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Social Work Experience

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My Experiences, Goals, and Reasons for Entering the Social Work Discipline

Social work, a “practice-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people” has always piqued my interest (“Global Definition of Social Work,” 2016). Throughout my lifetime, I have learned to recognize the importance of the empowerment of individuals and communities and have learned to value human rights and diversity, which has enabled me to develop an interest in this career path. My experience with those in need of social relief services and my knowledge of national issues involving discrimination and oppression has inspired me to pursue my passion of helping others through the social work profession. Meeting people who are in need of social relief and have been failed by the current social system has awakened my awareness of the immense social need present in our society. In and around my hometown, I have passed many people who are homeless standing and begging on the streets while heading to school …show more content…
Throughout the past year, many situations involving police violence and discrimination against people of color has engendered a civil rights movement known as Black Lives Matter, which has heightened my awareness of the inequality that still remains in our society. Additionally, contemporary issues involving gay marriage and transgender bathroom rights, particularly those surrounding North Carolina’s House Bill 2, which require transgender persons to use the bathrooms corresponding to their birth sex, emphasize the prejudice enacted against members of the LGBTQ community. Such instances of inequity and intolerance enabled me to develop a keen interest in professional social policy

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