: Struggling to make the best buy. Lecturer: Deborah D’Cruz Date: - 9th December, 2013 Vishal Saraiya - 11509973 Assessment 1: - Case: Struggling to make the best buy. Lecturer: Deborah D’Cruz Date: - 9th December, 2013 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Definition of Situational Influences 3 2.a Physical Surroundings 4 2.B Social Surroundings 4 3. Identification of Situational Influences 5 3.A Social Surroundings 5 3.B Temporal Surroundings 5 3.C Task Definition 6 4. Application of Situational Influence 7 5. Conclusion 8 6. References 9 1. Introduction This report is going to discuss and evaluate the importance of the situational influence and focus on the case provided towards a Kate’s struggling to best buy, where her boyfriend’s birthday was fast approaching and what all factors affected in making the decision. This report will firstly research and discuss in detail about the situational influences which affects consumer decision to purchase a product or service. Under which it will focus on two key influences and substantiate on these concepts. Secondly, it will identify and briefly describe three particular situational influences as evident from the given case study affecting Kate’s purchase decision. Thirdly, it will discuss how a marketer might be able to utilise “situation” to market a specific...
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...IMPACT OF SOCIAL NETWORKING WEBSITES ON SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS DR.JANGAIAH REEBA SARA KOSHY Introduction • Social Networking Websites (SNS) provides a virtual social space for individuals. • Popular SNSs are Facebook,Google+,Twitter • 1.2 billion worldwide SNS users • SNS Usage in India: Age Group 13-17 is 20.6% • Tools of teenage communication -Wall posts, status updates, thumbs up etc… NEED AND SIGNIFICANCE • Internet – center of communication • SNS an unavoidable part of adolescent lifestyle • SNS affect internal and external growth of adolescents • This study will help: School administrators Parents Teachers Students PROBLEM STATEMENT This study is aimed at determining the impact of social networking websites on the social behaviour and academic performance of the secondary school students. OBJECTIVES To study • The extent of exposure to SNS by secondary school students. • The impact of SNS on student’s social behavior ;interactions and disruptive behavior • The impact of SNS on academic performance • Suggest the need for awareness about influences of SNS in students • Suggest appropriate curricular activities to develop self-discipline while using SNS in students REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE • Thembekile.O.Mayayise (2008): Social impact of internet on high school learners • John Manual C.Asilo et al. (2010): influence of SNS on interpersonal relationships of students(age group:12-16) • Kaitlyn Flad...
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...Theory This chapter presents the theories behind consumer behaviour. It will also discuss online consumer behaviour in order to continue with the identification of the influencing factors. The theories of consumer behaviour will be used in order to be able to find consumer segments that will show whom the identified factors affect. 3.1 Introduction This dissertation aims at finding factors that affect the online consumer’s buying behaviour. By reading literature concerning consumer characteristics and online consumer characteristics we believe to find implications for certain factors that are of importance for the online consumer. The Internet is a worldwide accessible series of computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol. It is a "network of networks" that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail, file transfer, the interlinked Web pages and other documents of the World Wide Web. Originally the Internet was mainly used by academics, research scientists and students; however that scenario has changed as commercial organizations have moved to incorporate the World Wide Web into their promotional campaigns, and by offering the facility of online purchasing (Jobber & Fahy, 2003). The Internet has evolved into a worldwide accessible marketplace for information exchange and e-commerce. The strategic...
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...Media Topic 1: Explanations of Media Influences on Antisocial Behaviour Observational Learning Where individuals observe and imitate the behaviour of others. Many argue that watching television can teach viewers violent behaviour/draw their attention to behaviours they wouldn’t have previously considered. Bandura (1983) used his Social Learning Theory to explain this. Watching violent role models may increase violent behaviour in those who are already motivated to behave aggressively. TV may also teach viewers the positive and negative consequences of behaving aggressively. Research on the role of observational learning from media in antisocial behaviour has shown: ‐ Bandura et al (1986): Children aged 3‐5 were shown films of a model behaving aggressively towards a “bobo doll”. The doll was hit, thrown, sat on and punched in the nose 3 times during the film. The children were then lead to laboratory containing toys (including the bobo doll), and were observed during free play. 88% of the children imitated the behaviour seen in the film‐ significantly more than a control group of children who did not see the film. ‐ Bobo dolls do not retaliate when hit. This raises questions as to how much this study tells us about the effect of media influences on antisocial behaviour towards other human beings. ‐ Smith et al (2004): The children’s behave would be better defined as “rough and tumble play” rather than aggression. ‐ Some have labelled Bandura’s study as artificial...
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...Allport described an attitude as “A mental and neural state of readiness, organised through experience, exerting directive or dynamic influence upon the individual’s response to all objects and situations with which it is related” (Allport, 1935, page 810). Overtime attitudes have come up a lot in social psychology research, especially the question whether attitudes can predict behaviour. In the 1920’s and 1930’s, the main focus was on attitude measurement and whether there was a relationship with these measurements and behaviour. The 1950’s and 1960’s concentrated on the dynamics of revolution in the attitudes of an individual. From this the attebtion was on the “cognitive and social structure and function of attitudes and attitude systems..” (as cited by Hogg and Vaughan, page 148). Researchers of attitudes in the current era, believe that attitude leads behaviour and influences decision for action, although it is not directly apparent. This essay is going to explore many different theories and ideas, about how attitudes relate to behaviour and evaluate the question “to what extent do attitudes predict behaviour?”. Firstly, it can be supported that attitudes do predict behavior to an extent, with the theories that Azjen and Fishbein proposed. With the assumption that attitudes have more of an influence on our behaviour than our general beliefs, Fishbein and Ajzen used their theory of reasoned action to address this matter directly. They looked into what factors, other...
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...Jeff Bray Consumer Behaviour Theory: Approaches and Models Consumer Behaviour Theory: Approaches and Models...............................................2 1.1 Consumer behaviour & consumer decision making ............................................2 1.2 Theoretical approaches to the study of consumer behaviour..............................3 1.3 Economic Man .....................................................................................................4 1.4 Psychodynamic Approach ...................................................................................4 1.5 Behaviourist Approach ........................................................................................5 1.6 Cognitive Approach .............................................................................................6 1.6.1 Cognitive Models of Consumer Behaviour ..................................................9 Analytic Cognitive Models ..................................................................10 Prescriptive Cognitive Models............................................................20 1.7 Humanistic Approach ........................................................................................25 1.7.1 Humanistic Models of Consumer Behaviour..............................................25 1.9 Summary ............................................................................................................28 References..................................
Words: 10006 - Pages: 41
...SOST30202: Assessed Assignment 1 Literature: The collective dynamics of smoking in a large social network by Christakis N, Fowler J. Social network analysis [SNA] is the mapping and measuring of relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations, computers, URLs, and other connected information/knowledge entities. The nodes in the network are the people and groups while the links show relationships or flows between the nodes. SNA provides both a visual and a mathematical analysis of human relationships (Orgnet, 2013). It is a study of social networks and how the network someone belongs to affects that individual and also how the individual selects or affects (influences) the network. This report will focus on the concepts namely influence, selection and homophily separately and also with reference to the literature, ‘The Collective Dynamics of Smoking in a Large Social Network’ by Christakis and Fowler (2008) and will then attempt to assess the results of the study and discuss the various questions in poses for its readers. Andrew Lansley, Member of the British Parliament said, ‘’Peer pressure and social norms are powerful influences on behaviour, and they are classic excuses’’. This quote is very apt to what the literature in question talks about. Christakis and Fowler (2008) inspect the scale of person-to-person spread of smoking behaviour and the extent to which clusters of people quit together, using network analytic methods and longitudinal statistical models...
Words: 2798 - Pages: 12
...motivating behaviour change, influencing people, and promoting learning using various persuasive strategies [28, 29, 51]. Persuasive technologies (PTs) for health––which are designed as interventions with the primary purpose of changing a user’s behaviour or attitude without using coercion or deception [17, 50] have attracted the attention of researchers, physicians, and health practitioners as a novel approach for motivating desirable health behaviour using various persuasive strategies. Research has shown that persuasive technologies can be strategically designed to motivate desirable behaviour change; for example, to help people overcome addictive behaviours such...
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...Jeff Bray Consumer Behaviour Theory: Approaches and Models Consumer Behaviour Theory: Approaches and Models...............................................2 1.1 Consumer behaviour & consumer decision making ............................................2 1.2 Theoretical approaches to the study of consumer behaviour..............................3 1.3 Economic Man .....................................................................................................4 1.4 Psychodynamic Approach ...................................................................................4 1.5 Behaviourist Approach ........................................................................................5 1.6 Cognitive Approach .............................................................................................6 1.6.1 Cognitive Models of Consumer Behaviour ..................................................9 Analytic Cognitive Models ..................................................................10 Prescriptive Cognitive Models............................................................20 1.7 Humanistic Approach ........................................................................................25 1.7.1 Humanistic Models of Consumer Behaviour..............................................25 1.9 Summary ............................................................................................................28 References.................
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