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Socrates Vs Hobbes

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There is almost complete agreement among philosophers that a political obligation exists, or that there is a moral obligation to obey the law. There are numerous accounts of “political obligation,” or a moral obligation to obey the law of whatever state or country one lives in. Yet, a satisfactory account of political obligation—one that most political philosophers can agree on—has not yet been made, though attempts go back to at least as far as Socrates’ time. I will argue that there is no general prima facie moral obligation to obey the law, though there are various ethical reasons to obey most laws. Hobbes views fidelity to law as necessary for two reasons: an agreement to obey the law is part of the social contract—once the agreement to obey the sovereign is made, breaking the law is immoral. Secondly, …show more content…
I’m going to briefly speak of each of these to give a better idea of the issues surrounding political obligation. The first is a claim that citizens of a government have in some way, usually through a form of participation in society, agreed to obey the law. The problems with such theories is the difficulty of defining something that most citizens have actually done as real consent, the sort that can back a general obligation to obey the law. An account based on gratitude would argue that all citizens receive certain benefits from the state and owe it obedience in return. The problem with this idea is the question of whether an institution is something someone can owe a debt of gratitude to.
One perspective is that gratitude is owed only to those who intentionally and at significant cost to themselves provide us with benefits—it’s clear that this can’t really be said of the state. The principle of fair play maintains that if a group of people participate in a just, mutually beneficial system, each individual has an obligation to equally share the burdens of the

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