...Module 3 Assignment Social Media Marketing Plan Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/module-3-assignment-social-media/ 1. Review the AERN websites and conduct a SWOT analysis. 1. An example is attached below. 2. State the objectives of the social media plan 1. This should be no longer than a paragraph. 2. The objectives should include SMART goals that are measurable The Alabama Entrepreneurial Research Network: http://aern.cba.ua.edu/about/index.html http://aern.cba.ua.edu/about/brochure.pdf Social Media Marketing Plan Assignment One Open a new Word document, set the font to Times New Roman11pt, the line spacing to double, and the margins 1 inch, and save the document as Your Name_m3 (e.g. BearBryant_m3). In this document please complete the following: • Review the AERN websites and conduct a SWOT analysis. o An example is listed below. • State the objectives of the social media plan o This should be no longer than a paragraph. o The objectives should include SMART goals that are measurable. Example: Benjamin Moore’s SWOT Analysis (p. 38) Strengths: • Loyal customers • High brand equity • Unsolicited testimonials from design community • Quality products • High levels of earned media in traditional media outlets Weaknesses: • Price premium • Limited media budget Opportunities: • Social media as a cost-efficient channel • Do-it-yourself mentality combined with fear of choosing the wrong color in end consumers ...
Words: 260 - Pages: 2
...Module 3 Assignment Social Media Marketing Plan Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/module-3-assignment-social-media/ 1. Review the AERN websites and conduct a SWOT analysis. 1. An example is attached below. 2. State the objectives of the social media plan 1. This should be no longer than a paragraph. 2. The objectives should include SMART goals that are measurable The Alabama Entrepreneurial Research Network: http://aern.cba.ua.edu/about/index.html http://aern.cba.ua.edu/about/brochure.pdf Social Media Marketing Plan Assignment One Open a new Word document, set the font to Times New Roman11pt, the line spacing to double, and the margins 1 inch, and save the document as Your Name_m3 (e.g. BearBryant_m3). In this document please complete the following: • Review the AERN websites and conduct a SWOT analysis. o An example is listed below. • State the objectives of the social media plan o This should be no longer than a paragraph. o The objectives should include SMART goals that are measurable. Example: Benjamin Moore’s SWOT Analysis (p. 38) Strengths: • Loyal customers • High brand equity • Unsolicited testimonials from design community • Quality products • High levels of earned media in traditional media outlets Weaknesses: • Price premium • Limited media budget Opportunities: • Social media as a cost-efficient channel • Do-it-yourself mentality combined with fear of choosing the wrong color in end consumers ...
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...戴尔笔记本电脑 中国大学生市场社会化媒体营销 策 划 书 管理学院13级2班 何宇涵 13314070 2014年9月19日 概述 戴尔公司线上直销的经营模式十分适合进行社会化媒体营销。大学生群体亦是笔记本电脑消费的重要群体之一。本策划即针对中国的大学生市场开展戴尔笔记本的营销。由于戴尔已建成完善的CRM体系和社交社区平台,本策划着眼于借助线上活动制造“buzz”:“How Dell You, Alien?!”和“戴尔助力优秀学子”。 环境简析 公司概况 戴尔(中国)有限公司成立于1998年,业务涉及台式电脑、笔记本电脑、服务器等。戴尔笔记本电脑在中国的市场份额排名第三,约为10%,仅次于联想的35%和华硕的14.5%(2014上半年)。 SWOT分析 本分析仅讨论戴尔在中国的营销情况,不涉及世界市场及电脑技术问题。 * S 优势 1. 依靠出色供应链管理建立的线上直销的经营模式:不设专卖店,省去了中间商的维护成本。这也是戴尔的标志性营销措施。 2. 个性化定制服务,顾客可以根据自己的需要调整电脑的配置; 3. 产品质量出色,在同行业中有“质量领导者”的地位。 * W劣势 1. 与联想、华硕等主要竞争者的同配置笔记本相比,价格较高。 2. 在三四线城市的品牌知名度不高,远不及“联想”的品牌家喻户晓。 * O机遇 1. 10年前,网购的安全性不被广大消费者信任。而如今网上购物逐渐成为潮流,戴尔的线上直销模式更容易为消费者所接受。 2. 大学教育愈发依赖电脑,大学生群体的市场需求量巨大。 * T 威胁 1. 替代品平板电脑对市场的侵蚀。平板电脑虽然配置不高,但是能胜任学生的学习需要,而且其轻薄便捷的特性是笔记本电脑无法媲美的。而戴尔在平板电脑领域并无建树。 目标顾客分析 大学生群体是笔记本电脑消费的主力军,也是本次营销的目标顾客。中国的在校大学生(包括大专)超过4500万人,且几乎每人都需要使用电脑,这是非常庞大的细分市场。再进一步分析消费者的行为习惯,不难发现,相当一部分大学生都会在高考结束后的暑假购买笔记本电脑,并且使用多年。所以,我们还专门针对高考结束后的准大一学生开展促销活动。 这一群体的购买需求是刚性需求(因学业需要不得不买),且作为熟练使用电脑和网络的群体,超过2/3的人会在购买前通过电脑门户网站或社交媒体了解电脑相关信息。这使得社交媒体营销大有可为。 营销目标说明 由于大学生群体消费能力有限而戴尔的价格不具备优势,因此戴尔应该在学生群体中塑造更为突出的品牌形象以换取品牌的溢价,并辅以促销手段刺激潜在客户购买。 故营销的目标包括在大学生群体中提高市场份额、提升品牌形象:在大学生群体中,品牌认同度超越华硕、与联想的差距缩小至40%,并在四年内,市场份额提升50%。 选择社交媒体区域和载体 戴尔公司本身已具备完善的官方网站、官方微博和线上支付平台,以及从促销到售后服务到公益全面覆盖的微信平台,故不再提及。我的营销重点在于依靠创意制造热点活动,着眼用户的分享和顾客的情感体验。 区域类型 | 载体 | 主要作用 | 社交娱乐/发布 | App游戏软件,微博 | 塑造品牌形象;提高品牌知名度 | 社交商业 | 官网线上购买促销活动 | 在不有损品牌形象的前提下迅速抢占市场份额 | 线上营销活动措施 1. “How Dell You, Alien?!” ...
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...Week 8 Assignment Your Company Name: Marketing Plan Your Name Date Your Degree Program Partial Fulfillment in the Requirements for MKT 500 Strayer University Your Company Name: Marketing Plan Executive Summary (Thoroughly revise your executive summary from Assignment 1, based on the outcomes and implementation of your marketing plan.) You do not have to hit TAB or ENTER to space over, the template is set for you. Simply highlight and retype over this information. Company Introduction and Mission Statement (Thoroughly develop your company’s mission statement and company introduction) Simply highlight and retype over this information. Branding, Pricing, and Distribution Plans (Discuss why the branding, pricing, and distribution strategies are so important to a business.) Simply highlight and retype over this information. Branding Strategy (Thoroughly develop the company’s branding plan.) Simply highlight and retype over this information. Pricing Strategy (Thoroughly develop the company’s pricing plan.) Simply highlight and retype over this information. Distribution Strategy (Thoroughly develop the company’s distribution plan.) Simply highlight and retype over this information. Competition (Thoroughly classify the company’s major competitors as inter- or intra-competitors. Thoroughly categorize the competitors’ major strengths and weaknesses. Discuss at least 3 major competitors and...
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...Social Media Marketing Abstract Social media marketing is the new source of how consumers and companies communicate. It is aides the newest entrepreneur on how to build company growth. The future of social media will now be an advantage of how companies can get ahead of their competitors. Social Media Marketing Social Media Marketing has become the norm of society because it exists within everyday living. Many people are logged into different social sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and communicate with each other through those sites on a daily basis. Companies have capitalized on social media to advertise and market their brands. Because so many people are logged on, they would be able to communicate and research with consumers on their needs. This would effectively give companies the advantage of building a better marketing plan. Most companies rely on social media nowadays more than ever because the world is dependent on technology. With the amount of consumers that are communicating over the Internet, they can establish or recreate their brands to compete with other companies in their industry. Social media marketing begins with understanding the consumer and what better way to do that then to learn and study their social behaviors. It also helps gain access to companies on how to serve the consumer better. Popularity of Social Media Most large companies have marketing teams that create ideas and brainstorms for the next great marketing plan for...
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...Social Media Marketing: Getting the Point Across Walter Williams Strayer University Introduction In an age where technology is everything social media marketing has become a major instrument in organizations’ advertising strategies. With the development of several social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram there are so many avenues available for companies to advertise their products and services. In this paper I will be discussing why the use of social media marketing has increased dramatically for businesses, the advantages and disadvantages of social media marketing for entrepreneurs, how Pepsi has gain an edge with customer insight with the use of social media marketing, the impact that social media marketing will have over the next decade, and the skills need to take advantages of social media marketing. I will also provide two businesses that use social media marketing and how their use allows them to gain an edge on competition. Social Media Marketing Today Social media marketing has experienced a large increase over the last couple years. An overwhelming 94 percent of marketers, when surveyed, stated they employ social media marketing in their advertising (Stelzner, p. 10). Although, according to Stelzner, this number dropped 7% from the previous year, social media marketing is still highly beneficial to a vast majority of businesses. Influencing the power of content and social media marketing can help increase customer fan base and audience...
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...“Social media has become the marketing tool for the 21st century and companies should exploit it fully if they are to survive.” Is social media really the solution to all marketing problems? Discuss. “Social media’, also referred to as consumer-generated media, is web-based software and services that contain anything which can be displayed electronically, allowing users from different parts of the world to exchange, discuss, communicate and participate in any form of social interaction online (Ryan and Jones, 2012). Marketing is also developing as a conversation more than other forms. Using social media as a marketing strategy is easy and convenient. In addition, it is a powerful tool and more effective than a traditional ones, so it has been generally considered that social media is the key to solving all marketing problems. However, that is not the case; there is some disutility related to social media use in marketing. The essay will discuss both the positive and negative impact of social media on marketing. Using social media in marketing can benefit companies a lot. Ryan and Jones (2012) state that it is good for companies to join the conversation in social media marketing because customers are getting together and discussing about everything relevant to them already whether they are involved or not. in other word, social media is irresistible in marketing. Companies can easily gain information about what customers think and are interested in through social media,...
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... Jennifer Harrison Southern New Hampshire University Prince Tennis has continually revolutionized tennis with its introduction of new products. Prince uses global marketing to reach its international customer base and the company uses a social media marketing scheme to reach its younger consumers. A partnership with some of the game’s most prominent players is helping Prince Global Sports strengthen its reputation in the tennis market. Prince is using a global marking plan that utilizes social media, player sponsorships, grass root programs, point of purchase programs and print and television ads. Prince should develop a website that reflects the sport of tennis; by using interactive games on their site they could grab the attention of their customers better. The company already employs a good social marketing scheme, but Facebook, Twitter and You Tube could be better used by Prince. The Prince brand could do a better job of reaching out to its customers with more of its own retail stores and possible their own tennis facilities. Prince needs to continue to partner with some of the game’s most prominent players, this will help Prince Global Sports strengthen its reputation and let the global tennis community know that Prince is back in the game. Prince already uses social marketing to reach its younger consumers. The company also uses professional athletes to influence the market. Junior players especially want to use products that they see on television...
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...just that. The Basics of a Business Proposal Before you even go and start writing that business proposal, you must first understand what it is and learn the basics. A business proposal is a written document that offers a particular product or service to a potential buyer or client. There are generally two kinds of business proposals: solicited business proposals (which are submitted in response to an advertisement published by the buyer or client) and unsolicited proposals (submitted or given out to potential buyers or clients even though they are not requesting for one). Business Proposal vs. Business Plan Quite often, the terms “business proposal” and “business plan” are used interchangeably, giving you the impression that they are one and the same. But they are not.7 A business proposal is created to offer a product or service to a buyer or client. On the other hand, a business plan is a “formal statement of a set of business goals” and how these would be achieved. The latter is only part of what is included in a business proposal. 3 Ps of a Winning Business Proposal The secret behind writing a winning business proposal and one that will just be set aside is the presence of what I call the 3 Ps: problem statement, proposed solution, and pricing information....
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...ASSIGNMENT DIGITAL PLAN – Individual Pre Work Timbuk2 Digital Marketing Strategy Analysis POSITIVE | NEGATIVE | Website * Simple and effective layout * Relevant content * Advertises events, contests and programs for customers to participate (4th July Sale, “Golden Ticket” Contest, Bike Share) | Calls-to-Action * Not clear * Customer needs to browse through the page to find Contact information * Should have obvious positioning (top right/left), larger font and contrasting color. | Social Media Marketing * Excellent customer service approach (inquiries answered in an hour) * Timbuk2 customers can follow posts from the brand on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Timbuk2 Blog. * Social media integration with website * Adds credibility with real time sharing and by engaging their audience | SEO * Low prominence on organic search results * Frequently searched keywords do not match with the brand unless this one is specifically searched for * Should consider adding relevant keywords to website might increase traffic | Content Strategy * Customer decides whether they want to sign up for newsletters and offers * Provides customized information if customer desires (selecting preferences and gender) * Intuitive navigation * Enjoyable browsing experience | Not Mobile Friendly * Does not have a Mobile App * Website is not mobile friendly * Webpage does not adjust to a smartphone screen * Customers might become frustrated trying...
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...business. Section 5 explains why web traffics is not a good indicator for web sales or website success and make recommendations to improve the website. Section 6 recommend Sina Weibo as the social media tool for marketing of the business and explain barriers to use this medium. Recommendations are made. Section 7 explains how the restaurant can use mobile App to marketing and increase sales. Section 8 is concerning with system customization. Section 9 discusses the importance of data security and potential threats as well as recommendation to secure the data. Section 10 is a conclusion. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 1. Introduction 3 2. Chosen Business 4 3. Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence (BI) 4 4. Porter’s Five Forces Model 5 4.1. An Analysis of Buyer Power and Supplier Power 5 4.1.1 The bargaining Power of Buyer 5 4.1.2 The Bargaining Power of Supplier 5 4.1.3 Strategies to combat the competition 6 4.2. An Analysis of Rivalry, Entry Barriers and The Threat of Substitute Products 6 4.2.1 The intensity of Rivalry 6 4.2.2 The Threat of New Entrants 7 4.2.3 The Threat of Substitutes 7 5 Website Success 7 5.1 Why Measuring Web Traffic Is Not a Good Indicator 7 5.2 Make recommendations on ways to improve the website 8 6 Social Media 8 6.1...
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...Capacity Needs Biddy’s Bakery was started as a hobby for Elizabeth and her friends and not with the intent to be a big business. Elizabeth’s business had a slow start and operated at a loss for the first few years. When Elizabeth moved her business into a larger building, she did not consider decreases in future profits and customers. When business started out to be slow and then increased slowly, Elizabeth should have taken that as a sign not to be too aggressive in her approach to obtain more space. It would have been a different situation if business would have increased consistently from the time it became known. The expansion to the storage area in the initial location of Biddy’s was a smart decision. It allowed there to be extra space while not taking too much of a risk. “Capacity planning is the process of projecting future capacity needs based on current company use and industry trends. For example, the gradual increase of a production workforce in response to an increase in product demand is capacity planning. A company invests significant resources into capacity planning, including the purchase of new equipment and the leasing of new facilities. Understanding the advantages of capacity planning can help justify the costs” (Anderson). The following are elements that Elizabeth should have considered when evaluating capacity needs before moving into the larger facility: Monitor Costs If Elizabeth would have taken into account facilities, personnel...
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...brands but are not necessarily brand loyal. They are educated either in high school, college or college graduates. Our customers are in middle to upper middle income brackets and are living on a budget, and pay close attention to their spending habits. Are they users of social media? Based on survey results our customers are considered heavy users. They use many social outlets such as Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. To keep up with trends and to voice their opinions, consumers must regularly follow brands and designers; to review consumer motivations and concerns and to maintain public interest, designers must regularly update their sites and responses. Who are all competitors? Our vendors can be considered our competitors since our product is handed down to us second hand. Vendors sell original products in large quantity. Our sellers are also competitors, there is no legal obligation for them to do so. What social media activities are their marketing and promotional plans? No designer or brand inherently holds power in the social media realm, some luxury fashion brands have been resistant to joining the social media presence. However, this refusal to prompt consumers’ interests on social media sites inadvertently...
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...CHIEF CONTENT OFFICER Reports To Chief Executive Officer/Chief Operating Officer (smaller enterprise) or Chief Marketing Officer/VP of Marketing (larger enterprise) Position Summary The Chief Content Officer (CCO) oversees all marketing content initiatives, both internal and external, across multiple platforms and formats to drive sales, engagement, retention, leads and positive customer behavior. This individual is an expert in all things related to content and channel optimization, brand consistency, segmentation and localization, analytics and meaningful measurement. The position collaborates with the departments of public relations, communications, marketing, customer service, IT and human resources to help define both the brand story and the story as interpreted by the customer. Responsibilities Ultimately, the job of the CCO is to think like a publisher/journalist, leading the development of content initiatives in all forms to drive new and current business. This includes: • Ensuring all content is on-brand, consistent in terms of style, quality and tone of voice, and optimized for search and user experience for all channels of content including online, social media, email, point of purchase, mobile, video, print and in-person. This is to be done for each buyer persona within the enterprise. • Mapping out a content strategy that supports and extends marketing initiatives, both short- and long-term, determining which methods work for the brand and why. Continuous evolvement...
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...Proposal for Online Business Expansion A1. Viability of Service Get Fit is a fitness training business based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Get Fit has a clientele of people of all ages, gender and fitness levels. The operation currently operates successfully at several physical locations and is seeking to expand the online presence. Get Fit offers several fitness options with the most popular being the customized, one on one fitness plan. This plan provides written nutrition and activity planning and up to six hours on personal instruction per week with a certified trainer. In addition to our personal fitness services we also offer group classes such as Zumba, Body Pump, Insanity, Cycling and more. All of the classes are taught by certified trainers and nutritionists. Get Fit presently has a website promoting the services available at the physical location the current website has a list of locations, group fitness calendars for each location and a description of the services that we offer. In addition to all of our services our website also has a client feedback form. Due to the popularity of the services and feedback from clients at Get Fit’s physical locations we have decided to explore the online training options. Get Fit is seeking to expand its services to include one on one personal fitness and nutrition consultation via video chat sites such as Skype, Oovo and Tango. The classes would provide the personal one on one fitness instruction to the clients; these sessions...
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