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Sociology: Gender


Submitted By penguinhat
Words 778
Pages 4
Short Essay
Topic: Gender
Gender is a social characteristic that a society considers as a proper behavior and attitude for its male and female population. However, not every time are both gender treated equally, especially the minority group – women.
From one of the article I did my researched on, it says that in India, girls can’t seem to win. Even though India is on the advance, culture, economics, demographics, education and reproductive systems all play a part on how girls are valued, or not, in India. Different countries have different culture. And in the case of India, sons, not daughter, are more valued as in certain religious rites, the son are permitted to contribute economically to the family and to take care of the parents in old age. Wealthy family desirous of one or two children uses sex selection abortion to insure the birth of a son, as do poorer families who cannot afford multiple dowries. In India custom, the girl parents have to pay for the dowries instead of the guy parent. So, in order for the poorer families to not pay for multiple dowries, they would aim to have a son instead of a daughter. They feel that having a son would be beneficial to them as it is liken to receiving an asset if a girl is married into their families. Thus, for the wealthy to get wealthier, they would of course prefer a son. However, due to the value of boy over girl, India has a skewed sex ratio of more male than female. This is due to the increase of female foeticide, neglect of a girl child and sex selection abortion. As quoted from the article, “up to 12 million girls have been aborted in the past three decades, usually by wealthier families when the first born is a girl”. China is encountering the same kind of problem due to the one child policy that their government has implemented. As it is their belief that only a male heir can continue the family generation,

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