...and offering the services they need. The policy provides permanent, affordable housing to families and individuals suffering from homelessness (National Alliance to End Homelessness, 2014). This policy approach differs from other related strategies in its primary and immediate emphasis on providing accessible and sustainable housing solution. 2. A historical context, explaining the introduction of the social policy. Conventionally, most of the providers of housing to the homeless made it a necessity to show evidence of “housing readiness.” Some of the requirements were to enter treatment or to achieve sobriety before offering permanent housing. To address this problem, the Housing First program needs to provide permanent supportive housing. Being different and separate program from "rapid re-housing", it is a relatively new invention in social policy and human service programs. Being an innovation, this program has not undergone major changes. However, it spanned off from past programs to provide housing to the homeless. It developed as a substitute to emergency shelter/transitional housing progressions system. Major changes in policy have led to the actual implementation of this Housing First program. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 signed in February 2009 is one of these changes. The act would provide funding for the “Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program” (HPRP). The Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act...
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...faced crisis, which is the lack of shelter for different kind of people and families who need this; homelessness problem became more important, because it changes to be worse and dangers to the lives and safety of the homeless. Next, homelessness’ causes are a lot and complicated. There is no one solution to solve the problem, because of the different causes, reasons, situations, and needs. Increasing the number of the homeless and must of them did not meet the basic human needs. The Federal Government is reasonable to solve this problem. The federal government gives money to states, when they accept the terms of the act, which is a conditional funding...
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...Brady was talking to Brittany when the voices started again. One moment he was discussing the weather with her and the next he could barely understand her because the voices were so loud. This time the voices were telling him that he was useless and that Brittany deserved better. He argued with them that he was perfect for her. Then the next thing he knew Brittany was flirting with another guy and hanging all over him. Brady started screaming at her to stop, but it was as if she could not hear him. Brady collapsed and started crying. What Brady did not realize was that Brittany was still sitting across from him and had never left. Brady was suffering from a schizophrenic episode. He had lost touch with reality and could not see what was actually happening. Definition of Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a psychological disorder. If a person has hallucinations, delusions, disorganized behavior or catatonic behavior and disorganized speech, one may have schizophrenia. In the world, there is approximately one percent that is affected by schizophrenia. Schizophrenic symptoms tend to be universal and similar. Some cultural variations do exist. A person with schizophrenia tends not to be able to interpret reality normally. A person with schizophrenia will tend to start showing symptoms during young adulthood, usually before the age of 19. Some contributory factors have been traced back to genetics, neurobiology, psychological or social processes, and early environment. Prescription...
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...socialization Process by which individuals acquire the knowledge, language, social skills, and value to conform to the norms and roles required for integration into a group or community. It is a combination of both self-imposed (because the individual wants to conform) and externally-imposed rules, and the expectations of the others. In an organizational setting, socialization refers to the process through which a new employee 'learns the ropes,' by becoming sensitive to the formal and informal power structure and the explicit and implicit rules of behavior. See also organizational culture and orientation. Elements of Socialization[edit] Socialization is a fundamental sociological concept, comprising a number of elements. While not every sociologist will agree which elements are the most important, or even how to define some of the elements of socialization, the elements outlined below should help clarify what is meant by socialization. Goals of Socialization[edit] A kindergarten in Afghanistan. Arnett,[1] in presenting a new theoretical understanding of socialization (see below), outlined what he believes to be the three goals of socialization: impulse control and the development of a conscience role preparation and performance, including occupational roles, gender roles, and roles in institutions such as marriage and parenthood the cultivation of sources of meaning, or what is important, valued, and to be lived for In short, socialization is the process that prepares...
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...Bourgois and Jeff Schonberg examine the world of the Edgewater homeless community, an indigent group that established an encampment beside a freeway near San Francisco, California. While it is evident throughout the book that the main characters have unique lived experiences, it remains clear that they all share one major struggle: substance abuse. The authors provide an in-depth exploration of the everyday lives of the Edgewater homeless community, depicting some of the gruesome realities that are associated with heroin addiction. Throughout the book, the authors highlight the intersectionality of homelessness, substance abuse, poverty, race, class, gender,...
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...Cause and Effect of Poverty Barbara Virgo Strayer University Abstract Over the past twenty five years it seem as if poverty has become an Institution in the United States of America, with so much structural changes, economic structuring such as the shifting of manufacturing employment, the high rate of mental illness, the increasing high school drop out rate, the skyrocketing rates of incarceration, with single parenting on the rise and most alarmingly is the amounts of children living in poverty. The risk of not working or working low paying jobs is essential for poverty overload that can lead to the breakdown of family system and the lack of willpower to even address this issue. In the United States years of poverty will “contributes to financial hardships, inadequate housing, substandard schools, and deteriorating neighborhood”. (Dashiff, 2009, p. 23-32). Poverty is voiceless yet powerful enough to cause enormous burden on those that are trapped without any means of escaping its fury. The Unites States Census Bureau revealed that poverty is estimated to affect over thirty five million people, including thirteen million of which are children. Poverty is becoming an epidemic problem in the United States of America; it is unfortunate that even though the United States is a very rich developed country it is associated with so many people living in poverty, deplorable, destitute conditions (there is so much blame to go around.) Poverty is when the basic human...
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...and doing so by receiving supports in the least restrictive environment possible. The goal of deinstitutionalization was to develop a full range of community services that would take the place of institutions. Several driving forces were behind this: the development of psychiatric drugs, the belief that people should receive treatment as opposed to institutionalization, and federal policy and funding. Many hoped that these factors would greatly reduce and perhaps even eliminate mental illness. The individual transitioning from institutions, their family, and society were all impacted by this new direction. Most were not prepared for this move. The lack of planning and adequate treatment led to many unforeseen consequences such as homelessness and incarceration. A shift to community based care was encouraged through the Mental Health Centers Act of 1963. Various services were offered but unfortunately they focused more on helping people who did not present a serious mental illness. Mental health reform has come a long way since the start of deinstitutionalization. Today, individuals with a mental illness or intellectual developmental disability have a much larger option of services they can receive to assist them with remaining active members of their community. History of Deinstitutionalization One of...
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...Policy by Karen Spuriel Coleman- MBA Abstract Homelessness among youth in the U.S. is disturbingly common, with an estimated annual prevalence of at least 5 percent for those ages 12 to 17. Although homeless youth appear throughout the nation, they are most visible in major cities. Rigorous research on this special population is sparse, making it difficult to capture an accurate and complete picture. Despite its limitations, recent research describes homeless youth as a large and diverse group. Many homeless youth have multiple overlapping problems including medical, substance abuse, and emotional and mental problems. Literature suggests that comprehensive and tailored services are needed that address both the immediate and long-term needs of homeless youth. Where appropriate, services should include assistance with meeting basic needs as perceived by youth as a gateway to other needed services. In addition to serving those already homeless, interventions are needed to prevent homelessness among at-risk youth. Lessons for Practitioners, Policy Makers, and Researchers • As used here, the term “homeless youth” focuses on minors who have experienced literal homelessness on their own—i.e., who have spent at least one night either in a shelter or "on the streets" without adult supervision. On occasion, where warranted by the research being discussed, the term is also used to describe homeless young adults up to age 24. • Homelessness among youth in the U.S. is disturbingly common...
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...According to INAC, the term for Aboriginal peoples is defined as: “a collective name for the original peoples of North America and their descendants. The Canadian constitution recognizes three groups of Aboriginal people: Indians (commonly referred to as First Nations), Métis and Inuit. These are three distinct peoples with unique histories, languages, cultural practices and spiritual beliefs. More than one million people in Canada identify themselves as an Aboriginal person, according to the 2006 Census.” (Indigenous Nationhood) Although many Aboriginal peoples in Canada identify as being Aboriginal, many Aboriginal peoples struggle to maintain or gain a sense of cultural identity due to the Canadian Governments assimilation policies. Throughout this paper I will discuss how the Indian Act, the Canadian Residential School System, and the Sixties Scoop assimilated Aboriginal peoples into a European way of life, by attempting to integrate them into society by abolishing their Aboriginal identities. This assimilation process impacted Aboriginal peoples in negative ways throughout the generations socially, culturally, and economically. The negative impacts within child welfare system, educational institutions, and the socio-economic status of Aboriginal peoples today, prove assimilation and the total integration of Aboriginal peoples within mainstream society is unacceptable. Decolonization techniques should be applied within those areas in order combat the long lasting effects of...
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...1 of 20 Which of the following conclusions would sociologists most likely agree upon when discussing the importance of the sociological perspective? | It opens a window to unfamiliar worlds and offers a fresh look at familiar worlds. | | It verifies our basic assumptions about life and the need to focus on human needs. | | It challenges cultural tradition to provide a new framework of human understanding. | | It enforces social solidarity and expands the importance of the social imperative. | 1 out of 1 Correct!! 2 of 20 The event that most inspired Auguste Comte to pose the question, "What holds society together?" and begin developing sociology as a science was the ________. | industrialization of society | | discovery of the new world by Christopher Columbus | | development of the psychoanalytic approach | | French Revolution | 1 out of 1 Correct!! Question 3 of 20 Based on the theories formulated by Karl Marx, what was the ultimate goal of the proletariat? | The proletariat sought to establish a democratic society and independence. | | The proletariat wanted to develop a society with a strong middle class. | | The proletariat sought to develop a classless society free of exploitation. | | The proletariat wanted to establish capitalism and a higher standard of living for all. | 1 out of 1 Correct!! 4 of 20 What sociological phrase is used to describe "opening a window onto unfamiliar worlds and offering a fresh...
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...only to serve coffee and donuts, to some of us, that seems like a great big deal because now Tim Hortons offers a wide range of products to consume in, it has changed from being that small corner coffee shop to a break time lunch location. The city of Toronto for example is surrounded by many different coffee places at every corner of the city, franchises like Starbucks, McDonalds, Timothy’s coffee and Second Cup are only some of the popular coffee places of today’s generation but the question is, do they target the same general consumer population or do they target different groups, and the answer is yes, they are all targeted towards different social classes indirectly. When was the last time that one saw an individual experiencing homelessness was drinking a Christmas drink from Starbucks or eating a gourmet brownie from Second Cup, well the answer is hardly, unfortunately many other franchises such as the ones listed before don’t serve all cliental, meaning, their prices, their marketing and their products overall do not target the population in general, it segregates individuals into their separate classes and financial differences, different franchise are geared to different individuals which not only enforces class segregation but creates an unfortunate consumer identity that categorizes people based on what they consume. Is that really how we should...
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...In the opening paragraph, it was asserted that it was on the shoulders of society for the responsibility of these increases in violent crime. The following paragraphs are the reasons that will prove my arguments. The forces of social control affect every aspect of an individual in a society such as Canadian Society. That is, it is the attempt that society makes to regulate behavior of its citizens within that society. Some examples of these society enforced roles are our status roles, which place us into a hierarchy that is given to us by society. Their are both positive and negative structures and factors to enforce these laws rules created by the society. Positive being praise, wealth and power for abiding by the laws of a given society. Negative enforcers are disgrace, negative praise etc ... and other forms of deterrence that are created by society. These levels of punishment equal the importance of the laws that they enforce in the eyes of the society. Laws against criminal behavior has the criminal justice system in place to enforce and act as a form of social control. “A formal system that responds to the alleged violations of laws using police, courts and punishments …” Therefore although society as a whole sees crime as a personal failure and a choice of the individual to act upon. Society is the anvil on which ideas of good and evil are wrought and the individuals are hammered into conformity with applied force that is physical and personality shaping. ...
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...environment My professional role is the director of a faith base substance abuse residential recovery organization in Kansas City, Missouri for homeless women, committed to overcoming their addiction and becoming responsible, productive drug and alcohol free members of the community. Author’s Tsai, Rosenheck, Kasprow & Mcquire (2012) study differentiated between programs that were once religious but are now secular from programs that have always been secular and programs that currently have a religious orientation. As a director for a non-profit organization and private business owner, this organization is to be considered a “service provider” facility, working directly to house, heal, feed, clothe, and educate females experiencing homelessness. Supervise a staff of 10, including an assistant director. B. Describe the population The organization would provide services to 30 single females in a Bible-based residential recovery program. Funded by Federal, State, City and private funders. The funding will be used for staff salary, food, utilities, up keep of the building, etc. Females would range from 25-45 years of age. C. Identify the appropriate code of professional ethics Ethical Standards of Human Service Professionals (2015), Retrieved from http://www.nationalhumanservices.org/ethical-standards-for-hs-professionals 1. Inform consent – Standard 2 Human service professionals obtain informed consent to provide services to clients at the beginning...
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...SSC1 - General Education Social Science Course of Study Theories and Methods What is the role of science and the scientific method in the social sciences? The purpose of the social sciences is to study systematically all aspects of the human condition and of human behavior, using a methodology borrowed from the physical sciences wherever possible. This insistence on systematic and methodical study is what distinguishes the social sciences from philosophy, art, and literature, which also comment and reflect on all facets of the human condition. In fact, insights into the nature of human behavior and the characteristics of societies have been expressed by artists, poets, and philosophers since time immemorial. How do the social sciences differ from natural and physical science? Competencies covered by this subject 113.1.1 - Social Science Theory and Methodology Scientific Method in Social Science To prepare for further study in this domain, you will want to familiarize yourself with ways in which the scientific method is applied in the social sciences. Keep in mind the crucial comparison between social and natural science. Consider the following questions: What is the scientific method? Scientific Method for Sociology An area of inquiry is a scientific discipline if its investigators use the scientific method, which is a systematic approach to researching questions and problems through objective and accurate observation, collection and analysis of data, direct experimentation...
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...Internet and Society Abstract A growing body of research shows that internet has a huge impact on the society. Based on secondary data available with us, we are expanding the design of impact of internet with reference to youth in India. The maximum usage of internet is done by Gen Y. They use internet for different purposes like Social Media, Email and chatting, Entertainment, E-Commerce and Internet Banking to some extent. We will be showing the fraction of the society using internet and also designing the impact of internet on the mindset of them. Both, positive as well as negative impacts will be drafted. We will be also showing the time spent by an average person on the internet. Introduction Internet The internet is an international system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard internet protocol suite to connect users worldwide. It is composed of a network of smaller networks, from personal computers to large university systems, all of which are linked by various wireless, electronic, and optical technologies. The term “Internet” is the shortened from of the term ‘internetwork’. Global Scenario & Indian Scenario The internet today connects more than 2 billion people worldwide. The internet has a tremendous impact on global economy which contributes around 3 percent of world GDP. The usage of an internet has been predominant in India over the past ten years. Internet penetration in the country may not have crossed 16% of its population...
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