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Social Work Empowerment Paper

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The term empowerment has been used by many, without really understanding the meaning. The aim of this paper is to point out the meanings that are given to the term empowerment in various contexts, this paper will then also discuss each of these meanings of empowerment. Furthermore this paper will also aim to critically analyse the social work intervention from the point of view of empowerment. This paper will then outline the ways this approach can be beneficial to both social work clients and professional social workers. Empowerment is not something that comes easily, rather empowerment is a development that challenges a person assumption about the way things are and can be. This is also challenging towards a person assumptions about power, helping, achieving and succeeding (Joe, 2015). In order for one to understand or be able to explain the concept of empowerment, one needs to understand the general concept of power. …show more content…
The possibility of empowerment depends on two things. Firstly, empowerment want that power can change (Joes, 2015). If power cannot be change, if it is basic in positions or people, then empowerment is not possible, nor is empowerment imaginable in any meaningful way. In other words if it is possible for power to change, then empowerment is possible. Secondly, the idea of empowerment somewhat depends upon the impression that power can grow. This second stage reflects ones common experience of power rather than how one think about power. In order to clarify these points, this paper will firstly point out, the universal meaning of power, along with different areas in which empowerment is show by both the social work clients and professional social

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