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Social Work Case Study: Substance Abuse

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Carrie is a 25 year old skinny caucasian woman. She is married and has 2 children. She has a seven year old boy named Joe Jr, and a four year old girl named Rachel. Her Husband Joe is 30 years old, and does very well for the family financially. Joe is the sole financial provider in the family, which makes Carries codependence on him even more extreme . Carrie is especially dependent on Joe since she has only had one job as a cocktail server, and had never completed high school due to the fact that Joe had gotten her pregnant. With little to no job experience, or a GED causes a even greater dependence on her husband. Their family live a very wealthy lifestyle otherwise. The only mention of a possible affiliation with a religion, is that her minister from her church has previously encouraged her to attend church activities. Her minister has also reached out to her to see if she is handling her parenting demands well.
2. Presenting problems; reason for referral …show more content…
She is unable to admit that she is an addict especially when she has examples in her life who use more than she does which gives her the idea that she isn't an addict since she does not abuse drugs to their extent. Since she does not believe that she fits the stereotypical appearance or lifestyle of being an addict, she refuses to admit that she herself is one. In this scenario, I work at a local substance abuse assessment and outpatient treatment clinic. I am a substance abuse counselor, and Carrie was referred to me by my clinical supervisor who counsels Carries Husband

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