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Gender Inequality Sociology

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Our social class has a lot of influence on our life chances. For example, people who suffer from poverty have less chance to pursue higher education or having efficient health care. A lot of people in southern California are also facing similar issues where their monthly income does not cover the rent, utility bills, food and other expense. For instance, a car wash worker, who makes the minimum wage (ten dollars) per hour and receives about twenty to forty dollars in tips, earns about $1,680 to $2,160 a month (assuming this person works five hours a day, six days a week and four weeks a month). The current market for renting an apartment ranges from $1,500 to $1,800 a month for a one-bedroom apartment. Due to the increased renting price, there is hardly money left for proper health care or …show more content…
Without a healthy body, it is hard to pay attention in class for children and difficult to perform well on the job for the adults. Therefore, people in poverty are definitely having shorter life span compared to the rich, who have more capitals and resources. Feminization of poverty, which stands for the social norms females are taking a bigger percentage of the poor population. This social norm reflects at least two gender stereotypes against females. First, women, viewed as the more gentle gender, are traditionally thought to take the role of taking care of the whole family. In most of the developing countries, females are not valued equally with males in a family setting. Females are often viewed as the caretaker of the family instead of having to work. Second, females have more disadvantages in the job market than males. Some companies believe that females are less aggressive in the business environment, and females pay more attention to their family instead of solely focusing on the job

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